Soo my 6 year olds father has a girlfriend of 5 months but I feel like she thinks just because that’s her boyfriend she has a right to disrespect me. I understand like defending him when me and him are in a argument regarding our daughter but she feels the need to message me and say whatever she feels. She gets mad when me and him are talking about our child when my daughter is in my care. They also live 1100 miles away. She just feels the need to always have a say in everything when she doesn’t really have the place to say anything. Mind you he also told her to not message me and to let me and him go through it and she still went behind his back and did it anyways and all he said to me was you can handle it with her since she didn’t listen to me. She likes to bring up me and his past relationship. We have been broken up for 5 years. Am in the wrong to think she’s overstepping her boundaries?
Just block her !! And he need to out his foot down with her she’s not respecting either of u at this point
Just refuse to communicate with her period. Block her on everything. He needs to set boundaries with her especially for the risk of making co parenting much more difficult than it needs to be.
Let her know that she doesn’t need your number. Your ex has it. So block her. If it doesn’t have to do with your kid, you don’t need the msg. From either of them.
Like others said block her! Yes, she absolutely is overstepping.
You could block her and and not deal with it but this sounds like a female being fed misinformation and just trying to speak with the actual ex and get a direct answer. If he’s telling you he told her not to and to just deal with it, he’s lying. Sounds like he’s popped off about you a few times and there’s some stuff going on up there so she’s trying to get control of her situation. You’d be the best person for that. If he’s your ex, you know he’s probably “toxic” in some form , so why automatically assume it’s her? You don’t HAVE to deal with it but as a female and fellow woman, I’d respond and make her aware so he is held accountable.
Just block her completely. She shouldn’t even have your number so that’s his fault right there. If it’s on social media you can still block her or put her on restriction. You can block her on everything. If you leave that door open for her then that’s on you not your ex.
She’s most definitely overstepping. If he has told her to back off and she hasn’t, do what he said and you tell her to back off. If she doesn’t, just block her. She’s been the girlfriend for 5 months. It’s not like she’s a long term girlfriend, super involved with the child and acting like a bonus mom to your child. She just wants to start drama.
5 years and 1100 miles between you and there’s discord? How?!
One guess. Money.
Tell her you won’t be speaking with her over things regarding the child. Then block or don’t but document jic she gets crazy. He should be enforcing boundaries with her. It’s his GF butting in to his coparenting relationship.
Simple… Don’t respond… Or Block her. You only give her fuel when you respond in anyway. sounds like she is insecure and childish…
Tell her she has no business messaging you and that it doesn’t concern her. And then block her
Girl he basically gave you the go head to say whatever you want to shut her the h€ll up. I’d rip her a new one from her basic level of no comprehension and say everything you know or can find out about her before and during her time with your ex! Then right before your fingers fall off send “this is our child not yours and if you have an issue on how we handle it as her parents I’d find a new boyfriend” then block
Being with her father for 5 months does not make her a step parent imo . Tell her to back off she doesn’t have any rights to make any comments about how you co parent and have no further communication with her.
I’d block her and tell him that he needs to tell her again, in no uncertain terms, that she has no business contacting you.
Absolutely not. She has no respect or boundaries. Your ex is a fool for even allowing such things. My ex husband literally broke up with his ex for stuff like this…she didn’t know me from anything but had the nerve to trash talk me, message me because “I’m the ex” immature girl, not a woman. Gross.
She is definitely overstepping… Advise her she may be part of the problem… It is a matter between daddy and you… And at 5 years there shouldn’t be much for arguments between you anyways
Well, naturally he’s saying bad stiff to gf
Block her number ,she has no business sticking her nose where it don’t belong, your in the right here
Block her forsure if y’all are arguing about your child that isn’t hers she doesn’t have a right to say anything she need to mind her business and stay in her place I wouldn’t entertain her block her in everything and if she butts in on the conversation hang up and let him know when I can talk to you alone without no extras then I’m not going to talk to you.
no you are not in the wrong she needs to mine her busy when it comes between you and your child and just ask her to mine her busy
This has an easy solution. Block her.
No she should back off nothing to do with her ignore her… retaliation is giving her more reason to carry on…tell her even though you have no right to interfere with anything nobody is listening nobody gives a shit what you think and want to say …so stop ya ranting or I will report you to the police end of conversation
Block her and don’t respond to her at all!
She is overstepping that’s between you and him
block her you don’t need to do anything else
She is overstepping block her
Block her? Seems like an easy fix
I’d block her but he also needs to control his hoochie! She has no place and he should make that very clear to her. Some women love to be the “new” one and think they have a say. Really this is his fault and he should be the one to take care of it.
Block her number easy fix!
Yup I would tell her about herself
She’s overstepping. I’d block her number
She’s overstepping. I don’t care if they’ve been together 10 years. As long as you and he can figure out what’s what regarding your daughter, it’s not her place to comment.
Do you trust your child around her if she’s acting like that towards you ?
She kinda is. I wouldn’t even reply to her just deal w your ex.
It doesn’t matter how long they’ve been together she’s overstepping, I’d put her in her place quickly. Why on earth she have your number to begin with, did you conceive with her? Put a stop to it immediately
Block her. She has 0 involvement in any custody agreement you may have.
Block her or he needs to break up with her
Block her! She sounds crazy lol
She’s overstepping and he’s a shit for not keeping her line.
Prayers for your ex girlfriend. Amene
Sounds like you 3 need to sit down and have it out
Block her and save all evidences for court.
Fake!! I’ve seen this exact post over several weeks on several pages.
No you are not wrong. Many partners or step parents feel they have a right to interfere and don’t realize it actually causes more problems and eventually kids get old enough to see it for themselves and it will cause a strain on the parental relationship. Hold your ground
Oh there’s one thing I do not tolerate is the new woman trying to tell me what’s up. Oh No, No. I was here before you came and I’ll be here after your gone. Mind your business because I don’t play.
Block her and file a restraining for you and the kids. She’ll stop plying with you then.
Keep the correspondence. Tell her that you’ll get her in harassment!
Nope. Time to go off on her and put her in her place. She needs to stay in her lane
Block her. She is confused on what her place is