Is texting considered cheating? I found out my husband keeps in touch with his female co worker…and while the texts seem innocent its just weird to me…he never even told me they were friends
… it’s a friend. And if the texts are just friends talking, leave it alone. He’s allowed to have friends…
If your husband isn’t allowed to have female friends he keeps in touch with, ya’ll have bigger problems. No, this is not cheating. And he probably kept it from you because of the way your reacting. If the msgs were sexy or romantic in nature, that would be different!
In this context, and you are married ,yes…its cheating…especially since he never mentioned her to you.
Don’t be gaslit.
Are you comfortable with the content of the texts? Not to suggest this is happening, but we tend to focus on sexual affairs when emotional affairs are pretty common. Oversharing personal stuff, leaning on the person for support and understanding. You know your husband and your relationship. What is okay to you?
Coming from a man’s perspective yes I consider it cheating mainly for the simple fact of not having the respect of telling you about being friends or texting it’s more of a secret … Communication is everything weather you ask about something or not should of told you not you finding out on your own but that’s my opinion hope all works out
You said the texts were innocent sooo nope not cheating…and he probably didnt tell you that they were friends because of how you are acting now. If there is more to the story you havent said like them hanging out, dinners, lunches, etc then yes it is an issue
I remember those days, my ex ended up with her lol good luck tho
The fact you don’t know their friends is the only thing that bothers me… why hid it…
As long as there is nothing inappropriate, I don’t see anything wrong with it! My husband plays a game on his phone…and talks with the people that is on his team including woman…never been a problem.
Yes it is cheating if he’s keeping it from you. Emotional cheating is just as bad imo. Even of the texts are innocent why wouldn’t he tell you. If you feel off about it trust your gut have a conversation with your husband of how it makes you feel his reaction will tell you all you need to know.
Depends if you consider him texting guys cheating too
I don’t think it’s cheating but I do find it odd he’s never mentioned her. But I’m also married to a woman and we talk about new ppl we meet and friends. Maybe it’s normal for guys to be secretive like this
It depends. Was he purposely hiding it? Did he do it knowing you’d feel insecure about it (is he not allowed female friends??), what is the content of the messages?
Honestly, no.
Hears why. My SO needs friends outside of me, just as much as I need friends outside of him. Moreover no, I don’t need to know everyone he’s talking to (internet or otherwise), or need to know all of his friends (male or female). That’s just where our relationship is.
Edit- for me I don’t feel the need to have a play by play of every conversation my husband or I have had with ever person we’ve talked to in a run of a day. That’s overboard IMO.
It’s definitely not cheating, but also he hasn’t mentioned her for a reason.
It is strictly work related or is it friendly? Because idk what anyone says, there’s no such thing as a man and women just being friends. SOMEONE has feelings. So if he’s texting another woman and it’s not just about work then it’s emotional cheating.
You’ve said they’re innocent messages so no not cheating. Men and women can be friends
He’s obviously not going to any great lengths to hide his friendship from you. Does he tell you about every guy friendship that he has? I have numerous friends of both genders and have never felt the need to specify to my spouse what gender anyone is.
People can have friends outside of their relationship. Is he being inappropriate with her? If the answer is no then you need to chill because this question is ridiculous. “Their texts are innocent but can I still accuse him of cheating anyways since she’s got a vagina?” Make it make sense.
As i think he should have told you. No I don’t think it’s cheating if it’s innocent shooting the breeze. If he acts secretive than yeah maybe something going on. But honestly he probably didn’t tell you because he sees her as a friend and nothing more
As long as he’s transparent with you about it and it’s not inappropriate don’t see a problem
No, it’s not cheating. Why can’t he have friends of the opposite sex? Seems like somebody is insecure in their marriage or they are having trust issues.
You know the answer. I know someone who loss her husband that very same way.
I don’t feel it is but then again the question should be “hey babe, you could’ve told me about it” type of thing. You should be able to have opposite sex as friends.
If it’s innocent then no!!! He has a right to have friends doesn’t matter the gender
Is texting considered cheating if they’re hiding it yes if they’re not hiding it no
If it’s not inappropriate then no but if he’s meeting up with her hanging out going to dinner or anywhere together besides work or talking inappropriately then YES it would be a problem for me at least lol
It could be all fine and dandy but sometimes it starts out as innocent…that’s all I have to say. Especially if he hasn’t mentioned her.
I don’t think so. If the texts were inappropriate then I’d be concerned. I don’t feel the need to know everyone he’s talking to though. It’s a co worker, so as long as it’s appropriate I don’t see an issue or consider it cheating.
Me personally my husband don’t need no female friends. Every girl I’ve been friends with were “friends” to a guy and they never had good intentions. So I choose to set boundaries that my husband is ok with. Yes he has married coworker friends but no single female friends. Never had a good experience with that. But it goes both ways i don’t have any male friends.
Is he hiding it? Does it seem like friends? Seems innocent to me and like someone is insecure
Is this a case of your man not having female friends? If so I hope you do not have male friends.
Yes depending on the content of the texts lol anything that isn’t work related… depends on the convo really. He’s allowed to have work friends.
You absolutely can have friends of the opposite sex. Hell I think it’s better sometimes to get the opposite sex’s perspective on things. If their innocent and not shady who cares let the man have friends
It’s not physically cheating it’s emotionally cheating
Megan Gillespie- thoughts? Or are you banned from commenting
if its flirting, its cheating. If its simply talking, no
Cheating is decided between to two (or more) parties of the relationship. What’s considered cheating to you might not be considered cheating to another woman, but it doesn’t matter if she thinks it’s cheating. You and your partner need to establish those rules in your relationship
If you read the text then you obviously know about her, and maybe they are just casual friends, why so insecure?
No. Innocent text messages aren’t cheating.
If it makes you uncomfortable tell him to stop and delete her. If it’s not an issue, he will.
Its cheating if its inappropriate and you guys decide thats cheating. If its innocent, he’s allowed to have friends. Let him know it makes you uncomfortable that he didn’t tell you, but you can’t control who he texts. And even if you could, if someone wants to cheat, they’re going to cheat. You can’t change that.
Do you text him while at work? Constantly? I used to work for a guy that I literally couldn’t get his attention during the day because he was always on his phone with his gf. So when he went home I had to send him work shit and tried to keep it light by making jokes. Well she came in yelling and I literally had to rip her a new brain. And even though I literally told her if she didn’t text him all day or call him I might be able to actually have a conversation with him at work she was still so insecure I quit. Don’t be that person who screws up his work mode. If the texts get invasive that’s one thing. But ask yourself how much if work time you invade as well. Either you trust him or you don’t. That won’t change.
It’s a coworker and no one suspicious? Absolutely not.
Only cheating if the conversations are inappropriate. Having a friend of the opposite sex, is not cheating.
Texting? No. Hiding it? Yes…
If there isn’t anything inappropriate, I wouldn’t stress it. It’s not uncommon to stay connected to previous coworkers, you do form some sort of relationship or friendship with those people. What you consider inappropriate vs how others do may not be the same. What are you ok with and what are you not?
Lmao wtf. No. It’s not cheating to text a co worker. Even when you say yourself there’s nothing inappropriate. Grow up.
If it was a man would it bother you? I dont see why people are so insecure with their partner talking to someone of the opposite sex
Do the same. If he overreacts, he’s cheating.