Is there a way my husbanc can get paid while on paternity leave?

Hey y’all I am scheduled for a induction on October 25. I am a SAHM to my toddler so I haven’t been working so I get no income. My fiance hasn’t been working at his current job for over a year so he doesnt qualify for FMLA(paternity) leave, so if he does request time off he wouldnt get paid. So I guess what I’m asking if there is a way either him or I can get income for the time if he chooses to stay home with me and our newborn? Or is he just screwed and has to miss out on possibly the birth of his newborn and her first days in the world?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there a way my husbanc can get paid while on paternity leave? - Mamas Uncut

My husband left work early, made it with 10 minutes to spare and left the next morning at 5 a.m to go back to work. My daughter is 4 and her daddy is her favorite person. He will be able to bond and work if it’s not financially possible to take off.


Any job would not make him miss the bith of a baby. And he could just use a couple sick days or a couple unpaid. I wouldnt nessisarily use paternity leave… just use some sick days. My hubby never took time off when baby was born other than the day of and maybe the day after.


Since he hasn’t worked in a year I doubt you be able to collect for him staying home on maternity leave. He’s not working so he doesn’t have a income anyway


I didn’t think you received paid leave on FMLA… they just guarantee you to still have a job when you return to work, as long as it’s within the specified leave time. I don’t know about paternity leave … different companies have different policies. Surely they would allow him time off for the delivery … even if it’s unpaid. That’s a decision the two of you will have to make together … whether you can afford for him to take a couple of days off unpaid. My son is in a similar situation … but he fortunately has a week of vacation time he can take off with pay.


1,240 hours
Employees must have worked for at least 1,240 hours during the 12 months prior to starting FMLA leave, and must work at a location where at least 50 employees work within 75 miles. You must also have worked for an employer for at least a year. However, the year does not need to be consecutive.

Hope this helps

Outside of annual , sick or fmla I don’t see how he could get paid unfortunately


You guys should have all that stuff figured out by now , he probably won’t have any paternity leave benefits but maybe sick days or vacations days that he can use , if not he can ask for at least two days off .
The bonding time should not be bothering you he can bond with the baby when he is home not working


Basically welcome to America. My fiance was at work 5 hours after our daughter was born. The healthcare and everything attached to it in this country is freaking terrible. Not to mention who can miss work when they have to pay a minimum of $3000 to have a baby.


So .I went through the same situation and my fiance had to go back to work the day after I had our son and he had to work the rest of the time I was in the Hospital and I knew he needed his sleep for work so I was in the hospital by myself with our son so my fiance could get some sleep at home for work! And then when we had our daughter I was in the Hospital all by myself because I went into labor in the middle of the night and he had to stay home with our 11 month old Son because we didn’t have anyone near by who could watch our son at 3AM!


I think FMLA is measured by hours worked, not the year itself. My husband’s job required that he used up all his vacation time before he could use it, but that depends on the job, not an FMLA requirement

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It’s sad that dad has to miss time with a new born depending on where and company is. My husband was in the USAF they gave him two weeks. If your depending on him to be with you I’d see if a mom or friend can be with you.

And this is why we ( usa) need to do better for families. I don’t care if my taxes went towards families to help them bond, and daddy to help mom out.

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I’ve never heard of a job denying the father the ability to leave work for the birth of the baby. I don’t think your husband will miss out on bonding time. Most American men don’t actually get time off work for a bonding period, especially if they haven’t been at their job for a year. :woman_shrugging:


Cause the job my partner does he couldn’t take straight away xaus even was already booked in fir work.he was there for the Birth but then had to go stright back work he had to have perternity when both my daughters were 2 weeks old and there right daddy’s girls

I’d suggest your husband look into using pto(paid time off) if it’s a benefit that’s offered by his job.
All the jobs my self and my husband has worked has never penalized us for missing work due to giving birth or attending the birth of a child.
With FMLA it would have most likely been unpaid even if he had been there for a year. Atleast that’s the experience i’ve had at all of my jobs with fmla.
Your best bet would be for him to see about using paid time off, which is usually different from both sick leave and vacation leave.
he could see if his job will work with him to give him some time off for the new baby, it may not be for as long as you want but they may give him a few days or a week off and if he decides to reduce his hours to be home more to help with the kids, he could potentially qualify for unemployment.

Look at his employee manual when I had my second my husband had only been at his work for 6 months that got him 2 weeks of paid  paternity leave at 50% pay any other time off would have to be Fmla. When I had our 3rd it was 3 weeks paternity leave at 100% pay and the rest would be fmla. The best thing really isn’t to look in the employee manual/handbook specially over asking anyone else at his work. Most people aren’t fully aware of what they can get at work.

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Fmla doesn’t pay you. It just guarantees you a job on your return. He would have to use his paid time off in order to be paid.


I’m sure boss won’t let him miss the birth, however may not get many days off. All places are different. Good luck and congrats!

In California, Dad’s can take up to 6 week’s paid family leave (it might be 8 weeks now?) Paid by the states I unemployment insurance if he’s paid into it. You can check on his pay stub it says SSD under the States tax area.


I’m getting induced Oct 31st due to pprom. I been off work since Aug. 4th with no pay and in the hospital the whole time. I signed up for disability thru my new job but don’t even qualify for it due to me not working at this “job” a whole year. But try the disability out, hopefully it works for guys!

I haven’t heard of paternity leave. Parental leave yes, maternity leave yes. But paternity?? I always thorght that was to determine if the child is yours or not. Like a DNA test…
I’m so behind on the names. From NZ so that may be why? Could be wrong.

I guess Google thst in what state you are in? But you CAN take leave anytime the first year so even if his year is 6 months away he cam still take it then I believe. So he wouldn’t be totally missing out on one on one time

My husband used sick leave both time to get paid. Then he used vacation with our second as he was working for our state by that point. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been paid.

Unfortunately a lot of men don’t get paid leave for births. My husband was able to take 3 personal days then went back to work.

Fmla doesn’t guarantee pay… it just guarantees you won’t lose employment at your current job


Where I work at a father can get maternity leave,

FMLA is not paid leave so that wouldn’t help even if he met the qualifications. There are several states-NJ,NY,MA,CA,RI,WA and CT, also Washington DC(maybe a couple others)-that offer paid family leave. That leave can be used for the birth and subsequent care of a newborn.
You won’t qualify if you aren’t working, but your husband may if you live in one of these states. If not, he can likely take some of his sick leave or PTO.
I live in NJ and when my kids were born my husband was able to use paid family leave. He took 2 weeks right after the birth of our kids and his company made up the difference between what family leave paid and his regular salary, and then he took his remaining 4 weeks intermittently, which is allowed by NJ FLI. The program allows for 6 weeks paid (up to a specific maximum allowed by the program) and it can be taken any time in the 1st year of the child’s life. His company actually preferred that instead of taking 6 weeks consecutively.

In Oregon we have OFLA as well as FMLA
Not sure if paternity leave is eligible
Maybe your state has something similar to check in to

Does he have vacation or sick days he can use?

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He can use any sick days available

My husband had to take his vacation days for the birth of our kids

Unless he has pto or vacation time, I don’t think he can be paid the time off.

Depends on company and state.

If he has vacation, personal or sick days.

Unless you have a c section a day or 2 will be enough time off and he won’t miss out on too much pay. Ask to have your induction date moved to the 27th. He only misses 2 days and has the weekend at home with you and the baby. Some hospitals let you leave 24 hours after giving birth.


In RI we have something called TCI. Fathers can take a month off. Idk if your state has anything similar?

Just take the day off for the birth

Just do doordash or Uber or something of that nature . You can set your own hours and work at your own pace and you can make as much money as you would like

I believe Paid Family Leave… aren’t you going to get Disability while on maternity leave, for 12 weeks?
Do you know if Sedgewick is the company his job uses for leaves?

Call the Employment Office in your state and ask or google your states benefits.

Check state leave! Depending on the state they don’t just track the hours at your “current job” like FMLA does but they look at a whole calender year to see what your hours look like!! I live in WA state and we have state paid leave as well as job based FMLA


What state are you in? If you’re in California, he’ll definitely qualify for Paid Family Leave. Right now I’m on disability because I had to be taken off work early and then after I give birth I have 6 weeks of more disability pay and then if I want I can use PFL for an additional 6 weeks or just go back to work and I have a year to use the full 6 weeks of PFL.

When both of my kids were born he never took anytime off…SAD, but it is what it is not worth losing a job over. Tell him to use vacation time…

Ca has something called paternity leave. It’s like maternity leave but for dads. Pays for up to 12 weeks I believe…

Is their away he can talk to his boss and ask what is allowed and not allowed? If your already scheduled for the birth maybe take that day off? And the follow day to recouping

He can get paid FMLA for 6 weeks. At least in California. It’s for any parent, mother or father for the birth or adoption of a child.

tell him to man up and get a job. u can take care of ur kid while hes at work. its not the end of the world if he cant stay home with u

I’m not understanding why y’all laughing? Fill me in on the joke!

If hes short on service he needs to take holidays/sick days or unpaid leave.

I’m sure he can take a sick day for the birth!

Paternity leave ?? Really?

In New York State we have pfl. Paid family leave. My husband got 12 weeks paid time off to bond with the baby.

Edit to add I think it was 60% to 80% of his weekly pay.


You can apply for cash assistance with department of children and family.

The company i worked for didnt pay men for leave. The state would but its not enough to pay all the bills so I had to work. Had to drive 45min out of town almost every day to be with my boy in the nicu after work. When he came home I had to just be with him n his mama after work. It sucked not being with the both of them especially his mom for support but I had to make sure we had a roof n utilities. As wack as it sounds, dad may just have to suck it up n sacrifice time to ensure y’all are taken care of. Idk if its like this everywhere but its like that here. I do hope yall can find a solution. I know I wish I had better options. Mothers need that support system n its great for a baby to have both parents around.

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He can use his sick time… but that’s about it