Is she just being fake?

Slam that door and lock it if you wanna feel safe

Some women see pregnancy as a hindrance she’s getting closer 
she will move on your man while your hindered with the baby bump 
don’t let her back in your life x


I would ignore her as my guess is she knows stress is not good for pregnant women and is trying to stress you out as she’s jealous. I would just ignore her and block her number and move on. Don’t think about her again. But it’s your call at the end of the day that’s just what I would do no matter how hard it was my baby would keep me going.

She sounds jealous and like she’s looking for a way in possibly to get closer to your husband? I’d tell her how she made you feel over the last 3 years and ask her why now. I would definitely air on the side of caution :warning: and personally wouldn’t let her back in my life

I wouldn’t have the time nor the patience to entertain this. She wasn’t there then and she shouldn’t be here now. Hanging out with the kid upstairs, driving past your house every day? No thanks. Don’t need the drama. She’s just tryna get close to you go cause a wedge. I’d ignore and block.


Life comes in seasons, you are now on to the next phase. If you faulter your life path with the past, you may miss the doors awaiting for the future babe. Send out well vibes in the universe and move on

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No don’t even bother to call her out she will play the victim just cut her off and go about your life. She is playing you


Ignore her. U don’t need that energy


She’s just being nosey.


Congratulations on your baby. U have every right to feel the way you do.

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Play the game she plays. Ignore her


Do not engage that. Period.


She seems to only care when she feels like it, you will never know where you are with her. You don’t need people like that dragging you down.


Honestly, I wouldn’t bother responding to her.
Just block her number, block her on all social media.

Then, if your husband is one of those honest and true good guys, you can tell him “hey, this so-so texted me after three years. I blocked her. If she reaches out to you, let me know and also block her too.” You can also add to him that you guys have it good and that she’s just back trying to create drama in y’alls lives and you hope he realizes it.
OR if you guys are one of those couples that are completely open about going through each other’s phones, you can just block her for him.

Either way, she needs to be blocked from both you and him.

She literally reached out to you right after you announce your pregnancy- after all these years? Not a good sign.


Not wrong to feel this way but say something especially if you have been trying for 3 yrs
 if you dont care about her ignore her

Just ghost her like she ghosted you. Best friends don’t do shit like that

You can care about somebody and let them go. This sounds like you need to let her go. Stress isn’t good for the baby. Maybe that’s her intent. Or maybe she genuinely cares. Either way there’s too much drama from the past to keep her around. You’ll likely never trust her.


trust your gut! Set a CLEAR boundary if you feel the need to respond, and make sure that you communicate that boundary to your fiancĂ© as well; and depending on your relationship with the upstairs tenant, inform them of your boundary too. Babies are gravitational, but it seems to me that she does not have the best intentions or any regard to your feelings. Losing her brother may have thrown her way off, but essentially ghosting you while seemingly going on with her life otherwise as normal doesn’t sit well with me. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy in peace, and then protect your newborn from any hostile energy. This doesn’t sound healthy for anyone involved. Good luck, Mama!


Follow what your gut tells you

Forget her she chose it not you

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How about you stop being childish and just talk to her? Lol I never get this beat around the bush shit.

She will continue to play you if you let her. She’s toxic energy. Block her.


Maybe she took time out to heal as she didn’t like seeing you with the guy your with , maybe she’s been to therapy and got herself the help she needed and now she’s in a better place she’s reaching out . I’m not saying this is true but it could explain abit xx

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Ignore, she isn’t a friend. I would put her in the box of someone I used to know but no longer have an interest in. In fact, I’ll just block the number. Focus on you, your husband and your pregnancy. Don’t give her the satisfaction of an angst filled text.

I’d definitely ignore her. She ghosted you while still keeping tabs on you. Don’t let her play with your emotions like that.

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I honestly think people mature and grow up, plus she sounds like she was going through a hard patch in life. My depression was so bad for 4 years I didn’t talk to anyone. Maybe she realized her actions were wrong. I would definitely keep a little distance and set boundaries but also give them a chance things happen and people change. Best of luck

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Sounds like she thinks her feelings are more important than yours.i wouldn’t give her the time of day.she will just hurt you again! Stay happy!!!


I think you should tell her exactly what you said here. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I recently had people in my life do this same thing. Ignore her she’s toxic and just being nosey


Give her a taste of her own medicine and do not respond. It’s hard but just ignore it. She gave up a friendship with you over something so minor which she has no right to even be upset about on the first place from what you have explained. You don’t need friends like that in your life.

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Dont waste your time and energy.

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Ask,then go from there

Actually she do are at all. Just keep moving forward
she chose to leave your life years ago. Delete her out of your life.


Fuck no that’s just meddling trouble drama begging to happen

She’s being nosey so I wouldn’t even respond. Leave her on seen :joy:


Respond "I was feeling great until I got this text
Then block her.


Probably wants to be nosey.

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I’m petty so I’d send a long text about how amazing you’re feeling. How amazing your man is. How amazing the relationship is and you’ve never been happier in your entire life :woman_shrugging:t2:


You need to say just that

This is how I am feeling from a so called friend ! Listen friendships are 2 way streets, and she had no problem telling you not to date the brothers friend so, have no issues back on telling her how you feel! I am a 100% firm believer in what goes around comes around and saying what you are thinking !

I wouldn’t text her back or be her friend again if u paid me :rofl:


Why would u want to be friends with someone that wants to bang ur man 
??? That’s weird as hell


She’s trying to get close to you so she can live vicariously through you, you’re with her dream man about to have his kid. She’s gonna worm her way in and possibly try more. I’d tell her to stay away.


Imo she sounds like a attention seeking pigpen and hes the one she couldn’t get,shes not you’re friend, she probably never really was,dont engage

I wouldn’t even reply


Id bring it up to her why? Why be so distant and all of a sudden give a shit.

Saw what you feel- be clear, be honest. The is NOT a true friend, what do you have to lose?

She’s jealous and nosey.

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She probably just being nosey now that you announced your pregnancy. She probably wants to butt in and see how your relationship is going. Personally I would suggest letting her go.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: that’s exactly what I’d say to her

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Then respond with exactly that, only if it will help you— or ignore her. The choice is yours.
Anyone that wants to be in your life will make an effort. There’s no such thing as they are just too busy.
Not sure why you’re even stressing over this shoddy “friend.”
Try to stop worrying about it and enjoy your loved ones, pregnancy and new baby.

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Leave her at the door step . You don’t need her in your life . She wants to live your life .

She’s nosey. That’s all there is to it. You announced a big life event with the person she was interested in and now she wants to sit by and watch your life for her own entertainment. Block her and keep it pushing


Tell her to kick rocks honey. That’s not a friend.


You owe her absolutely nothing and I agree with the other individuals she’s mosey, jealous and need to mind her own damn business :woman_shrugging:

I was in the same situation. She would drive by our houses everyday and just be a straight creep. She eventually quit but it’s been 7 years and we have 2 boys lol

I agree with you :100: Tell her exactly how you feel

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Nope keep ignoring her. She didn’t care for 3 years.

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I’d just text her seriously?? I think you have the wrong number then go enjoy your life minus her👍


Ignore her. She hasn’t cared enough in 3 years to even check in, she doesn’t need to check in to see how you’re feeling now.

If you do respond, keep it short and sweet and something she doesn’t need to respond to-

“I’m feeling great, very excited to start this new chapter with insert fiancĂ©s name. Hope all is well with you and yours”

And then don’t respond to anything else. I kinda feel like with how she acted when you first got with your fiancĂ©, that having her in your life may cause problems. She sounds like the type that would try to start drama just because she’s bored.

Don’t let her affect you. Enjoy your engagement, your new baby and your marriage!


I would wonder just how you know she is driving pass your house every day,!! Unless you are always looking out the window !! Either way, if she talks to you then you have 2 choices, answer back with just the basics or ignore her, Bing cordial is everything & just might drive her nuts :slightly_smiling_face: But that doesn’t mean you have to be friends with her

Nope. She wouldn’t be my friend anymore. She’s mad & jealous that you took that guy from her (which btw y’all were both single sooooooo)

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That’s a nosey stranger not your old best friend. Remember that


You can ignore her or ask her why now, she cares how you are feeling.

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I would tell her how you feel

Personally I wouldnt give her the time of time
she is just trying to get back in and cause trouble or be nosey. .you both have moved in different directions in the 3 yrs she has not tried or put forth effort
so my response would be nothing


I think that’s a perfect response.

Do what she did & ignore her :woman_shrugging:t2:


Realize that bf is no longer a bf, let her go, she just wants back in to see the baby hold baby, she’s a fake friend. Sounds like you have a good life enjoy it and cut people like her out of it!!


Sadly, women can be very jealous and mean
 I say just keep your distance! I don’t honestly think she has your best interest at heart. You can have a relationship but keep it at bay. JMO good luck dear :heart:

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Leave her where she been tf


Dont ignore her wtf thats so immature. Have an adult conversation and explain you were hurt and ask your questions. This is why there is so much anger in the world. Just ignore her :roll_eyes::expressionless:


Do not engage 
 huge red flag, you deserve better 


trust your gut you know what to do

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She was your best friend for 15 years. I’m sure she has missed you. We all make mistakes. You will probably regret not letting her back in your life. If it does not work out- you have not lost anything.
I can’t imagine how hard it was for her to reach out to you.


Whats in it for her??


You could just politely say, I am feeling fine thank you for asking. Regret is a bitch and sometimes we make choices that cost us friendships but we realize too late. It sounds like that is what is happening with her. It’s ok not to be best friends again, but there’s no reason to be hostile 
 only upsets you in the long run. You don’t want to ignore completely because then you are behaving the way she has 
and you want to be better than that. You don’t have to be best friends again but less drama this way.

Too little too late. Not worth the effort. Btw. CONGRATS!!!:tada:

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She’s jealous and now Only cares bc ur pg and wants to stick her nose where it don’t belong. If I were in ur situation i’d give the same energy back to her. Ignore her. Let her find out on her own.


I would ask her why she stopped talking to you! Don’t start an argument because there is no need to stress about someone who didn’t want to be there. Just so you get answers maybe.

Or you could always text back saying “who is this?” Lol


Honestly I think it’s time for you to move on because she has some serious jealousy issues. And after the little stunt that she pulled with trying the guilt trip and not letting you and the man you love be together, it’s best to move on


I’d tell her to kick rocks.


I would say exactly what you want to say. Don’t leave yourself wondering. If she doesn’t answer atleast you have YOUR answer.


Exactly what you wrote is exactly how you should respond!


As someone who eliminated my best friends from my life bc they couldn’t be supportive, were rude and so much more
 girl, move on and don’t look back! She doesn’t deserve your time or energy. You tried, over and over again to no avail. I wouldn’t respond and I’d prob block her from being able to contact you any further. A friendship isn’t when it works for you kinda thing and treat ppl like crap in the meantime
 you do you!

Don’t lower yourself to her level. Be civil to her but share don’t share your dreams and plans with her.

Keep it cordial
and keep her at a distance

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Youll have loose ends and have questions all the time if you dont talk to her. If you were great friends then communicate

You’re pregnant and now suddenly she wants a friendship? No
sounds like trouble. Where was she when you reached out to her? :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of thinking your still bothered even. I would reply small and simply. Say you feel great and move on.


She doesn’t care, Sister. She’s being nosy. Ignore her completely.


I would write her exactly want you said. Or just do what shes done to you.

Ignore her just like she’s been doing to u
 Don’t let her put that negative energy on u or ur unborn baby
 Nah I wouldn’t give her the time of day
 She had no rap for u soooo it goes both ways


Tell her thanks for asking and you move on. Stop trying to have a relationship with people who don’t want to be bothered with you. Know in your mind the type of friendship/relationships you expect from people and don’t settle for less. This way you will avoid stress.


Just don’t reply then


Ignore her and move on.

I wouldn’t have tried for 3 years. I can take a hint and if you don’t wanna be in my life then you can go do you and leave me alone.


Why do people not say what they want? If you have a question, ask it! If you need to say something, say it. There are ways to do it an still be cordial, but do it. You’ll feel better


Don’t let her back in your life


You have no idea what she’s been through in the last three years you’re judging her
 do you miss having her in your life? Do you miss your best friend? People make mistakes that’s part of being human, forgiveness forgiveness is part of being human too. It’s 100% totally up to you if you want to hang onto your anger and unforgiveness.
if you don’t wanna be her friend anymore don’t

I think I’m more worried about you hanging on say some stupid bullshit. Let it go, even IF u don’t continue the friendship

I had very good friend that did this to me too
 it hurt
 we are friends again after a 4yrs of her being that way. For no reason
 it’s not the same at all
 like at all
 but I know in my heart I forgave her but I won’t trust her again like that.

Sounds like a scary situation. I’d stay away from her. Move if possible.

Maybe i watch too many murder mysteries but I’d bail

Don’t lower your energy to be her fair weather friend. It’s not worth it!!! Silence is golden!!!