Is it wrong that my daughter sleeps in the same bed as her father?

I’m divorced, and my daughter, who is seven and a half, lives with me most of the time. At my place she sleeps in her own bed. Once in s blue moon, she cuddles up in my bed, but I guess she has been sharing a bed with my ex-husband most of the time. I’m curious to know if sleeping with her father on a regular basis is healthy at her age, or am I just overreacting?


Nope…you said it yourself that you sleep in the same bed as her so how is it any different?

You’re overreacting imo. She just misses her daddy & wants to snuggle.


I believe you’re over reacting.


My daughter did at that age after divorce. No big deal


If she isn’t showing signs of him doing wrong why would it be wrong for him to lay or co sleep with his children? He’s a parent as well as you. I wouldn’t question you sleeping with your seven year old son just saying.


Yes, you are overreacting. Quit looking for issues.


could be she is scared at his house and feels safe with her dad…if it bothers you too much ask him to do a blow up mattress in his room she may than slowly move to her own room

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My husband and children sleep together all the time. I do not see it as weird or a problem.


My daughter is 7 as well and I have her 98% of the time, the couple of nights she goes with her dad, she too sleeps with him. I don’t think it’s weird at all. She misses her dad


My 7yo son sleeps with me almost every night. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

At that age it’s no biggie but as she gets older and closer to puberty she needs her own room and bed to sleep in at dads!

Overreacting. When I was that age I slept in my dads bed a lot. Not sure why but I just remember doing it


Needs her own room and bed

You’re over reacting. My friend she would of stayed sleeping in her dad bed up until about high school. But her step mom kicked her out. And a few years later he died. Get those cuddles in no matter what age before its too late. Shit even ill climb into my parents bed with my kids to take naps if we are over their house. Its a good bond to have with family

Isn’t this a nail page


Hella over reacting. When I visit I still go bug my dad and lay with him and watch tv lol

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Maybe instead of bashing the mother for intact worrying about her child offer advise.
Maybe you could ask your daughter how she feels about it and then if your gut instinct is the same as her answer then start questioning what can be changed. I agree that if he is doing no wrong then maybe take a few big breaths and re address the situation at the end of the year. I know where you are coming from as I know some of my friends have had there period and developed early at like age 8 so I get your concern.

It’s ok to sleep with you but not her dad? :thinking:


Why is this crap coming up on these pages? :roll_eyes:


My son is 11 and still crawls in my bed once or twice a week

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Co sleeping is actually better for a child, my son slept with me until he was 9. Now 6 years later I’m still adjusting to having my own bed after raising 5 kiddos😂

Sounds like you’re over reacting. Sounds like she sees you all the time, she misses her dad.

Nothing wrong. If it was boy and he gets in bed with you it will be ok. People are looking for whats not there to justify there issues…

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I was 13 still sleeping in my dads bed when he’d let me nothing wrong with it.

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I think you’re overreacting. Let the girl snuggle her daddy while she still wants too


Is that not her dad ?

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My stepdaughters are 11 and 13. They still climb in bed with their dad…


What Nail color is this???

People who make a big thing out of nothing are the ones who are Always creating something :100:

Bye bye Nails 2 die for!

you need help…seriously women like you make me cringe…this man has done nothing inappropriate and you put this in the air SHAME ON YOU

My son is 11 and everynight he sleeps in my bed. Soon enough she will be all grown up. A girl needs her father. She needs that security. 7 is still a baby. My God

she misses her father because he doesnt live in the home with her …you are psycho


If there have never been any signs or suspicion of abuse then yes you are in my opinion overreacting.


You’re looking for trouble.


Some times kids just wanna cuddle with their mommies and daddies.

Does she have her own bed at his house? Because maybe he needs to look into that for her. As long as there’s a bed that’s hers available to her.

Maybe she misses him & needs that bonding. Nothing wrong with dads cuddling their children. Be happy she has a father who gives a f**k. :roll_eyes:

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Honestly if nothing malicious is going on it’s fine. It’s a comfort binding time.

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You are over reacting. If she sleeps fine in her own bed, there is nothing wrong with her sleeping with dad when he has her. My 8 year old sleeps with her dad when he sees her on the weekends, not bc she can’t sleep on her own but bc he wants her to sleep with him to be closer. She reads him a bedtime story and he usually falls asleep before she does lol.


Im sorry but why is this on a nail page? Join a parenting group? Admin???


Only if it’s okay for her to get in bed with you :woman_shrugging:t5::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If anyone has a problem with this, it’s because they didn’t have a healthy relationship with their father growing up


I don’t think she’s looking for trouble, it was a genuine question that she wasn’t sure of. My dad always used to lay with me up until the time I was in middle school and personally I wasn’t always comfortable with it when I started getting older maybe she felt a similar way aka why she ASKED.

It’s her father :woman_facepalming:t4: y’all gotta stop sexualizing everything a man does with his child. There’s nothing wrong with this. If the girl can sleep in the same bed as her mother there should be absolutely nothing wrong with her sleeping in the same bed as her father.

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I wouldn’t say there’s anything to worry about but her sleeping with him every night she’s at his place isn’t healthy, from a psychological stand point children shouldn’t co sleep at all, cuddling up and sleeping with you once and a while or for obvious reasons like they are sick or had a bad dream but other than that just letting them sleep with you all the time isn’t healthy for parents and the children

She probably misses him :woman_shrugging:


Depends on if your daughter says she feels uncomfortable or you have knowledge of something. If not then it’s absolutely fine. I’m 28 and when I go to my parents house ESPECIALLY after a long day at work I crawl in bed with my parents (or just my dad if my mom is at work) and nap alllll the time. For some reason your parents bed is just better. :two_hearts::sleeping: :bed: :sparkles:


Maybe she feels more secure in the same room as him. I really think your over thinking this unless there is signs of something else.


That’s her father. If you are iffy about it, maybe you shouldn’t have have kids with him. (I promise I mean no harm) when I was 13-16 I went to my daddy’s apartment every Saturday night because I wanted to go to church with him on sundays and we shared a bed. There is literally nothing wrong with it unless you make something wrong with it


Nothing wrong with it. My daughter was 8 1/2 months pregnant, she was sick and couldn’t sleep. She came home ang cuddled up to her Dad.


Definitely over reacting. I would leave it be.


My son is almost 8 and I ask him to come in my bed all the time because he is the youngest and I love the snuggles and the endless conversations we have because I know time is too short and I will dread the day he wouldn’t want to


Have you posted this before? I’ve read a post like this not too long ago on a site (I don’t remember which). No, there isn’t anything wrong with it, especiallyif she can also sleep with you. If she is educated on good/bad touch, she could let you know if something happens, just as she should tell him if you were inappropriate.


I see nothing wrong with it…my 6 year old son will still crawl into my bed and sleep with me…

I think its weird for a girl or boy to do that at 7


Overreacting unless you know something we don’t don’t worry about it I’m sure if something was bothering her she would tell you or someone else she trust

No issue unless you make it one.


So it’s ok to share a bed with u but not her dad
If it bothers u u clearly don’t trust him so why let her go


It has actually been proven that children that sleep with a parent are more confident in themselves. There is nothing wrong with her sleeping with her father.


If anyone has an issue with the bio dad allowing his daughter to sleep in the same bed has a sick twisted mind.


Definitely over reacting(and I hate the expression over reacting believe me).

If it were your son sleeping in your bed at that age you wouldn’t question it and you’d be pissed if the father accused you of anything.

Also unless your daughter herself says that she is uncomfortable with it then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I had 5 siblings and we would fight over who got cuddles with dad in his recliner ALL THE TIME and when him and my mom separated and we’d go to his house(by then my older sister was done moved out) but me, my brother and my two little sisters would all climb up in dads bed with him on nights we stayed with him. Completely normal.

I’m so confused by the “it’s wrong comments”. This is her father not some random man. if she trust him enough to have a kid with him and continue to send her child with him then I don’t see the problem. If the child is saying something is happening that’s where we have a problem. If it’s just a father laying with his daughter some of you are bugging. My father napped with us until we were 17 or 18 it’s not disgusting.

Not weird unless he’s a pedophile. My nephew still sleeps with my sister and he’s 6.

These are some stupid questions.

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My son is 8 75% of the time sleeps with me

I slept in my dads bed when it was his weekend until I was about 14. Since I wasn’t there all the time I wasn’t comfortable by myself :woman_shrugging:t2:


Serious question… Would it be any different if y’all were still together and she did it? Nope. This is perfectly fine. She’s 7. Hell I’m 29 and if I wanna sprawl across my parents bed. Ima do just that. Now, will they tell me to get the hell on ? Oh I’m sure :joy: but not because it’s wrong. Because I’m almost 30 :rofl:

Seriously, she probably feels safer sleeping next to him. I think you are overreacting

Hhmm is it only a problem now he’s an ex :woman_shrugging:


YES absolutely :100: wrong !!!


You’re overreacting!

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Ain’t nothing like the cuddle from you kids😔 my son think he too old and he only 6

My opinion that’s creepy.


Idu the issue maybe her dad is her safe space… does she have her own bed ? Does she willingly choose to sleep there is so it’s definitely not a bad thing. I slept in my parents bed till I was an adult no lie. Obviously not on a regular basis but it’s where I felt at home. Now that my father is gone those are the memories I carry. Taking naps as a teen with the parents. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Nothing is wrong with it. She needs support in her on way.

I’d say be cautious, I know someone who would let her daughter sleep in the same bed as her father and turns out he was abusing her for years

I personally would say no - but also make sure that she knows if she ever feels uncomfortable for any reason she can call you to come get her right away and that can tell you without you getting upset with her. Or you could all three sit down and have that conversation.


These are different times ,you see and hear so many things…and you truly never know a person…I wouldn’t let my child male or female…

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She needs to be in her own bed :sleeping_bed:

Nope not wrong…I mean you said it she stays with you most of the time…she doesn’t feel comfortable sleeping by herself at his house because she isn’t used to that room…simple as that…you are making something suspicious that just isn’t the case


If he isn’t forcing her then I don’t see the issue? Do they sleep naked together? Forcing it is a serious problem if she just wants to be close to her dad. 🤷

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Please do not sexualize this an get some help


You are so over-reacting!


I swear I seen this exact question before.


Sorry but that would not be okay with me for simple reasons I have trust issues with my family due to sexual harassment and I would find that off putting. Even if the dad never done or meant to do harm, I still wouldn’t like it. And a lot of places have a legal issue with that as well. I know where I live does at least I’m pretty sure . That’s what I’ve been told my whole life.

Wow not everything needs to be sound it like that how about it’s her dad she feels safe by him I don’t think any dad would do something to their child

I see nothing wrong with it, as a child I would miss my dad when he was gone at work and when he was home thats where he spent his time so I would lay in bed with him and watch TV. We would fall asleep. There were many occasions that my mother didn’t like it or thought that it was wrong but I just wanted to be close to my dad who I didn’t see very often because of work and school. I still to this day hang with my dad while he lays in bed. If his girlfriend wouldn’t get mad about it I’d lay in bed with him and watch TV like we use to.
My daughter lays in bed with my dad and her father and falls asleep. We leave her there. No problems and my daughter is 8. So I understand where you are concerned but little girls just want their Dads and to be close to them. While she is young let her be as close as she wants, there will be a day where she wants nothing to do with him or you like that and you will miss it.

I think it’s fine. My brothers come over every second weekend and while they have a room with bunk beds, my youngest brother chooses to sleep with my dad, even tho he has his own bed and sleeps by himself at his mums house. For him I think he just prefers to share a bed with dad because he’s with mum most of the time so he likes just to spend that little bit of extra time with dad, which could also be your daughters reason.

Nope my daughter used to sleep with her dad when she would see him. They out grow it. Its only an issue because that’s what u want it to be.

I don’t think it’s wrong at all. Maybe she feels safer with him. Only way it’d be wrong is if he’s touched her inappropriately then hell ya but a father is their protector and not a peditor. In fact if I go visit my dad and he’s not feeling good or whatever and is laying down I’ll go cuddle up with him. He’s my daddy. I’m 37 and still feel there’s nothing wrong with it.


Over reacting…nope…as long as she is happy…that ok to sleep with a parent


What’s your gut say? You know your child and you know your ex, is there a reason you feel uncomfortable with it. (I’m not asking you to tell me) just yourself

It’s not wrong unless your kid is acting strange or complaining about it. My ex husband still lets my 12&7 year old sleep in his bed if they want to but doesn’t make them. But if they’re watching a movie they might all fall asleep etc


You are totally overreacting

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Not so sure but I don’t think you’re overreacting

Lol. Your daughter is just seeking comfort from her father. Don’t make it seem so suspicious. I’m almost 30 and I definitely would cuddle up to my mom or dad and nap. It’s not weird unless you make it weird. And if this is the only concern you have about her father, like, you seem very concerned…to post anonymously to a page. My point is, you shouldn’t be letting her go there if this is an actual valid concern. Fucking Christ, lady.

Not wrong at all unless looked at in that way! As a parent we all do what works for us!! Xx


Its weird because if it was the mom the children was sleeping with no one would question it. Sleeping with the father is creepy such a double standard get your minds out of the gutter.

It might be a security issue if she doesn’t live with him girls tend to latch on to their father


As long as he’s not sexually touching her then it’s fine…


Would it be a problem if he wasn’t an ex? Stop sexualizing your child and the relationship with her father. I used to sleep in the bed with my dad when I stayed at his house too because I missed my dad and I didn’t feel comfortable sleeping alone in a new environment. If he’s making her sleep with him, then maybe you should have some concern but if she is choosing to do so - I wouldn’t lose too much sleep over it.