Is something wrong with me?

I have been with my boyfriend for almost 8 years, over the last few years, I have realized, I no longer find anyone else attractive at all. No, celebrities, literally no one. This seems weird to me, because even though I have always loved my boyfriend, I used to find others attractive. I can't watch porn, have conversations with friends about attractive guys or anything, I just don't see it anymore. Is this normal? It just seems so strange. My boyfriend still finds others attractive, so it just makes me feel like this isn't normal, maybe even not healthy. I mean, what if something ever happens where we aren't together anymore, will I go back to finding others attractive? Is there something wrong with me? I just want to know if this has happened to anyone else? Is it normal? Or even healthy, to feel this way?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is something wrong with me?

Sounds a bit like demisexual. Itā€™s when you only find people you have an emotional connection attractive.


Sounds weird :joy: lol hope it doesnā€™t happen to me


Just means you really love him and canā€™t see yourself being with anyone else, nothing wrong with you.:blush:


Well it could be that you love your spouse that much that you have no need to look anymore. Thatā€™s pretty normal :slightly_smiling_face:


Iā€™m the same! But Iā€™m totally in love with my now husband sooooo Iā€™m not looking at all!


Iā€™m the same way when Iā€™m on a relationship. Iā€™ve always thought that was normal, at least for me. :woman_shrugging:t3: I fall in love with people when Iā€™m super close to them, and love and attraction go hand in hand. I may find someone pretty like a painting on a museum wall, but thatā€™s as far as it goes!

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You could be demisexual. I am. I donā€™t find people attractive based on looks. I appreciate beauty/ aesthetics. But Iā€™m not physically attracted by that. Iā€™m attracted to the connection. Their personality, intelligence, sense of humor. Which for many people in Monogamous relationships you only share that connection with your spouse. Totally normal.


Thats real love you love him.


Are you experiencing depression? Sometimes it can make you lose interest in a lot of things. Take care.


Thatā€™s how I am with my husband! Weā€™ve been together 7 years this November. Heā€™s my utter best friend and I wouldnā€™t wanna be with anybody other than him!

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I feel the same way :tipping_hand_woman: Iā€™m sure my partner finds plenty of women more attractive then me lol

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Itā€™s the way me and my husband are with each other as well. Itā€™s okay there is noting wrong with you. You just love him that much you donā€™t have eyes for anyone else.


I donā€™t find anyone except my husband attractive :person_shrugging:

You didnā€™t say this. But I think the only question that matters here is do you find your BF attractive? If the answer is yes, then this is completely normal.


I think after that many years itā€™s normal! Hubby and I are going on 5 years together and we both joke about no one else is attractive! I also think itā€™s love & true love at that!

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Only got eyes for my fiancĆ©! I donā€™t put any thought into any other manā€™s appearance, I literally just find him attractive lol


Well it dose happen like that when you hit 85 !

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I still find men attractive. :woman_shrugging:t2: I think Iā€™m pretty normal :joy: guess itā€™s all preference.

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Itā€™s called :sparkles:devotionā€‹:sparkles:


I think your way overthinking it


Sounds like depression maybe.


I think itā€™s perfectly normal. Sounds like youā€™ve found your soulmate.

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Iā€™m the same way when Iā€™m in love even if Iā€™m not with the person. Iā€™m not being loyal to anybody else is just being loyal to my feelings!

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I canā€™t speak on human behavior! I van speak for my feelings but i have been with my husband over 17 yrs and thereā€™s a huge difference in saying or feeling someone is handsome or beautiful! Its like a catch 22. Because u can say someone is beautiful as like me. Im a grown woman and i dont look at women sexually but i still can say or feel another woman is beautiful but not mean it in any way shape or form that im bisexual or that i will cheat on my husband because i see a handsome man!! Its human nature to have feeling or not towards others. And fr fr every single person in the world has exactly that their own opinions and like buttholes or bellybuttons we all have them or in your case dont have feelings or any attraction whats so ever. You are what they call ā€œin loveā€ and its a beautiful amazing thing!!


Thatā€™s what love is.

I found my husband attractive the day I met him at 14. Weā€™ve been married for 44 years together for 48. He was in the service and we were separated over a year. Never had the need to look anywhere else not then and not now.


Completely normal been marriage 11 years I feel the same


I donā€™t think thatā€™s unhealthy at all. When Iā€™ve been in love, Iā€™ve still found others attractive personally, but I would find my partner way more attractive. Thatā€™s maybe different than what youā€™re experiencing, but itā€™s not unhealthy for sure.

Normalā€¦ Youā€™ve just stopped looking.


They say when you truly love someone you are not interested in anyone else. Normal is just an opinion. I am the same way when Iā€™m in love with someone.


Sorry iv been with my man 17yrs & will never be with anotherā€¦ And this man is absofrickinlutely attractive!!


Im the exact same way!! Ill see a guy and think oh hes cute but there is never any sexual type of thought ever. Not even with celebrities. Porn does 0 for me.

I wouldnā€™t think about being with anyone else except my husband of 10 years. Heā€™s my best friend , true love , all that jazz. And I am his. But we donā€™t lie to ourselves :joy: or each other. We can still appreciate how sexy another human isā€¦
No. Itā€™s definitely not ā€œnormalā€ the way you say youā€™re feeling. By ANY means ! But weā€™re all different so :woman_shrugging:
This is definitely an odd question :upside_down_face:

Its called being devoted and loyal nothing wrong with you at all I am the same way

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My husband is the same way. I will see a really pretty girl and point her out and he just doesnā€™t care. He says there is no reason to look at anyone e else. That if he wanted to be attracted to others or check others out he would have stayed single. I got lucky. My exes were totally different


I just had a baby last year and I donā€™t feel the sameā€¦ Maybe hormones? Iā€™m so out of it too

When Iā€™m in love and happy ect I donā€™t notice other menā€¦ my last relationship of ten years I knew I was done when I started noticing other men againā€¦ weā€™d been struggling for two years


You have just stopped looking Iā€™m definitely like this lol, if something happens depending on the reason it will either slowly fade back to normal or allllll that love will be hate.


Iā€™m the same way I only have eyes for my hubby of 32 years. What your feeling is completely normal


Iā€™ve been with my husband for 31 years and only have eyes for him.


Completely normal! Iā€™m the exact same way, I only have :eyes: for my hubby, I have no attraction nor feel the need to look at others. Thatā€™s called love and itā€™s pretty awesome IMHO :wink::two_hearts:


Its ok and if it ever ends u will find others attractive, u just found ur person, hope it works out for u


I have been with my husband 9 and feel the same. No one else i care to look at. I am sure though if something does ever happen again you will possibly but when you really love the person your with all you see is them as I feel it should be even if they do not feel 100 percent the same as you.

This is a sign of depression actually


I went through that! & even after the break up it took me a while to start finding others attractive lol but Iā€™m ok now

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I hope itā€™s normalā€¦ I am in the same feeling as you

This happened to me with my current boyfriend. Iā€™m sure if anything were to happen, youā€™d go back to the way you were. It would just take time, as for any relationship youā€™re invested in, because you obviously love him so much.

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I am pretty turned off by the vast majority of people and am rarely attracted to anyone


Why is this normal for women but not men?? Goodness I wish was reality for all those men out there that have a woman like this!!

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My husband and I both feel this way. Weā€™ve actually talked about it. And weā€™ll point out people to each other, because you can recognize that someone is beautiful, without being attracted to them. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with being attracted to the person youā€™re with. And no one else. I think it basically means that youā€™re not open to other romantic relationships. Nothing wrong with that.


You are devoted to your boyfriend! Not a bad thing at all

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I wish this was the biggest issue in my life

I think this is normal. I can look at people and acknowledge theyā€™re physically attractive, but Iā€™m not actually attracted to them. Iā€™m all about my hubby. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Wow. You sound just like me! :flushed:I couldā€™ve wrote this!

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I donā€™t see a issue with it.

Sounds like heā€™s a winner and has set the bar at an unachievable level for anyone else, in your eyes? I definitely see the beauty of other people but zero attraction for anyone but my hubby. I donā€™t know about normal, but certainly a life goal!!


You might be a demisexualā€¦ you only see sexual attraction to people you have a deep emotional connection too like your boyfriend


Personally, I can acknowledge beauty without attraction. Despite my desire for my partner I still see other men with ā€œnice featuresā€ without having any type of attraction for them or desire to pursue them. Itā€™s totally normal to fully devote your attention to your present partner and invest yourself to giving them the attention, respect, and love they require. But it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s unhealthy or wrong to still think someone of the opposite sex has ā€œnice eyesā€ or ā€œa beautiful smileā€ or even a nice body either :woman_shrugging: (imo)

I went thru this off & on myself. Been w my spouse since 2006. Heā€™s most definitely interested in other women :roll_eyes: while Id rather go shopping & find interest in a can of cranberry sauce.


Iā€™m the same, nothing wrong with it at all

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Girl Iā€™m the exact same way. I awas have been.

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I think itā€™s normal because u shouldnt feel attracted to others while wirh someone or worry about if u guys break up if u would find another attractive. Iā€™m like this and itā€™s because I need a soul connection for any type of attraction to happen like that


I rarely even look at men nowadays.


i think this is called being demisexual which mean you only feel sexually attracted to someone when you have an emotional bond with the person!


YES itā€™s the same with me and idk why either

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I feel that way and I am Demi sexual, my bd left me and I havenā€™t had a connection with anybody since ā€¦ it sucks :pleading_face::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:

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Dumb questions on the internet lol. Why would there be something wrong with you because your faithful??


Iā€™d rather have a nice house than a bloke these days!

I feel that way about my husband. From the moment I met him I lost eyes and interest for anyone else. Heā€™s everything I desire and more! Heā€™s my perfection and I canā€™t imagine ever looking at anyone else that way. Just thinking about it hurts my heart. You truly love and want him thatā€™s why you feel that way.


Iā€™m the same wayā€¦Iā€™m also demisexual soā€¦it makes sense. My child brought it to my attention that I was demi. I didnā€™t even know what that was until they brought it up. I did some research and realized they were right.


Maybe youā€™re a demi?

Nothing wrong with you youā€™re just only attracted to someone you have an emotional connection to.

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Has anyone thought about checking your hormones. They can really screw things up.

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I used to feel that way but then he did something that changed our relationship and I changed


Unless my boyfriend/husband is Channing Tatum I will always be attracted to someone other than my significant other lol . Seriously though , I donā€™t think anything is wrong with you and I think if something were to happen and you guys were to break up, you would eventually start to find someone else attractive, maybe not at first but eventually.

Itā€™s perfectly normal . And yeah I agree with the others saying you may be demisexual

Start looking for more cerebral sources of attraction. Like look for a hot, steamy relationship in fiction. I like Elliot and the King from Magicians, Fiona and Michael from Burn Notice, and Daniel and Vala from SG1. Look for a relationship that melts paint off the walls and see if that keeps you engaged.

Ok, you guys just taught me demisexual is. Never heard of this before.


Every chic I ever dated feels that way about me


Sweetie there isnā€™t anything wrong with you. Itā€™s called being content- happy- and a awesome sign you have a great relationship.


I think my husband is super attractive after 8 years together. Still gonna oogle certain celebrities. Not even sorry.

Youā€™re in love. Nana Nana Nana


I donā€™t understand all these things. I didnā€™t even know what ā€œtheyā€ meant or what it was about. I guess im getting old. I just donā€™t understand why we have to have all these titles. Can someone educate me on this? Now donā€™t be mad and type mean shit. Iā€™m just trying to learn.

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Sounds weird but I only get that attractiveness toward anyone either when Iā€™m pregnant or have a few drinks. My husband is dead set that itā€™s my birth control, hormones and stress. Like people hit on me and I donā€™t even realize it. My husband will make a comment like did you see that guy looking at you and I say no because itā€™s just not a priority.


Itā€™s human nature to find people attractive but I think itā€™s also normal not to. We all work in mysterious ways! As long as you are happy in your relationship and itā€™s healthy for you as a whole person I think youā€™ll be okay!

There r ppl who r asexual


Hey hun, I am demisexual and that sounds exactly like me. Look into it :slight_smile:

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Hahaha im the same way, i sometimes find my self crying when he leaves to work because i just want to be with him all the time. I love his smell, when he comes back from work all sweaty. I tell him im obsessed with him, but he just brush it off his shoulder :person_shrugging:. We been together 7 years.


Might be a hormone imbalance


Sounds pretty normal to me.

Iā€™m same way. I recognize good looks (my preferences in others) but not on an attraction base.


You sound like me I am severely picky but if you look at all of my boyfriends over the years they all look the same every single one of them look the same. But at this point I told my guy if we donā€™t end up working out as long as weā€™ve been together Iā€™m most likely not going to date anybody else for the rest of my life and heā€™s seconded the motion he said he wasnā€™t going to date anybody else ever even if we broke up

Iā€™m the same way. I feel like when your happy with who you have by your side no one else is appealingā€¦


Tbh the only guy I find attractive besides my hubby is Keanu. They share similar traits. Lol. Other than him Idgaf. Now women on the other handā€¦whew I could name SO MANY. Iā€™m Bi soā€¦maybe your asexual or a form of it? Look into doll

I am the same wayā€¦ Like do i notice, of course, does it effect me like it did before i met my husband, not in the slightest! I am content and happy so no one else is appealing!


Blindly and dangerously in love :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t5::woman_shrugging:t5:


My brother in-law and sister in-law are like you

Iā€™m not attracted to anyone besides my husband. Been together almost 9 years.