Is this cheating?

Would you consider signing up for dating sites and messaging other people while you are married, cheating? Even if it didn’t go further than messaging?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is this cheating?

I absolutely think thats cheating.

Cheating! That will lead to other things. Plus that is cheating emotionally.

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Definitely, why would you be joining dating sites if you’re married? You have no business doing that.


Yep. That’s not okay

Any form of seeking sexual pleasure or intimate partnership from another person is a form of cheating, yes. Why go looking elsewhere when you have it at home?


Yep you’re partner deserves that attention

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Yes, 100% :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
Seeking attention anywhere else other than your spouse is cheating. He has no business being on dating sites. Save yourself from the heartache.

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Absolutely. Why are you on a dating site if your married? Alarm bells and red flags!!

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It’s cheating. Think of it like this if it was the other way around would he be mad? Give him a dose of his own medicine. Leave ur phone where he can see it and make sure whatever site he was on is on ur phone. Make u a profile u might just find him on there. My friend found her ex like that. Well now ex lol. She pretended to be someone else and talked to him for ab a month set up a meet and confronted him. He ab sh** his pants when he saw her.

genuine serious question, please don’t laugh…

but even if you have no intentions of meeting up with anyone? just for conversation? it’s not like there are a lot of platonic conversation apps/sites x3

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Hell YES! Wth I’d be saying GOODBYE :wave:

1000% yes. That’s where it starts.

Yes. Emotional cheating can lead to physical cheating, its like playing with fire. Too many temptations


Personally, anything that your spouse is willing to say to another person while you’re not around is a form of cheating (especially on dating apps) Flirting to an extent is emotional cheating, which often leads to physical. If your husband has to hide or delete conversations, photos, etc. there’s an issue.


It’s not cheating. But it’s not ok!!!

Duh!!! Cheating isn’t only physical if your attention isn’t on your spouse then you need to re-evaluate yourself and your relationship/marriage.

It’s going in that direction so yes.

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ABSOLUTELY YES!!! WHY DO THAT WHEN YOURE MARRIED??? Keeping your options open?

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If you wanna act single, you can be single. The end.


Yesss!! Looking to speak or see someone outside of your relationship is cheating. I’m sorry this is happening to you but please open your eyes. If you got on a dating sight what would your intentions for that be

Uhm. Yes. Absolutely yes.

If you have to ask, then you know the answer.

Yes. The intention is there. No other reason to do those things.

why would I? Sounds like a waste of money to me. Unless your plan is to cheat, and yea….

You don’t go to the restaurant, sit down, read the menu—unless you are planning on eating.


Yes as this happened to me an to was just that but after awhile he meet someone an that was that … So I’m no longer with him… this is a sign he is unhappy an looking for something they think is better… but once you cheat I Dont take back… I m so sorry you have to go through this… it is hard cause it makes you feel not worthy or wanted… but just let me tell you it’s all him… as you could be doing everything right … but for some reason they think they want something else … I would sit down an talk to him an ask him what he is thinking… an I would be honest I would tell him it’s either me or them I’m not going to sit back an be second to anyone …

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If they said they loved them or were going to leave you for them then yes, otherwise it’s probably just for the excitment and attention. Other people think differently though

It’s a dating site. That should tell you everything you need to know right there.


Looks like someone needs to do some soul searching. If you’re not happy there’s this thing called a divorce.

Yes and how you know nothing happened when you didn’t know they was on a site to begin with. If they are on that site then they are looking. Life’s to short find someone else. No one has time for that


Yes, because they are giving others the attention that they should be giving their SO.

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Yes shouldn’t be looking elsewhere

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What are your true intentions?
You really just searching for a pen pal?
Would you appreciate your spouse joining dating sites?
What are you lacking in your marriage you feel the desire to do this?

  • Just a few questions to ask yourself.

Yes, you don’t have to touch anyone to cheat. Doing something you have to hide from your partner with intent behind it is cheating. At least this is how I feel.


Exactly how do you know it didn’t go further? Adults don’t have pen pals - they have sex.

of course his looking for someone else duh :roll_eyes:

Cheating doesn’t have to be physical. Yes, he’s cheating.

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Look, 90% of the time cheating doesn’t just start at sex. It starts in the mind. It starts with “innocent” flirting. It starts with secret messages.

Hell no. Why would you if you aren’t cheating or had intentions to?

If he caught you I. A dating site he is on dating site lol

He 100% considering cheating ha

Yes its cheating. Doesnt have to be physical.

It’s called emotional cheating. Doesn’t need to be physical

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Simple rule: if you can’t tell your partner, you shouldn’t be doing it.


100% yes! Massive betrayal… There was me thinking dating sites were for single people :thinking::thought_balloon::roll_eyes: these things tend to escalate too. Curiosity makes him sign up and before long he finds a profile he likes… Just because he’s not messaging now doesn’t mean he never will. Maybe he’ll get cocky enough to try and meet up with someone one day. Time to have a serious talk and make it clear he’s on his final warning :warning::clap:t2:


:woman_facepalming:t2: yes, it’s emotional cheating which will turn into physical eventually!!

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Emotional cheating is still cheating

Giving your attention And time to someone else is cheating Entertaining the opposite sex when your in a commitment ( marriage) is cheating . Especially bc its a dating site not like its just messenger

Is this a real question?

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This means getting busted for attempting cheating. He/sh already cheated emotionally and will do it physically when circumstances will allow.

Yes unless the other partner knows and agrees

Hard yes…leave that piece of crap

thats bow it starts

Anything that violates the agreed upon boundaries of your relationship is infidelity.


Imo intent is almost just as bad as actually cheating

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I think it’s the first step towards cheating.


Yes. I mean why else are you on there other than to see who else is out there and there for you are actively looking for someone else.

Yes. It’d be one thing if they were just messaging a friend but the fact that it’s on a dating site definitely shows the intent

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Does 1+1=2?

Of course it is :smirk:

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Do you think stepping out on a relationship emotionally, (even though nothing physical has happened yet), is cheating?
Answer your own question….

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Yes that’s 100% cheating. If you’re married there’s NO reason whatsoever he should be signing up for dating sites… That right there says he’s interested in other women.


Yeah. It’s the thought

This is a dumb ass question. Your partner is actively seeking companionship outside of your marriage and even worse-on dating sites. Even if it’s not cheating he/she is actively seeking attention elsewhere, just wait until he/she finds the right one. YOU DESERVE BETTER​:clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

Is this really a question? Yes. It’s called emotional cheating. I wonder who you are asking for…

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How is this even a question?


Yes hun, just amagin the shoe was on the other foot, ask yourself would he be happy if you were doing it…, he’s gaslighting you…

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Absolutely! Why would you need a dating site if you’re married?

If the partner doesn’t know about it, and they aren’t in an open relationship, it’s cheating. There are a lot of sites and clubs dedicated to meeting and socializing in a platonic way. Dating sites are specifically designed for making more intimate or romantic connections, so even though physically the person isn’t cheating, emotionally they are.

I consider that to be an emotional affair which is actual worse than a physical affair in my opinion.

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How would you feel if it were your husband doing this to you? I woulf suggest talking to your husband and telling him you’re not getting the attention you crave.

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Is this a real damn question?!!! That’s absolutely cheating!! & it’s disgusting a person would ever do that!!!:rage:

Umm yes… entertaining other people while married is cheating. If it has to be hidden from your partner it’s wrong.

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Ummm, yes. How is this even a question?

your looking for trouble

Uhm… what?! You should probably try to fix your marriage or leave if you have to ask this question!! :roll_eyes:

There was intent behind it, yes.

Great reason I got divorced after a 22 year relationship. It eventually leads to cheating. Emotional relationships are just as bad as physical ones

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He checked out sis! Time for you to too! Toodaloo

Just the fact that you have to ask yourself this question should be enough.


If you have to ask, you cannot afford it…


Not yet, but well on the way to.

It’s cheating no matter what.

The cheating whether it by heart or by actions has already happened, now its time to consider your responce, trust is hard enough under normal conditions but after this next to impossible

Emotional cheating is cheating 100%


I do consider it cheating … if you are married and are on dating sites you’re emotionally detaching yourself from your spouse with the intent to form a connection with someone else … wether that connection is to act on romantic intentions or just to see what else is out there, it’s going outside the marriage to give someone else the attention that is only meant for your spouse


Yeah cos he knows what his looking for and it ain’t friendship


Lmao, absolutely. Yes.

Yes. Set boundaries within your relationship and anything outside of those boundaries is cheating.

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If you’re talking to anyone and sharing any kind of intimate conversation you’re cheating! Sharing anything you should only be sharing with your significant other is cheating!


Yes…because the intention is there. Whats the reason he is on those sites. to meet someone new, sleep with someone new.


yes of course.if someone else is getting the attention that is meant for the partner . then yes it’s cheating if you have to hide it. it’s cheating

It’s bloody bullshit.

YES. Cheating for sure.

Yes! If the messages are something he should only be sending his spouse, then yes it is cheating. Making plans to meet up IS cheating. The intent was there whether he followed through or not, he obviously wanted to if he said it. Joining dating sites is cheating as the intent of said sites is to meet. If he was committed to you he wouldn’t do any of those things. Intimacy shared with someone other than your significant other is cheating even if that is just intimate conversations.:woman_shrugging:t4: It does not matter if there was not physical contact adultery usually happens in the mind and heart first.
I bet if you asked if he would be ok with you doing the same thing he’d see it differently

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the thought comes before the action , if this person got a chance they would cheat in a new york minute .

Signed up to a DATING SITE. duhhh!

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If course it’s cheating

No, but it’s intent to cheat and is just as bad