Is it wrong to force vegan on your toddler? Is there a safe way to do this? My sister is vegan and is trying to force this on her child too but i feel like he will not get what he needs…
We aren’t dietitians or pediatricians, I mean some may be but the majority are not. This is something that needs to be discussed with one or both professionals to accurately answer this. Everyone is different.
It doesn’t hurt to ask though, hope everything works out for her and the baby.
It’s not something I would do without a good understanding of the heath needs and what food are necessary to get the nutrients needed to grow healthy.
Only his pediatrician is going to be able to evaluate if his nutritional needs are being met or not. If he starts to look sickly, has low energy, loses weight, it’d be concerning.
What is wrong is you worrying about how your sister parent. Mind your business.
1: none of your business…2: if they don’t introduce their child to foods they don’t eat its not forced, it’s natural…BUTT OUT!!
Some toddlers survive off of gold fish and gummy snacks. He will be fine.
It’s her child and between her and her pediatrician
Are you "forcing* your child to eat animal products?
Only his doctor can properly answer this
Yes. We are omnivores for a reason. There is so much development happening at that stage of life, optimal nutrition is imperative. Toddlers tend to be picky and don’t eat enough as is, so to put them on a diet that needs close monitoring for adults, is just too risky to do with a young child. Take choline for example (essential for brain development), you’d have to consume 3 cups of broccoli (highest plant source) to get that same amount as 1 egg. Parents have a hard time getting their toddler to eat 1 piece of broccoli let alone 3 whole cups of it.
Most people don’t do it right… it’s an ick for me personally.
My son wanted to be vegetarian when he was younger. In solidarity, I did it with him and we lasted 9 months. I’m in 2 minds about it. On the one hand, I allowed him to explore his own values and live his life in a way that reflected those values and I feel that’s important for children. However, on the other hand, studies have shown that vegan children are growing at a significantly slower rate than children who eat animal products. I also believe there are nutrients from meat that are essential for brain development. My son stopped being vegetarian on his own accord and again, I supported that. I wouldn’t personally push my own values and ethics onto a child though, I feel it’s important they come to their own conclusions.
If she is a vegan she should know what the toddler will need to be healthy.
Plus I’m sure the childs doctor will keep an eye on things.
He is not missing out if he is taught her way .
We have to support all parents doing their best .
As a teacher, I have several kids who are vegan or vegetarian. The school provides them the same nutrients from other means that the other kids get. I guess it just depends on research
Not your child not your decision. My hubby doesn’t want our daughter to eat meat I brought it up to our pediatrician who told me that was just fine and we could start giving vitamins to help with anything missing. Will also be testing her regularly to check her levels. But like I said your not his mother so it’s not your business.
I am not vegan, but there is nothing wrong with a child being raised vegan. If mom is vegan, and knows how to cook nutritious and fulfilling meals there’s nothing wrong with it. Dairy alternatives have more vitamins and calcium than real dairy. Tofu is high in protein, but boys have to be careful with how much they eat. As long as she isn’t feeding her child pasta every day claiming it’s “vegan” it should be fine.
All these people saying mind her own business…she’s showing concern for her niece or nephew’s health and well-being. How out of line she is Anyway. As long as baby appears to be getting adequate nutrition I wouldn’t worry. Like a previous person said, they live off cheesy poofs and pudding cups sometimes lol If they become ill-looking or showing signs of a nutrient deficit I would at least start a conversation with your sister about your concerns. Good on you for wanting to make sure the child is doing alright.
The toddler will be just fine. A vegan diet is perfectly fine and nutritious.
You can get everything you need on a vegan diet, only his pedestrian should have a say in if it would be the best interest of the child
Uh I wouldnt exactly say TA BUT I really feel it should be childs choice as/when they get older! I mean why would you wanna deny a child the chance to try different foods & things esp various cultural foods for instance? I mean I know I WOULDNT but Ig to each his own! I just HOPE the parents will be sure the child takes multivitamins & stuff EVERYDAY esp if starting them out on “diets/choices” like that just so as to ensure their getting all vitamins & stuff their body will need as they grow
I mean would the toddler be the only person in the house eating meat? It’s hard to prepare multiple things for multiple people. It’s hard when I’m eating healthy and my family doesn’t lol. My household was 6 and 5 since my daughter moved out. If someone wanted to go vegan idk what I’d do cus I make 1 meal for everyone. I try to take turn making favorites etc but we’re a bigger family. I am not a custom order restaurant. Nutrional needs can be met as vegan and vegetarians.
I definitely wouldn’t force a child to be a vegan. But sadly there’s nothing you can do to change your sisters mind abt it since it’s her child. Just keep an eye on the child.
His nutritional needs can be met with a change in diet. Vegetarian vegan or not. This question should be discussed with a doctor if this is a real concern. Or u could just mind ur own business since it’s ur sister’s kid and not urs
Do I think it’s wrong. Personally yes but if it’s someone else’s life and the child isntbin any danger and the child is healthy, who am I to judge? I mean I’m not vegan and I’m not researching ways to keep my body healthy by having this lifestyle. Also, unless the child is unhealthy and in danger there’s nothing you can do anyway.
I would not say it is forceful if another households values.
It is not different introducing a child to McDonalds or other fast food joints.
Vegan is a lifestyle, more than just food. It’s a moral compassion towards all living creatures.
We are a loosely whole food plant based family, little to no dairy and other animal products.
Healthier than the standard American “diet”
If you think about it, we all force our own diets on our toddlers. We force meat on them if we eat it. We force most our own preferences on them.
You need to know what foods she serves. You would be surprised the vitamins and that protein be found in food other than meat.
While this happened, it could be possible to feed a vegan diet if you were more conscientious about filling nutritional gaps. My take is growing children need animal fats for healthy development but they also need variety. Vegan Mother Jailed for Life After Toddler With Malnutrition Died
There are many families out there that are vegan and there is nothing wrong with it. You can absolutely live a healthy life and meet all of your nutritional needs without consuming animal products.
Ask any pediatrician, Vegan is not a word you should use in Rasing a healthy child. That is a choice they can make much later in life when their bones and muscles are fully formed.
I think it’s wrong yes. I was a vegetarian until I had kids, I decided to eat meat so they wouldn’t pick up on not trying everything…I let them choose when they were older xx
Is it wrong to force a toddler eat dead bodies?
The truth is either way the parent chooses to feed their child they are forcing that lifestyle on their child.
This is NOT your child. Mind your own business.
The real question here is- is it healthy for my sister to allow her toddler to be around his disrespectful aunt (YOU)? The answer is no. Since you’re choosing to disrespect your sister & her parenting her choices you shouldn’t be allowed in the child’s life.
Most Asian Indian are vegan. They have a lot of health problems as adult
I’m a vegetarian since I was 3 my choice. My 9 7 and 2 year old eat meat why because we believe in different things and they are not me.
A proper vegan diet can be very healthy
He’ll be a beta male for sure with all that soy
All vegans don’t get the right protein they need meat