Is this normal at only 26 weeks?

Is it normal to feel pelvic pressure when walking or bending at 26 weeks pregnant?


If its continuous probably not, but everything is growing and stretching and shifting. U will have pain and/or pressure from time to time.


If this isn’t your 1st pregnancy most likely. With my second it started at 23 weeks. I didn’t have him until 38.

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This last baby I had was very low the whole time from 15 weeks on everytime I bent over I felt pressure like I was squashing my baby. He’s two months now and perfect. Definitely bring it up with your doctor. I didn’t do it my other pregnancies so I was worried but my doc said we were fine

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I had it from only a few weeks pregnant then got worse as the weeks went on until I had my son.

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I’m 37 weeks an I have had pelvic pressure for majority of my 2nd an 3rd trimester

I had that with my second pregnancy, I’d bring it up to your doctor. The only thing mine did was tell me to drink more water when I was already drinking as much as I possibly could. I got sick around 34 weeks pregnant and wasn’t able to drink or eat anything without throwing it up and went to the hospital because the pelvic pressure was just insane, thought it was because I was just dehydrated since I couldn’t keep anything down and turns out I was dilating with no contractions and they couldn’t stop the dilating so at that point I delivered my son at 34 weeks and he stayed in the nicu for a month. Could just be where your body is getting ready but I’d definitely call and ask a nurse or go in if you have that option!

I had chronic pelvic pressure and pain from about 20 weeks until I gave birth. My midwife said it was from the ligaments and everything else stretching to adjust to baby’s growth.

In 21 weeks and have had pelvic pressure in any position…standing, sitting,walking. Sometimes it feels like he curls up in the very bottom of his confined space and it is soooo uncomfortable. One of my doctors said it was normal though. Hang in there mama❤️

Yes! I’ll be 27 weeks Thursday and I feel it constantly it’ll come and go but it’s normal as my doctor told me, I asked about it too being it started around 20 weeks.

I did with my son from about 23 weeks on. Doctor said it’s bc it was my second pregnancy and that it would be like that with any more pregnancies. I’m currently 29 weeks in my third pregnancy and have just started feeling it this last week or so.

Yup! 39 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and I’ve had it since early 2nd trimester this time!

I think it’s normal but you should ask just to be safe. I’m pretty sure it just means the baby is hanging out in your pelvis

I’m 33 weeks pregnant and I started having the pressure, I asked my doctor and was told that it’s my baby moving into position. I also have what they call “crotch rockets”. It’s where the baby moves onto my cervix when he tried to get into position. They said that it’s ok as long as it’s not continual.

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I’m having pressure when I sit for a long period of time or if I have to pee and I’m only 12 weeks. Going to bring it up to my do next time I go in

Yes. It’s pressure from the baby.

Yep. With my second and especially my third my pelvis ached constantly from about 22 weeks. Getting in and out of the car was painful and don’t start me about rolling over in bed!!! Ligaments stretching. Hang in there x But if you’re worried about it-go get checked just to be sure :pregnant_woman:

Very normal… happened with all five of my pregnancies but wouldn’t hurt to talk to your OB about it. You’d probably feel a lot better hearing it from them. And better safe than sorry. Good luck :heart:

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My third pregnancy now I’m 35 and have had 2 prior c-sections my first was a girl my 2nd a boy and now another boy. I feel pressure in my scar and in my cervix im only 21 weeks I’ve been feeling it for awhile now I really notice it when I’ve been on my feet to long, bending over to much, after going pee, and after eating a large meal. It seems to subside when I lay on my side and rest. I think the baby just finds a comfortable spot and to us it’s the most sensitive​:flushed::hushed::confused::astonished::smirk:

Possibly pubic smphosus…ligaments loosening reading for birth…I had it with two of mine from 3mths. The second was horrendous and by the end I could barely walk or lift my leg. Talk to your Dr. He may suggest a physio…who may suggest a brace.

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I am 27 weeks and had horrible pressure whenever I walked all week last week! This is my third baby and I still called the Doctor 3 times lol. They assured me it was normal every time I called.

Normal but if you’re worried consult your doctor. Better safe than sorry!


Momma to five here if your worried talk to your dr but pregnancy hormones cause lax in muscles which can in turn cause what your describing, I’m by no means a dr just thought I’d share my wisdom and experience.

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Yes. Talk with your ob tho. I had that and was put on limited restrictions as I was dilated as well. So I had to keep my lifting to light and limit my walking.

I’m currently 23 weeks and i have those symptoms. I get cervix checks every 2 weeks but they said it’s normal to have that feeling

Yes… body is changing all the time… you will cramp and have pressure it’s all normal… bleeding with tons of pain not good …

I’m only 22 weeks and have it already lol. Definitely normal

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Very normal. Anything you feel uncomfortable about. Talk to your doctor.

Yep! Any other concerns call your OB​:smiling_face::heart: Best wishes…xo

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Yes, ligaments stretching.

Walking up the stairs at 19 weeks :flushed:
Really feeling it!!!

Yes its normal , as long as your not having a rough pregnancy or any bleeding your good , just mention it at your next apt.

28 weeks and it is strong

Yes I had that even earlier. I had big babies! Lol

Please contact your doctor. Its different for everyone.

I did with two of my sis babies. But I would still talk to dr.

I’m 21 weeks and have it specially on my left side

U can get them at 20 weeks and up sometime early then that

Babys probably head down…

May be baby kicking downwards

Unless anybody is a doctor on this page, nobody can give you specific medical advice. Contact your doctor if you are concerned.

It’s probably the cartilage of your pelvic area, I started to get a stabbing pain there at 23 weeks I phoned my midwife but was an annual leave so I phoned my maternity unit, they said take paracetamol and if the pain doesn’t go away within 2 hours phone back and we will call u in, I had to phone back as the pain never went away, so they called me in, they checked me over, I had a swab (came back clear) the doctor examined where the pain was and she said it’s the cartilage as it is a thin lining it’s getting ready for baby to be delivered, she even checked if I was dilating, she couldn’t tell, also took water sample had a water infection, but I had no burning sensation when going to the toilet and the doctor said it was strange that I had no symptoms

Mine started around 16 weeks, I had symphysis pubic dysfunction, the pain was almost crippling but I learned tricks to help and it totally went away after I had my son

PT here, call MD and request Physical Therapy with woman’s health specialist pelvic exercise can help and improve delivery and post parts phase.

Yeah. Just mention it at gour appt

Check with your doctor. Could be preterm labor which I had with both of my pregnancies. Started at 24 weeks with my first and 20 weeks with my second

Its probably just where baby is. My son dropped around the 24 to 25 week mark and it created a lot of pressure. OB had zero concern about it. But always ask your doctor if you have a question. They know your pregnancy and risks better than anybody here will.

That’s normal. Try to do some stretching exercises or pre natal yoga. Make sure to inform your OB about it. You’re doing great, momma!

Hell you got a baby in there,LOL