I’m 33 years old and I don’t have a jawline and I abolsutely hate it. What can I do to get an actual jawline? I’m not overweight so I’m not sure why I don’t have one. My neck and chin literally connect with no jawline.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there anything I can do to get a jawline? - Mamas Uncut
Get your hormone levels checked, especially if you’ve got swelling at the base of your neck it can be thyroid.
Accept your self the way you are, embrace it.
Depends on the reason why you don’t have a noticable jawline. Some people don’t have one at all and would need surgery and sometimes it’s the extra weight on your face, even if you’re not overweight. I think there’s exercises you can do.
Contouring. Im sure there are excercises to help, but its worth a talk with your doctor. Some people do cosmetic surgery
Without surgery you just need to learn to contour
Look up Gua Sha stone exercises! I’ve seen before and afters from girls who have used it for only a month, and the results look like a face lift! I’ve just started using it as well.
Someone once told me they lost the no neckline by doing “yes no’s” you literally just nod yes and no over and over again random patterns and it worked!
There is “face tape” they sell on Amazon that can be a temporary fix. I had an injury when I was a teen & had liposuction done. I was about 100lbs but had no muscle tone. It’s been 20 years & I am good with the result.
I found facial exercises on YouTube
That is called retrogenia and it can be fixed with genioplasty surgery with a maxillofacial surgeon.
Have you tried lymph drainage?
Having filler can help this . Go chat to a reputable plastic surgeon
Learn to love who you are, half us have no jaw line!
They have kybella, that’ll help.
Mostly, it’s not fixable without surgery that insurance does not pay for. Expect to shell out around 15k or more to address it or just accept it.
Jade roller. I stand by it. And the sculpting tool.
I’m getting jaw lipo in May 2023. I’ve tried everything. Even kybella and it made things worse.
Some spas offer jaw threading!
I read somewhere breathing through your mouth can force your jaw to sit more forward. I have no idea if there is any truth to this.
May have something to do with your spine.
Plastic surgery
There are exercises for it
Probably genetic. Not much you can do about that.
Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth trust me, and posture helps
I’ve seen jaw exercise devices
Things sold over the counter, online, or done in a “spa” won’t help and may do some damage. Please talk to your doctor
Bobo or Fillers can give you the jawline your after!!!
Talk to a plastic surgeon I guess.
Chew things … you get a jawline from the muscles surrounding your jaw