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"I'm pretty sure my husband talks to other woman and looks at other woman's pictures online and comments on them all the time, he's not fooling me. Should I start doing that to men? Should I stoop down to his level and do the same thing he does to me? Why do most men think this is ok? Like 90 percent of men do this, if you don't want your woman to do it then why should you be able to? You can't have your cake and eat it too. When women get married, we only have eyes for one man, but when most men get married a few years down the road they start doing this. Maybe I should just be single I'm beginning to hate love. Is there such a thing as a man who only has eyes for one woman feel like they don't exist."
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"Yes, there is such a thing. You sound very hurt, I would talk to him about you feel. If it doesn’t change, you have to sit back and think about your options. You’ll have to ask yourself if you want to stay or if this is a deal breaker"
"It’s normal for men and women to find other people attractive while they are in a relationship. To comment on their pictures online while in a relationship seems disrespectful to me. Tell him how you feel and if he respects you he will stop. If he doesn’t stop he probably never will and I would think about if it’s something you can live with if not end the relationship because it sounds like it makes you feel horrible."
"I think it’s really disrespectful obviously you're going to pass someone or know someone and think they are attractive, that’s human nature but what’s not ok is acting on it"
"As for a gaze, he’s married not blind. But when you choose to be married, you choose to forsake all others. There’s no reason for him to be chatting these women up. You are worthy and deserving of his respect."
"Best advice I got from my mom (her and my “step” dad have been married for 26 years, together 31) is that they all look, it’s human nature. If you trust your boyfriend/husband looking and even being friends with the opposite sex isn’t a bad thing. As long as clear firm boundaries are in place, both parties accept those boundaries and respect them, and there’s no hiding anything, trust your man. If for any reason a boundary is blurred or just plain out ignored, sit down with your SO and have a conversation about that boundary crossing and how it made you feel and how to make it better and how to not let it happen again"
"I love my husband very much, but I’m not blind. Granted I don’t go lookin for or like men’s pictures online. I would recommend sharing that it hurts your feelings and explain why. My husband is not blind either but he’s not blatant if another beautiful woman walks by."
"There is, all men aren’t assholes lol. Two wrongs don’t make a right though… dont stoop to his level."
"They exist. Mine certainly only is interested in me. I however don’t care if he watches porn, likes a photo or something. He’s not a prisoner. He is attentive, loving, absolutely not cheating. He respects the boundaries of our relationship that we have established as do I. Sometimes I feel like some of y’all gotta stop trying to put put your partners into little boxes. It seems to cause more harm than good."
"They do exist! I’ve got one!"
"That’s so disrespectful in a relationship period…. Unless your watching together lol that’s different"
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