Is there a smart watch for kids that allows phone calls?

Is there a smart watch for kids that allows phone calls? We do not want our 9 year old to have a phone but would like a way to contact her when she is outside with friends or in any case of emergency.


We have the gizmo watch for my son. We got it through Verizon with our phone plan. It can make and receive calls… but only to/from numbers that you program into it as contacts.
We’ve had the gizmo for almost 3 years now. Love it!


Gabb watch! They also have a phone that is limited -no internet.

I think the smart watch has to connect to a phone

We have the xplora watches. They are sold by Best Buy

Gizmo. My 6 year old has one. Can only recieve/call from 3 contacts that you program to it.

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