Is $7,000 about what a normal visit to the dentist which includes two root canals and two crowns, and then another trip for a full cleaning? Lord I didn’t know taking suboxone for 3 years would deteriorate my molars so much I pay out of pocket with no insurance, but if this sounds right then I won’t bother calling around for second opinions
No mam it doesn’t but also depends on your state. Her a root canal should be 700 a piece crowns 500 and a cleaning with X-rays no more than 350.
Yah that’s pretty normal esp root canals for molars it’s not cheap for sure even with insurance they max you out at 1-2k so the rest is out of pocket
Always tell them you are uninsured and would like a discount.
You can Google the average cost per state to get an idea. Keep in mind, that is only the cost of product not labor, not X-ray, not anesthesia. Where I live one root canal can cost $2,000
Um no. One root canal for me was $800 crown 1800 cleaning 300
I’m in wa and root canals are $2700 and crowns are $1700
In PA I paid $1800 for a rootcanal and $850 for the crown
My one root canal with insurance was about $1k out of pocket in KS and my two crowns with insurance were another $1500 out of pocket when I lived in MN.
I can see where it could be. Esp if no ins is involved. I have not worked in the field for 4 yrs so but was kind of trying to average in the price increases during that time, which is why I say I could see it being that much
Crowns where I’m at are 1200-1500 out of pocket(depending on what type too). A cleaning costs 180 ish. A super deep cleaning where they numb you and do half at a time is more. Idr how much root canals cost insurance covered that part but it was a lot. Since it’s a couple it’s sounds about right but you should still get second opinions and pricing!
My one root canal was around $1800. The crown would have been an additional $1500. So if you would have two done it would be a total of $3,000 just for the two crowns and $3,600 for the two root canals which would be just under $7,000. Add in a cleaning and you would probably be looking at over $7,000 for everything.
If there’s a dental school near you, call them and ask if they offer those services. If so you’ll get the work done at a fraction of the cost. The students are supervised by a licensed dentist.
It was going to cost me nearly $4000 for an implant to replace a baby tooth at 55 years old with insurance. And I have good dental insurance. I said nope and just pulled it out myself. I don’t miss it one bit.
Crowns and root canals can cost $1,000-$4,000 EACH just by themselves. I think you got a bargain.
Yeah unfortunately that’s normal.