Is something wrong with me?

Perhaps you’re not clean and fresh down there?

No u not wrong…play his game…pleasure me n LOL MAYBE i’ll do u…payback a bitch gurl

Maybe hes actually gay and cant hide it anymore. Just a thought… It does happen.

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Call him little pump pump. Maybe it will make him stop being a self gratifying waste of time.


Some people don’t like giving oral sex , men and women. Also, If it’s something new , I mean …… maybe you have a smell or taste that’s not pleasant and he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings

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It’s crazy to me that some of y’all are married to people you can’t talk to, and you have to come to Facebook for advice. Do y’all even know who you are married to? Jesus. There’s no way I would give a man head every night for 30 seconds of “sex” it wouldn’t have flown the first night, especially with someone who’s my “husband.” Thanks for the encouragement to stay unmarried :grimacing:

All these uncalled for comments about cutting him off, jumping to conclusions that he’s cheating…meanwhile, can’t you just talk about it with him in an open, honest, and respectful manner?


It’s 100% erection issues and he’s too embarrassed to admit it. Trust me, if his dick isn’t working right, he’s not about to step out on you. I have been in that situation and was quietly letting it consume me because I thought it was me, like I was too unattractive to him. I was ready to leave until I confronted him and we talked about it like adults. It turned out to be a really easy fixable issue

Have some.rye and gingers and get that whisky dick going on. If that don’t work use the rye as an excuse to tell him you need some more attention. :wink:

He is bored and probably feels like he has done his time trying and eaither you have shut him down a lot in the past or maybe unwilling to try whatever he is into . Set down talk to him and tell him how you feel and what you can do to get him into the mood to actually have fun and play . My experience with most women is they are they want the man to do all of the work and when he gets passed that phase of the relationship and she has to now put some effort into getting him off like actually put thought and effort into keeping him interested they fall short and accuse him of doing someone else rather he is or not . But set down have a real conversation with him let him know that you are interested and truly willing to do what needs to be done to keep him interested

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Throw the whole man away.


He’s either addicted to porn or cheating or both, speaking from experience because I’ve been where you’re at. (No man is worth the aggravation.)

Just sit on his face. No warning, give him head then just pounce!


I was in the same boat but with mine for 6 instead of 8, there a side chick .


Keep your EYES Open, make sure there isn’t a side chick.


Stand up for yourself! Get yourself a toy and tell him no next time he asks!


There could be few reasons.

Men have problems down there too. Cant perform in their usual way. Or only able get off done this way.

Mind ful thou that he could have sidekick. Mine did


Yeh my ex was like that… he didn’t care cuz he was busy cheating and I was desperate to keep him. Glad I’m not that woman anymore

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He may be having trouble with ED and too embarrassed to say any thing. Talk to him. My husband went thru this. But not only wanting to be pleasured. Communication is very important. That’s very selfish of him.


For the people saying he could have a problem keeping it up…
He could give her oral? Or he could play with her till she finished? That is NOT an excuse for not getting her off first!
There’s definitely a problem with what’s going on. I’d try to talk to him. And no, sex isn’t everything, but it’s definitely important. He’s selfish and you need to think about it. You deserve to be happy, and for someone to want to pleasure you.

Why do you women always think it’s cheating? Good lord. A lot of you need help. We’re all human. Sexual needs change over time. OP needs to have a conversation with her SO.


Investigation time! Make sure he isn’t cheating first that’s usually the reason men pull away, hopefully he’s just going through a phase and you two can get your spark back! Maybe try to watch a dirty movie or dress up for him? It does become like a routine after so long but there’s plenty of ways to fix that. Honestly some men don’t realize that women need to finish too, my husband did this same thing for a couple weeks so I bought a toy and told him I’d just do it myself because he wasn’t fulfilling my needs. I only had to do that once, he got the point and snapped to it lol he didn’t want me to need something else and he apologized. Good luck!

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Nope. You need to go on strike.!!

Sit on that mfers face


Have you tried communicating with him? A lot could be solved my simply communicating how you feel.

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Talk first then say no

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That’s selfish af of him… say you want yours first or he doesn’t get his lol :tipping_hand_woman::nail_care:


Just tell him no. He’ll get the hint eventually.


Dustin McDysan read some of these comments. This is our sex life 100% and very much how you make me feel.

Maybe he just really loves when you give him oral! I suggest adding some toys for yourself to get off. Secondly I would definitely sit down and talk to him about what your feeling and see where his mind is? That’s my advice.


Could be anything you both are adults sit and talk about this. Have him get his prostate checked. Dr can order a psa test for that also get his testosterone levels checked!

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Sometimes couples get comfortable and lazy when they are together for so long


Probably cheating…tell him he has to pleasure you first or nothing.


Talk to him first. If that doesn’t help say no. I’d buy some toys and take care of business even if he’s there. Hell do it especially if he’s there. Tell him if he can’t/ won’t do the job then you will.


Talk to your husband. See what’s going on. See if y’all can work it out

Ask him if he’s having problems getting it up and if that’s why he doesn’t want to have sex with you? This will test his ego so he’ll either want to show you that’s not the problem or he’ll blow up and blame you. If he blows up I’d think he has a side chick.

Tell him how u feel. Tell him he’s not satisfying you and tell him your not doing oral unless u get it in return. If he can man up replace him. I know how u feel. My self esteem is bad because of that shit. He’s just being selfish.

Tell him u want it you give it 1st.

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Talk to him for sure. He can’t read your mind!!! If it was up to my husband he would have a bj all the time too lol! I’ve been with my husband for 7 years, and I can say sometimes sex dies out, and sometimes it’s crazy active. We have also brought some toys into the situation and have changed our sex life up a bit with trying different things to spice it up. No doubt we have 3 kids all under the age of 6, so someone is usually exhausted by time the day is over. You guys will find your spark again, but just talk first. Don’t assume nothing

Go on strike hes being selfish


Have him eat you out until you almost come then shove his face away and squirt all over the place and have HIM clean up.


Talk to him about how you feel. He may be facing some issues (physical or mental) that are keeping him from getting and sustaining an erection. If that it is the case, talk to him about helping you get there first and then you help him.


I would definitely assume either emotionally cheating, physically cheating or obviously something is up bc that’s not normal. Porn addiction? I would ask him, see what he says, talk to him, then I wouldn’t do it anymore, pleasing goes both ways.

There could be a few different things going on as to why … talk to him… if you have a hard time talking to him about it write a letter to him about it sometimes it’s easier when it’s a touchy subject


More likely cheating…red flag🚩


How can he not know that this is wrong is my question? I’m sorry that you are dealing with a selfish lover, but you do need to stop letting him use you like a toy. You deserve more than this all and I would just down right refuse. If he has to be told why, was he never with another woman before?


Stop doing it lol get you some toyssss and say sorry I already got mine for the day. You got you! :wink:


Hell naw you aren’t wrong.


Get his blood pressure checked :v:t2: he sounds very lazy and honestly if a man isn’t worried about pleasing his SO than you have a major problem which will cause you to stray elsewhere if he doesn’t care about you first :v:t2:


I’ve been there before. Summed it up to him just not being that into me anymore. I left not long after, for more than one reason.
Try talking to him and let him know how you feel.


Communication is best in these situations. Just sit down and have an honest and mature conversation about your concerns/needs/wants.


My husband and I went through this for almost 6 months. Except he would tell me no and go satisfy himself while I was here and I would catch him doing it. He said he didn’t know what was wrong with him and that he did love me but he just couldn’t sleep with me for some reason. It blew over and we started having sex again but it was awful and it was only what he wanted and when he wanted and it only lasted til he was done. Finally after a that I bought some toys, and told him if he refuses to satisfy me then I’ll do it myself and he doesn’t need to have a wife. He likes using the toys on me now and it’s lead up to some of the best sex we have had. Now he says that his guilt of not satisfying me before is what made him stop wanting to sleep with me :roll_eyes: idk the truth but at least I get some now

I’d be finding myself a new man. I told mine our sex sucks. (Keep in mind I was pregnant) I just had my son 2 weeks ago

You need to talk to him about it. If a he had is 30 seconds to pump, he should consider doing other things to please you. I’d tell him ‘no more’ fit now Buddy!


Stop doing it and talk to him. If he still wants to think about himself, then think about yourself. Get some toys and go to towwwwnnnn.


Don’t suck dick til he starts eating & puttin out, straight up refuse and tell him why.

And men wonder why we cheat :upside_down_face::wink:


have him get the little blue pill itll stay H### AFTER HE GETs OFF to take care of you

We just don’t do it any more :woman_shrugging:

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Selfish, sounds like a typical man :roll_eyes:


He may be bored or the sex stale, so perhaps liven it a bit. But talk to him first; communication is key. He may also benefit from seeing a sex therapist.

Next time he wants you to go down on him tell him that it really turns you on when he takes care of you first. If he doesn’t take care of you do not take care of him


Make him reciprocate then right before you’re there then he can take the 30 seconds for penetration. Or you can start him off orally and get on top of him. Take control

Unacceptable! Stop doing it. Let him do it himself. I mean obviously you have to take care of yourself so let him do the same if he is too dumb to realize that’s unacceptable.


Talk to him. Could be any number reasons. Possibly something medical or mental health going on. Possibly an issue in the relationship he hasn’t mentioned. So many possibilities. Best way to get to the bottom of it is communication.

He is selfish. Don’t do it to him anymore. Or start, then back off and tell him you are just not in the mood and walk out of the room. Leave him hanging.

One day, leave a vibrator out on the nightstand to show him you got a replacement since he isn’t helping you.

Is he bored? What if you guys got a room with a hot tub or do something adventurous. See how he reacts then.


Also, are there any red flags with him possibly cheating? Think carefully. This sounds like behavior from a man who may be cheating.


Talk to your husband. He may be experiencing low testosterone levels. That may be the only way he can perform. It’s an easy fix. Most all men go through this at certain ages and a lot are afraid to talk about it or seek medical care.


Selfish you need to get a sex toy for you!

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Few scenerios here,red flag for me ,because I’ve been there is that he’s cheating. Mine for years would be a quickie and nothing for me,started to make me feel some type of way like literally 3 mins or less gtfoh. So get digging and make sure. Could be watching alot of porn or strip clubs? 2nd y’all could have lost the spark,and you need to heat the bedroom up.dont be shy seriously, I think women ,not all, some,are shy,thinks porn is gross or whatever. No,go to that adult store momma and rock his world or go together. My bed is :fire:,because I got someone who likes to keep it feisty too. I wasn’t like that with my late husband because of things in the relationship. We look at stuff together ,one time he ordered something and woke me up to it :rofl: might I suggest a wand…vibrating underwear that he has remote for,or one that goes in you and he has remote,just saying…:blush::boom: It’s fun and freaky and keeps it spicy. Not saying sex is all that matters it doesn’t. Intimacy is many things ,but go with your gut and get to bottom of things,if he’s not cheating,and there’s a spark missing,get that :fire: back mommas.

Give him a copy of the The Joys of sex make sure he reads it

Might add this too,halt to whatever you’re doing for him,because you don’t have to do it at all . Be like,enough is enough what’s going on here,etc. I completely cut my late husband off for years and I do not feel bad about it,no way no how. I had enough of it. I didn’t cheat,nothing. Just didn’t bother me. But no more of anything for him until you get the answers you need.


That would upset the hell out of me, I would definitely talk about that.

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Sorry love, you shouldn’t have to tell him you need it too. He should WANT to make an effort. :pleading_face:


He is being selfish period so you stop doing oral and you let it known that you have needs and wants to and until he can start acting like you matter in the bedroom there will be no bedroom activities period either he takes his time and maybe try adding foreplay and some toys see what he does then he’ll if he gets on and gets off like an 8 second rodeo ride then I would show him how to pleasure me before he pleasured himself maybe try see therapy


This exact same thing happened with my husband and I, been together almost 9 years, married for 4 years with two little girls. When this was happening to me he was cheating through social media and he says nothing has ever happened in person with anyone but my gut says different but he has since then proved to me that he doesn’t want to lose what we have made together and I have also been doing all that I can to show him how much he is loved and how much he means to me and our girls. Good luck love, I really hope it all works out for you!


I would really talk to him about that. It’s def unfair to you, and a man should want to please his woman.

He is being selfish!!! 100%!!


I’d blue ball him :ice_cube:
See how he likes it.


Sounds like hes goin elsewhere.


Try telling him how u feel ?


Whew. Been here before. He was cheating


As a wife for 20 years, I seriously have some advice. A few yrs back my husband and I were going through same thing. He really didn’t seem interested anymore. So I became depressed, had no drive to speak to him or anything concerning him. I thought I was fat, that no one would want me since my husband acted as though he didn’t. Then I spoke to a friend. She noticed I had lost alot of weight and just didn’t seem myself. I told her what was going on and how I felt. She looked me dead in the eyes and told me I was stupid. That I should know better. She said what I really needed to do was spice it up. Talk to him. Change things up. So I did! What your going through is the 8 year slump. Talk to him. Change it up! Do exciting new things. Use a vibrator and make him watch ( no touching). Make him sit in a chair at end of bed and put on a show for him. Believe me when I say, OMG! BIGGEST TURN ON EVER!!


Just get a whole new man, or bite it next time and watch him hesitate with asking for oral forever


So, talk to him. Is he on any meds now? Several meds kill libido.
He could be having his own hormonal imbalance he should have checked.
Until you talk to him, you’re only guessing.


He’s cheating mama sorry but u need to give him the same energy that he’s giving you


Make him pleasure you and not pleasure him. Make him feel like how you feel.


Speed up girl, talk to him. Your wants are valid too.

Spend his money on Ann summers tell him go suck his own dick.

Unless he’s impotent and since he doesn’t seem to be with a blow job sounds to me lady like you might have some broad on the side you might want to check that out I hope not for your sake but I’ve seen stuff like that before when they have a girlfriend and they’re tired of you they don’t want you. You might want to get rid of him and get yourself on electric toy and a boyfriend God bless you sweetie I hope I’m wrong but I check everything out

We are also there but I also know he isn’t cheating .but think its just a bump

Have you tried communicating this to HIM? I was in a non sexual relationship for years & communicated my needs immensely to no avail. It took such a toll on my mental well-being that eventually, our relationship died & I lost all romantic feelings for him. Don’t let this happen to you, if you can help it. If you love him, communicate. Maybe therapy will help.


Definitely tell him how you feel. Absolutely not ok. You can say no. Ask for sex and if he refuses then explain that it’s not a one way street. Hopefully he’s receptive to you. I refuse to stay in a relationship that doesn’t acknowledge both partners sexually. That’s not ok.

not okay! i would start with a conversation with him. if that doesn’t help seek professional help! good luck x

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Yes I’m old fashion if he can’t have sex right move on

So stop doing it… :tipping_hand_woman:


Have his testosterone checked.


dont give him pleasure until you get it first. hes selfish.


Eeewwwe that sounds just like my husband ughhh :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::joy::joy:

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Stop giving him head and then it will change