Is my ex brainwashing my kids?

Listen he’s destroying there confidence they may not be able to live well in the world when they get older but he sees it way he thinks it’s I’m making them strong it’s been an thing someone bullied in to his soul My little girl came home and proudly showed me her paper she’s desalexis her name was all backward and not good I said oh what a wonderful paper but your name how nice you alm

Almost got it on the linenext day more nice stuff kept complimenting her until one day she came home and her name was perfect

That poor little boy…

Get that boy into counseling! Remind him he is smart, handsome, kind and so important. I say this to my son and he repeats after me every night before bed. Build his self esteem at your house and take him for full custody! Ugh I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. Heartbreaking as a momma

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I remember on million air show the man that was trying to answer very hard questions he was doing great he had won a lot of money the man his father was asked if he could do what his son just did and his father said oh I’m a big dummy he’s the smart one this guy gave that young man so much confidence in that powerful statement he was a confident father he don’t care if someone laughed at him later on he didn’t have to tear his kids soul out to feel serperior to him he wanted his son to feel serperior one very clever

I would let him know that you don’t agree with the way he is parenting and he can’t control what you do. So if you want to help your son you are going to and to not scream at you not to do something. And that the way your daughter acts won’t be tolerated at your house. And you will allow things there and that he doesn’t and that’s too bad if he doesn’t like it. And I would tell your kids that the way the father acts is extreme.


Thats insanity :sob: She treats her brother that way because her dad does. My brother and I are the same few years apart and at 9 years old, that shits all learned behavior.

Woahhh that’s extreme I’d call and talk to your attorney before his parenting time again and let them know what’s going on before it gets worse and remind your 9yo that name calling isn’t nice as for your 6yo help him when he needs it and very calmly tell your ex that when it’s your time you will help your children if they need or ask for it his time to be the parent is up it’s your turn


I would take him to court he’s mentally abusing you’re son & then sit down with you’re kids & explain to them you are also their parent just cus their dad says something doesn’t mean they have to do what he says with you that you’re rules are both different


Absolutely not! Do not let him do this. Get full custody if you have to. He will destory your kids psychologically by being this way with them.


I’d document every single thing, and I mean everything to take it all to court to show he’s definitely mistreating those babies. Screamed at you in front of them? Ooh I’d have recorded myself telling that mfker exactly what he’s doing wrong an he has absolutely no control over you an how you parent y’all’s kids when it’s your time with them…girl…you’re so much better than me smh


Get out get the kids away from that kind of behavior

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It’s abusive and setting him up for HUGE mental health issues. Being put down makes you give up… not try harder. Praise, encouragement and love will help him…do better… not name calling. We learn not to name call in kindergarten… time for your husband to go back…


As a mom of a 6 year old boy this is so heartbreaking! No way would I let my kids talk to each other like that. I have a 13 year old daughter and I get that sometimes the younger siblings might get annoying to them but calling each other stupid or hurting each other’s feelings is a big Nono! I always let them know they need to treat each other as they would like to be treated! As for your ex I would get full custody. There is no reason he should treat him that way. He’s 6 years old he’s still learning to be independent. Even us as adults need help sometimes. I would hug your son and tell him he is smart, kind and that you are proud of him!

Hes abusing your children. This needs brought up to custody court immediately and he needs rules on what he can say and do with children or only supervised visitation. I’d start looking into therapy for both kids as well as the damage has already happened. Protect your children and ask for supervised visitation. He cant call your children names and cuss at them.


They’re still babies! Yes, at their ages they should be doing certain things, but showing emotions and needing help is NOT bad. They’re still kids. They’re not going to be able to do everything by themselves. Shit, I’m 26 and still need help with some things!
I would definitely get them away from him. Their father or not, he is “parenting” them so wrong. They’re going to grow up and have mental issues. Especially your son. I’m sorry you’re going through this!

he is for sure being very abusive to your son for sure you need to visit a lawyer and get this boy away from his dad your son has very low self esteem and your husbands controlling ways is feeding his sadness he feels like he can’t do nothing right. Your ex has to understand his children are not in the military and you as a mother have equal rights on how to raise your children. Your daughter is just mimicking her dad she knows not how her words and meanness are affecting her brother.


He sounds narcissistic and he is abusing them emotionally. Don’t let him do that. It will effect your kids!


It’s called child abuse. He may not be beating them, but it’s damaging just the same. It may be time for a family mediation. OR THERAPY


You definitely have to do something but I’d start with documenting and videoing when you can. You can’t go to the courts on hear say or nothing will change show how it’s affecting the kids and video on pick ups


He can’t make rules for your house. Don’t let him. Take your kids to counseling. Not sure if the courts will do anything about emotional abuse but check that route and see.


Document everything, contact your attorney.


I feel so bad for your son he needs to know he’s loved by you because I guarantee you he think his dad and sister hate him
You need to get full custody and tell him he longer sees them. And if you guys don’t have any custody agreement through court don’t let the kids get over to his house and go to court and file for full custody


Emotionally and mentally abusing them.


Record it during pickup. Take him back to court. Take your kids to a therapist. He is mentally & emotionally abusing them


That’s emotionally abuse, your kids will be affected by that. Get them away from him.


That’s not healthy…you need to take a stand and do what’s best for your children. Don’t walk on eggshells around him. If you’re scared of the way the way he might react, then you know that you need to remove yourself and the children from him. Stay with your family and contact a lawyer. Be sure to have a record of texts/videos of him being emotionally abusive. It’s not physical…but it leave a lifetime impact on your children. I really wish you the best.


Stop contact and let him take you to court, you can have your say in court and your reasons for no contact are genuine. He is a bully 100% and mentally abusing your children :disappointed_relieved:


Honestly sounds a bit like PTSD, as the spouse & child of ex-military. I would hope the court would be accepting of what you’re telling them & advise some sort of therapy. Either way, it needs to be dealt with


Your 6 year old is a baby! That is YOUR baby and so is your 9 year old. The reason people that age need parents or guardians is because they still need help. That is so sad, please fight for your babies. You are not wrong in your feelings


I just want to hug your son your poor baby let him know he is loved an that mommy is his safe place to fall
Definitely document everything


That really pisses me off just reading this. Your ex cannot control them like that it’s emotional abuse and mental. He’s not treating them like children he’s treating them as though they are adults in the army that’s not on AT ALL! You need to get full custody, he doesn’t sound stable one bit, your daughter and son are miserable and your daughter definitely sounds afraid and is walking on eggshells. The way your ex is speaking and yelling your daughter is thinking “ oh since dad is doing that it’s on so I’ll talk to him that way to”

My dad was the same way. I had a horrible childhood, please help them :pleading_face:

Their father is abusive.
Daughter is acting like a typical older sibling.


your house your rules. make that known to him. if you want to help your children exceed in life, do it! they are still very young and need as much love as possible, it doesn’t sound like they are getting it from dad. :pensive: p*ick that he is.:heart:


Your home , your kids. Your rules .

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Take him back to court for abuse and stop visits. He sounds horrible


Save your children from that monster, please dear.
He is cruel to say the least…your son is still small shame…give him lots of love PLEASE :kiss::heart:


Y’all need a mediator and set ground rules that both parents should follow in how y’all raise the children. Sounds like to me someone is taking out the parents disagreements out on the children getting the children to take one parents side. It’s hurting y’all’s kids now and in future relationships. Time to put on big pants and seek outside professional help.

Your kids need therapy
And go to the courts and get supervised visirs


You’re ex is being very mentally and emotionally abusive to these kids. If it were me I’d go to court for full custody


I’d be very careful of your ex. He sounds like he has the ability to become violent.
You need to consult a few specialists… very quietly, you need to make a plan. Don’t tell the children whatever you do because he will likely find out.
Please be careful x

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He is mentally abusing them. I have a six year old and he needs my help all the time. It doesn’t mean anything else. He is still little! And I will never allow a grown man scream degrading names like that to my son. He needs to feel love and secure and not scare and sad.
Please record everything and document everything. He may very well have a mental disorder. Go to court and request parenting-classes and less time with him.
Also, please reassure your baby that he is doing a great job abs that you love him abs always be there for him.


6 is still a baby! As a mother it is your job to stand up and protect that baby even if it’s his father and sister. Your daughter needs you to teach her kindness and compassion since her father wont. Your son needs you to keep him out of that toxic situation. Do no contact, take him to court. Write down every incident in a journal to prove your accusations or video how he is treating your baby. It will be hard but you need to be strong for your baby before it’s too late.


You need to get them kids away from that man.

You better stop this behavior towards your son now. You’re setting him up for a lifetime of anxiety/no confidence/ depression if you don’t advocate for him HARD right now.

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He is and you need to seek a mediator out, he sounds like a douche bag

Wow that poor boy … very sad for him

Therapy for both kids and take his ass to court. Im sure if he says they dont need therapy talk to the judge and get it court ordered. After they talk to the kids im sure whatever you want to do the judge will do. Hes using fear in the girl and will cause trauma later and if hes being this outwardly mean to the boy i wouldnt put it past him to go to more than just words over time. Save your kids from a life time of heartache now.

Hun you need to take it to court. That isn’t healthy for your babies.

Your children’s father is toxic and your daughter is already picking up his ways :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

That’s sad! Poor kids!!!

It is not brainwashing - it is abuse.
Start keeping a Journal - seriously!
Record everything then go to Court and get Soul Custody -
Your children - both f them - deserve better.
He is ruining THEM and their relationship to each other, right?
Siblings should be best friends - I promise.

Seems like your daughter is picking up bad habits from the dad. Maybe she’s being mean to her brother as a way of taking out her frustrations she has about her dad. I wouldn’t say he’s brainwashing I’d say he’s in a way abusing them. Take him to court, maybe get some evidence of this stuff and present it to a judge…poor kids :confused: