Just curious … I had a miscarriage around 11 weeks February 24th . (well when I found out it was February 24th) They gave me a type of medication that softened my cervix and helped me pass everything . I bleed until March 7th .I haven’t had a period since . Well , I started about 3 days ago and bled super heavy for about 24 hours with MAJOR CRAMPS woke up and it was just gone . My next OB appointment isn’t until May 24th . For a checkup and make sure everything is still fine . When I went March 15th to see if everything passed they said I was good to go . It’s like everytime I’d ask questions they’d give me a very long answer I didn’t really understand … And , my mind is still super un-functional from depression just piling on , so I just didn’t even bother asking for a simpler explanation… I just wanted to be out of that room …
Definitely ask questions. I almost died because part of the fetus was stuck holding my cervix open drs kept telling me I was fine and it was normal
Call your doctor! My friend was in ICU after a miscarriage. Trust your gut and be your own ambassador!!!
It could be your period returning. It can be heavier than normal, but call your doctor for an appointment to make sure. Maybe go in with a list of questions so you can make sure you’re getting your answers
How far along were you? When I had my miscarriages I was very early. My body naturally passed everything both times. I got my period very fast both times! I have always had horrible first periods after a miscarriage… feels like death. I hope you can get answers & talk to a doctor asap! I’m sending all the good vibes your way!!
When they checked if everything passed did they do an ultrasound, speculum exam & pregnancy test/hcg hormone to make sure? 3 more weeks is a while to wait if you are questioning it…
People have different understandings of “bleeding super heavy” IF you were soaking more than one pad an hour than you should have contacted your doctor immediately. However, you said that lasted 24 hours…since it stopped I would not be too concerned. Every female’s body has to adjust after such an intense change occurred by taking that medication.
I’m so sorry you went through this, it’s one of the hardest things women can go through. Just try to take comfort in the fact that something was wrong for baby to be unfit for today’s world and trust mother nature, she knows what she’s doing. Better to have it happen sooner rather than later (not that any of this takes the pain away but it’s what helps soften the blow for me).
Cramps and periods do get weird after pregnancy. Even if it wasn’t full term. If they checked you, then I’m sure all is well. After my pregnancies my periods got super painful, heavier, sometimes they’d last 7 days sometimes 3. Also sporadic.
Ultimately if something isn’t sitting well with you, call and tell them you want an ultrasound to be sure. A good doctor will always do what they need to do to give you peace of mind.
You hormones just dropped super fast !! This is very very normal but also very difficult to get threw but this will pass promise looking up ground techniques also if you get in a sitting position on the couch sit up and try to look behind yourself tipping your head backwards this actually re set your brain
lots of water !!! And rest your body needs to heal and rest you will be stronger from this I promise keep going it will pass
I had the same reaction to the harmone they gave me with really bad cramping it felt like my uterus was burnt but it sloughed everything off
Just give your body the time to recuperate, be easy on urself mentally and physically…you will never 4get the loss but only time heels that pain.
Maybe you need a D&C.
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I had a d&c March 3 2022. My first period after was also wayyy heavier than any I’ve ever had lbvs. I’m now on and it is back to normal
So sorry
I had a miscarriage at 5 months with twins . That was 14 years ago I had a tubal in 93 got pregnant in 2007 that’s when I miss carried
Good Luck
I had my period like 3 days after for like 4 days . But I would try to get into a DR sooner
I would at least call and ask for an explanation.
Im so sorry for your loss. You can always call and speak to a nurse. I had lots of cramping . It’s probably just your body and hormones resetting themselves
if you don’t fully understand everything a Dr or nurse is saying to you, you need to tell them that, If you don’t; say anything, they will think you are understanding everything. And trust me , they do understand just what you are going through
I had to have a D&C after my misscarage to make sure it was all out.
I didn’t have a d&c my passed as a period I also went to the hospital for u/s to make sure it payed do that if your still worried
I have a history of miscarriages, this can be normal. While is always better to be safe than sorry. I have experienced this after a miscarriage. But I also had d&c done. 
Go to a different OBGYN
Tell them you don’t understand it’s the doctor’s job to explain it to where you can understand it
From my experience, I didn’t have a D and C, I bled heavy for a week afterwards, cramps were insane, so I would say it’s normal… You could always go for a 2nd opinion.
So sorry for your loss. I wouldn’t wait till May 24th. I’d have them move your appointment up.
An ultrasounds should have been performed to ensure all miscarriage byproducts had fully passed, especially since heavy bleeding has taken place since then. Also they should make any explanations simpler, using less jargon otherwise they are clueless or not really willing to help you understand. Must be easier ways to get service especially under the stress of it all.
Well… not to sound mean but we can’t explain to you what the doctor said ……
I miscarried and passed everything on my own. My next few periods were very heavy it took few months for my body to go back to normal
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I would call and ask just to be sure. I would imagine after that it would be heavy but I’m no professional and can’t say it is or isn’t. I’m sorry about your loss
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Bodies react differently to miscarriages, so even if it were normal for some of us, it doesn’t mean it’s normal for you. It seems like you aren’t fully comfortable and don’t exactly believe everything is okay with your experience, so please if you think something may be wrong with your body, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
I’ve had 6 miscarriages, each one was very painful. Losing a baby at 11 weeks also is going to have your body react differently than losing a baby around 5-6 weeks. Your body likely still is experiencing some hormonal imbalance and that’s likely why your first period was different, but like I said, if you feel like something could be wrong, keep pushing for an answer that you understand and if you don’t understand TELL THEM. that is their job to HELP you understand. If they can’t help you understand, then please find a doctors office who can.
I am truly sorry for your loss.