Is leaking breastmilk a sign of pregnancy?

So my youngest is 2 and half years old I only breast fed him for 10 days. I was completely dried up. I am not on any meds no medical problems but today I started leaking what looked like colostrum out of both boobs. Period is supposed to start on the 9th. My question is can you leak out of ur boobs if ur not pregnant. Me and my husband are not trying to get pregnant but we are not preventing it either. We did have sex the day before I ovulated

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is leaking breastmilk a sign of pregnancy?

I would say take a pregnancy test. & It could be your son is making you lactate? I’m just pushing out guesses here

I must say that is actually how I figured out I am pregnant right now


Nope , I don’t think so

I still have l leaks of colostrum sometimes and my youngest is 7 :woman_shrugging:


Could be but I also leaked a year or so after having my kid

Sex on the day before ovulation can result in pregnancy

Leaking also means hormonal issues, as well as some types of cancer.
So, it would be a good idea to check it out with your doctor.


My baby is about to be 5 and I still leak every no and again I breastfed for 4 months

Yes, it happened to me,I have a pituatary tumor. Ask for a prolactin level test.


No lol you don’t develop milk until 3 days after the baby is born!
Even when the baby is born you don’t have actual milk, you have colostrum.


Have your prolactin levels checked then if they are elevated have an mri or your pituitary done.
My first sign was lactating from my breast and my oldest was 6 my youngest was 3 and I had been dried up for years.
I’m not trying to scare you but if you are not pregnant please have your prolactin checked. You could have just a prolactin problem or a prolactinoma tumor as I do.


I’d go to doctor. Could be a sign of a few things not just pregnant


PLEASE have a breast check. This can be a sign of things that need immediate attention.


You can still occasionally leak milk years after you’ve stopped nursing.


Yes but if you arent pregnant get checked by your doctor. There are other things this can be a sign of

Sign of breast cancer too

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Could mean your pregnant or could me you might possibly have a prolactinoma. You should consult with your doctor. Good Luck.

I’m son turns 2 today (the 9th) and a few months ago my boobs started leaking, I only was able to pump when he was an infant for a few weeks before I dried up. No pregnancy. Sometimes your body just does this it’s called galactorrhea

Check with a dr, but it can be! Happened to me both my first and now my second lol.

I’m pregnant 20’weeks and I had a little come out a few weeks ago but it was a small amount and stopped I get regular breast exams.

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Yes check urwith ur doc it a medical issue it can be bad I leaked milk I was past breast feeding n it a lymipod that causes it please get checked


Everyone is different. So the know it all, Alicia can stop laughing at the comments.


I had a brain tumor and this happened to me for a year. :sleepy:


Plactin hormone can cause this or gortia were breast stress not prego have doc check ur plactin gland it can be enlarge or issue with it it can cause milk leaks

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It could also be a symptom to an STD

Most likely a prolactin issue, a medication called Cabergoline helps make it stop. ( MA to a endocrinologist we deal with this a lot )

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I breastfed my first for 19 months. She’s 5 almost 6 now and I’m pregnant with my 2nd. I definitely started leaking in my first trimester. And now in my third trimester I noticed I leak a little bit In the middle of the night. Unless your pregnant or you or someone else is excessively stimulating you I don’t think it’s possible to start lactating randomly on your own.

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Can be a hormonal imbalance too

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Please see a doctor ASAP xx


U need to contact your doctor / gynecologist asap

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My friend had this issue and hers was a block duct

See a doctor, this happened to me, we found out it’s because they’re a mass on my thyroid

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Yes. Is the answer, I have a condition called hyperprolactinemia and produce milk 24/7. It isn’t a party trick though as I once thought as it created a growth in the pituitary gland but the right meds can stabilise it, just unfortunately they will be meds for life

Might want to get that checked out could be other underlining issues


It was the first symptom of my 4th pregnancy, but it can be caused from other things and I’ve personally also had it happen from a hormone issue. Always best to check with your dr

Yes you can there’s several different reasons why one of them being something called fibrocystic breast disease which I have it basically just means lumpy boobs and the lumps or non-cancerous but they press on your milk ducts and cause you to leak stuff sometimes

Could be yes, get checked.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is leaking breastmilk a sign of pregnancy?

It can and cannot be. I’ve leaked and my son is 3 and weaned him a little after a year. Remember sperm can live up to 5 days.

not a sure sign of pregnancy but wouldn’t hurt to take a test since you had unprotected since when you ovulated

My son will be 4 in October an I still leak milk properly once every 2 weeks

I did the first week of pregnancy (i didn’t know i was pregnant the test was negative. It was too early to tell)

Ive had a tubal and partial hysterectomy and i still leak. It can be caused by hormones, some types of birth control, medications, illness, many other things besides pregnancy


No … I still leak every now and again 4 years later

It’s really hard to tell! You can produce up to 5 years after birth. I leaked randomly 1.5 years after my son was born and I for sure wasn’t pregnant. But that doesn’t mean you’re not!! I’d take a test ASAP to find out

I was told you can “leak” up to five years following the birth of your youngest. I didn’t notice years later leaking with any of mine (4) except my youngest… Thats how i know this is normal.

Might want to see an ob/gyn it can be pregnancy but then it can’t …it’s better to see the Dr


That was my first indication of my second pregnancy I was only 3-4 weeks!

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I had breast milk bc I had ovarian cysts my body thought I was pregnant…

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My son will be 3 in December and I still have milk. I did everything I could to dry up as well

My son is 2, and I thought I stopped producing not long after he was 4 months old. I was wrong. I literally just had mastitis two weeks ago. My doctor said it is possible to keep producing up to 2-3 years after your child’s birth. I didn’t even know that.

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Please get checked! This happened when my 32 year old friend found out she has breast cancer, and her youngest was 3.


I had this happen with what looked like breast milk, but I had cyst. Do a test, but if negative please see a doctor.

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As others have mentioned, yes you can be lactating without being pregnant. This started happening to me at 19 and I thought I was pregnant. It turns out I have tumor on my pituitary gland. Complete benign, and as long as it’s under a certain size not too dangerous. My dr monitors it regularly and prior to children I was on medication to shrink it. It can actually prevent you from getting pregnant. My kids are all two years apart and I never stopped lactating in between them (I did breastfeed all of them) and my son is 6 and up until recently I was still having issues. Perhaps yours did not stop either. You probably didn’t notice because it was not actively leaking. Either way, you also could be pregnant! I would start by checking there, and then talk to your doctor. It’s likely not an issue but they can check bloodwork to ensure there are no issues, good luck!

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I didn’t breastfeed with my daughter who is now 4 1/2 and I was producing milk up until I found out I was pregnant. Now that I am close to having my second daughter I am no longer producing anything. Weirdest thing. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Contact your GP ASAP, this could be an underlining issue.

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Sore breasts, followed by leaking was the first thing I noticed with my current pregnancy. It’s my third, and I’ve breastfed each for two years so it was like the HCG kicked in and my body was like “Here, you need this.”

That is how I found out I was pregnant both times. I started leaking at 2 weeks gestation

Mine was for my last child.

That was what I was doing when I learned I had brain tumor

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Why would you not just take a test or go see a dr.


Maybe, maybe not. I know someone who never breastfed and she started leaking (her youngest was like 7 or 8) and it got so bad she had to pump for a few months. Drs said it was hormones, possible from her birth control.

How are we supposed to know….go get a dollar tree PT! I would trust that before I would trust strangers to diagnose you


My daughter is 8 and I started leaking a few months ago. Had a mammogram and nothing. They checked my thyroid nothing. They said it happens without reason sometimes.

Put cabbage leaves in your bra and leave them in there for awhile I thought it was weird but It really does work it dries it up

The best advice is go to your dr. Anything could be causing you to leak from pregnancy to cancer. Good luck

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Go to the Doctor now!!!

Please see a doctor,it could be many things.

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Yes hormones usually but have you had a mammogram letely?

I’m 58 and was leaking im ok but had a mammogram and they found a mass on my other breast which was benign but wow a shocker

See your doctor. It could be a warning sign of other things. Don’t Put it off. Tell them what’s going on . Let them decide why

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My son is 2 and he was never BF but I still leak milk from time to time hahahahaha


See a doctor. I started doing this because I had a brain tumor.

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No had a friend that one breast never stopped leaking her son is 13

I know a man who lactated out of both his boobs

I would have your thyroid tested. Symptom of Hashimoto’s

Go to the doctor. I’m not sure why people are laughing at this. I know 3 people that were all dx with breast CA lately and this was the only sign.


Mine started leaking 2 days after positive

Breasts can still produce milk, even 2 years pp… talk to your doc but don’t worry…

Yes you can. I used to.

You need to go to the doctor this can be a sign of serious medical problems.

Go see your gyno and get a real diagnosis.

My daughter had leaking breasts at age 14. Diagnosed with pituitary tumor. Go to the doctor!

You can still produce up for 5+ years after a baby. I’d still get checked out tho.

My moms leaked during a mammogram! She had been exposed to a rare form of staph and it formed inside of one of her breast

I think you can. Talk to your doctor about it.

If you are asking why not just take a pregnancy test? :joy:

I leaked for 6 and half years after my son was born til my birth control failed and I got pregnant with my daughter. I was in denial and thought it dried up and something told me to take a test to make sure then sure enough I was pregnant.

Can be, but also could be another cause such as prolactinoma. I would talk to your doctor— they’ll probably order some labs.

Happened to me I wasn’t pregnant. Some overproduction of a hormone. It’ll dry up or you can get hormones to even things out

Please get a mammogram. Be safe.

My son is 4.5. I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant with my 2nd but I have randomly leaked since having my son almost 5 years ago and I only breastfed him for 4 months