Is Nexplanon a good birth control?

How many mamas have had complete success with the Nexplanon Birth control? Also, who has had it replaced twice with success? I know everybody is different but I’m hoping my 3rd time around that it still does wonderful as my last 2. I’ve depended on it for 6 years and love it!


Going on 12 years with mine. Had some issues for a couple months about a year ago but no major complaints

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No issues with it really, on my second round and debating going on the third.

What kind of issues? Heavier bleeding than you got used to?

I have one. It’s fine but at the beginning I bled for about two weeks straight. Now I have no idea when I’ll get my period. But that’s just my experience

I’ve had it implanted twice, no issues the first pregnancy.:+1:
Second pregnancy I’m a little chubbier :yum: and have irregular periods. Idk :woman_shrugging:t2: if those are side effects.

I’ve had it replaced twice and love it!

I’m going on 5 years with mine. 1st time I had a period every 3 months for about 2 weeks. This time around I haven’t had a period in 8months

Man the birth control i take gives me nausea …they said it takes 3 months of birth control to even out ur bad symptoms.

So good luck! Some birth controls r higher also, make sure u talk about dosage