Is it wrong to leave my boyfriend because he doesn't have a job?

I mean have a conversation first

So he cooks, cleans, is supportive of you and treats you with respect? What the hell? Would a single person tell a guy to leave a woman if she stayed home and did all this for a man? If he’s sitting around the house not doing anything except playing video games or on the computer all day, I get it. If he’s running around town while your at work with “friends” I would get it. He’s literally doing everything as a good househusband and your complaining about him not working? Step it up girl and get a better job or career

Sounds like you are just looking for an excuse to walk out on him
If you don’t want to be with him because he doesn’t have a job
Let him go so he can find a woman who truly loves him
Even without a job
And you go and find someone with plenty of money and will make you financially happy

Renee Lynn Edmondson Mary Elizabeth Colon No woman should go through this… Don’t always follow your heart when you’re in when you’re in two minds Think about it.

Time to set him down and lay down the get a job keep it and quit getting money from his mom or hit the road jack you don’t need a mommas boy to support meant keep it

That isn’t selfish, you need a partner who is also contributing to your life together.


No woman should have to carry a man on her back. Dump that man and find a real man who can support himself

If he’s helping out around the house then I wouldn’t be so stuck on him not working outside the home. Now if he did absolutely nothing to help then I’d see a problem with it.

Give him an altimatum tell him either you get a job and keep it or I’m going to have to go. I cannot support us both.

Is he a stay at home dad,is he disabled then no,do you work if not then no but really even a bit of part time work would be good,we can’t say what to do

No, of it had been something the two of you discussed and you could afford to live on one income it would be different. But if the situation bothers you to the point you are thinking about leaving you need to discuss it with him and tell him where you are.

How would you feel if he left you because you didn’t have a job?

If you have to ask us, your question is answered.

If your asking, the thought is already there. LEAVE! Staying makes you a fake and a phony. Tell him how you feel. Obviously your want is a man with money…go for it…leave but tell him why.

I am not being funny but if this was the other way about and the woman couldn’t keep a job a man would have no problems with this if the woman was doing everything else you have mentioned you wanted from the relationship ? So it’s truly upto you if this one thing is bothering you yoh Nedd to have that conversation but are you going to find someone else that makes you feel they way he does ?

You could always get someone that beats the living crap out of you daily and have stability. I think there are worse things. Maybe you could try to talk to him if that’s the only problem that you have with him

I wouldnt have any respect for a man that didn’t work. Lots of jobs out there.Whats his excuse?
Do you have low self esteem?

So then he goes off and gets a job like other men, and what do most of you?!? “oh my man don’t do shit at home”. So u basically want someone who works hard outside the house, works hard inside the house, AND still has time for you?

That’s a slave NOT a partner. just saying.

Men can’t win and most women are just man haters anyway so that’s all you’re gonna hear here.

My partner works so he brings the income in & im a sahm who does the household and looks after baby… I don’t see anything wrong with your situation but yes he should be paying some bills. Communicate and come to an equal understanding🙃

He will never change. You have to decide if you want to support a family

16 years I put up with this. All he gave me was 4 mouths to feed. Im currently 8 years in to a fair marriage. Girl u are not wrong…

He is still pulling his weight by taking care of the house and all that along with being a good guy to you. Sounds like you need to talk to him and motivate him to keep a job. I would give him one more chance, if he can’t hold a job for at least a year then let him go. Let him know it’s time to grow together financially so one day when y’all are old, y’all can be retired And not worry about the financials.

The key factor is why can’t he seem to hold a job? It could be because of unresolved mental health issues. Considering that anxiety is commonly linked to stress, it’s no surprise that many people can’t get a job due to anxiety or struggle to keep their positions because of conditions like social anxiety or generalized anxiety
However, he needs to seek therapy to see why he’s lacking in this area. And then you need to ask yourself why you feel compelled to allow this behavior, because it’s clear it’s causing you some resentment.

How would you feel if the shoe was switched ? Atleast he’s taking care of the home and making sure your straight .

No it isn’t you deserve a partner a equal not someone to keep up .

He’s ok with his mom to be asked BY YOU to help support his household?
While he doesn’t work?
How does it matter that he’s nice to you?
How do you respect a man like that? If you made enough to fully support the family, that’s one thing. Having to rely on his mom is another.
I wouldn’t be asking a parent for help when he is capable of working. I just couldn’t add that burden to a parent like this. You shouldn’t either.

Maybe talk to him and find out why, what’s going on. Is he in the wrong industry. Does he have undiagnosed ADHD, ASD? It’s common to become really bored. really quickly, have anxiety take over etc, if someone is neurodiverse. If he is a good partner to you and treats you well I think you may be regretful with your decision to leave him. Communication is key. Talk to him, help him, support him.

No leave never take care of a man when he’s down cus when he’s up he’ll leave you for someone else girl. Also u want to be the man ? Cus I like feeling like the female it’s suck a turn off for me when men can’t provide or make us step in into our masculinity… I was with my ex for 4 years helped him out when he was down he went up and bounced not worth it leave now you have your whole life ahead of you ! So many good men out there ready to provide !

It would seem that you need a team of professionals, to run your life, and you going back to school to learn some grammar would be helpful to you too! I mean, do as all other people do, when we have to make decisions on what is right or wrong to do in a relationship; Make your own decisions, and if you get it right, that’s great, If you don’t get it right, take the responsibility of your mistakes, taking note of a lesson learned. 6 years, you say?..and this is as far as you’ve gotten? He treats you good? BS! You shouldn’t have to ask him to ‘help with the bills’ ; Sounds to me like that neither he or you are grown up enough to even have a relationship. When I was 19 years old, I had a husband, a baby, and myself, and a full-time 8am to 5pm job to take care of(we both did, and had child in daycare), and on top of that, my husband and I built our own house, and found time to get together with friends and family on the week-ends. i was not, and am likely still not, the ’ brightest spark in the fire-place’, but i never needed to ask anyone the kind of things you are asking here!

It’s good he does so much around the house, the part that bothers me is him asking his mother for money to pay his part of the bills. Not good.