Yeah. It also depends on the doctor. Usually its for weight purposes to see growth as well as checking for bruises and whatnot (not just to make sure there’s no abuse, but also to make sure there’s no anemia etc.)
But personally I would change doctors. Or ask why he doesn’t have you undress your baby. It also depends on the age. Once my kids were running around and could stand on the scale they only had to lower their pants if they were getting shots or needed genitals checked (rashes or circumcision check)
Yeah, especially when their babies
They do this so they can get an accurate weight and also to make sure there’s no signs of abuse
When they’re babies they get fully undressed and even take off diaper while weighing. As they get older they stop having them do that and just pull shirts up to check chest and check under their diaper for rashes
Normal. I’d think it was weird and alarming for them not to undress to the diaper. They check the skin too for rashes, bumps, lumps, signs of abuse. My sons doctor always asked him to let him peek in the diaper and explain to him that it is only okay because he is his doctor and mom is in the room.
Yes. They check the weight and body parts to make sure everything is good
All my kids were weighed clothed but no shoes. My boys had their bits checked up til puberty to make sure they descend properly and to check the tissue. My girls bits don’t get checked unless I tell the doctor she has a butt rash.
Yes. Mine were both preemies so they made sure to have me strip them down to get an accurate weight.
Some appointments for my son were completely dressed, and some were not.
It’s normal to undress your baby at the pediatrician.
Yes, they want to see their little bodies, make sure they are developing, breathing, moving as they should be. Also check for abnormalities or bumps, rashes, redness.
I’ve never seen a baby check up where the child remained fully clothed.
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They have to see them undressed to check for rashes, see the movement of their joints when checking their legs, etc.
I’d find a new pediatrician honestly.
Always down to the diaper. It’s harder to get correct weight with clothes on.
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Yes especially for when they are weighing the baby
I have two kids and both have been the same with that
Yes! For a baby “well” checkup they do.
Yes, my kids were undressed at their younger appts. Not now though they are 6 and 12
Yes. And once older they use a jonny
It depends on your doctor. I have had pediatricians do both.
Always. Down to a dry diaper for accurate weights. Then keep in same til after checkup
Every time I take my son they want him in a dry diaper, for weight and just to check him out.
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Yes the reason being the clothes could add to the babies weight
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The doctor always had me strip my daughter down to her diaper for every well checkup and she just had her 3 year appt.
My son’s pedi will unbutton and put up if needed. But never need to undress.
Strip down to a dry diaper is what we were told at every appointment!
Yes, for the first year anyways.
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Yes, down the the diaper every time.
Even in the 50’s we had to take them down to the diaper!
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Peds nurse here and age 2 and under we have them undress to the diaper for well child check ups
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Yes, perfectly normal on all 3 of mine.
Yes my kids doctor makes me take all clothes off except diaper.
Yes I have 4 kids, it’s completely normal
Ours did down to a dry diaper for an accurate weight for the first year.
When my kids were babies yes but from toddler up I say no. They still pull out a gown and tell my kids 9,10 and 15 to take their clothes off and I tell them flat out we don’t do that because there is no reason. Only had one nurse try to argue with me about and she lost the battle. Babies i understand because they check for certain things like rashes but after a certain age it’s completely unnecessary
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Yes they do. It seems so stupid
My son is not circumcised so his doctor checks his penis every time he has a well child check up . I completely trust my doctor
Yes… to diaper but did check down below and hips, also…
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Yep completely normal to get an accurate weight and check over them
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Yes it’s normal. Sometimes even naked to get a good weight and to check for diaper rash and hernia
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Maybe for the first visit. After that if everything is good I wouldn’t do it. And if your son is intact please make sure that doctor doesn’t retract him.
Perfectly normal! My daughter and my son both would stripped down to their diapers. I’m certain my daughter will have that happen at her 3 year appointment next month but that’s only because she isn’t potty trained yet and has been getting a bit of a rash on her privates, I’m thinking it’s from her diaper rubbing wrong on her thighs and other areas.
Yes that is normal not sure why your dr doesn’t do iy
Normal. Doctor needs to see all of them.
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Cant properly examine a baby with clothes on. Strip to the diaper then remove that to examine genital area for abnormalities.
It’s normal. And as a toddler they will ask if it’s okay for them to check their private on boys to make sure testicles are where they should be.
Yes, then you get an accurate weight and they can look over baby’s skin and check there private area.
Mine once weighed my child with their diaper without letting me change it after a huge poo so they could compare it to their weight in a clean one! 
So… how do you expect them to know if something is wrong ?? And obviously you don’t know because you don’t even know if a. Doctor should be looking
Ours always wanted a bare baby weight
Yes! They gotta check for any abnormalities like rashes, eczema etc
Its not normal to not ask for them to be undressed in my experience. Every kid ive had their pediatrician has asked for them to be undressed so they can thoroughly check them over. That is how we found out my baby had a small hernia around her belly button when she was only a month old. He wouldnt have even noticed it if she was dressed. There are many things they are checking for. It doesnt seem like yours checked anything.
Yup they cheak them all over did it with both of my kids and to get there weight with put any thing on
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At the hospital I go to they ask for them to be undressed for vitals up until they’re 1 or when they start walking
Some do, some don’t. I would prefer it because maybe there’s something I think is normal or haven’t noticed and dr eyes are trained to see it
Yes. How we found hip dysplasia in my youngest
Up until a year old with both my kids every appointment and actually still do once it’s time for the doctor to come in and check them over
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My sons doctors office always has us strip him down into a clean fresh diaper only for the appointment. Has been this way since his very first appointment. Everyone I know has their kids be undressed and only in a diaper too. It gives more accurate weight and makes it easier to check for abnormalities, abuse, etc. our son was born with a hydrocele around one of his testicles so we have to strip him completely naked at every appointment for a minute to have that checked too(completely benign and should completely disappear by his 2nd birthday doctor said which it has slowly been shrinking) but yep babies and toddlers normally get stripped down to their diapers for appointments!
Mine would have him naked & put a little pouch on to collect urine. Of course my son missed the toys in the waiting room & ran like the wind back there while naked!
He was a handful.
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You really think your friends are going to post their butt naked babies on fb to share their well child appts??

My friend is a pediatrician and this is also what they do in their office …its also a way to check the child for abuse …like bruises and marks on the child …my kids dr did the same thing when they were little
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Yeah because 1 the look for marks, just to be safe and 2 they also check pulse in their groin.
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Normal for me. Both my babes were undressed for weighing and checking if they got any jaundice while they did it. They check for any rashes and hip dysplasia (not sure if I spelt that correctly) but yes very normal.
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My daughter is always undressed for peds appointments. That’s how they check everything and make sure nothing is out of the ordinary
it’s completely normal. They make you undress the baby to get an accurate weight.
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Really? That’s so odd… as a nurse, I don’t understand how they could possibly assess everything with your baby fully clothed. Both of my kids have always had to be stripped down to a diaper for their well visits (check-ups).
My kids doctor only ever told me to fully undress when for taking their weights we would wrap the little pad around their private area while on the scale then once back in the examination room they had us put their diaper on rest of the appointment once the appointment was over we dressed em back up an left
When mine were newborns yes.
Every check up for all 3 of my kids.
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Bless your heart.
It’s normal mama 
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My son’s pediatrician always has me undress him. Diaper comes off too for an accurate weight. Then just in his diaper while they do his checkup 
Always stripped down to diaper. So they can properly check everything that they need to. Idk how they’d do that fully clothed.
Since mine were babies it’s usually down to the diaper. Newborn they would leave it off to weight them.
It’s a very American thing to make people strip their babies for appointments my friends in Europe thought it was really weird that they checked diapers and routinely looked at Baby‘s genitals even when they had no issues
I’m a pediatric nurse. We strip kids 3 and under into a dry clean diaper. Very normal. Maybe your doctor doesn’t care. My children’s’ old pediatrician never had them strip either. 
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Im a medical assistant at a pediatrics office we have the parents strip them down from 18mos and below with dry diaper to get accurate weights and for the providers to check the babies fully when we go in for vaccine they cane be dressed as long as the legs are uncovered
Yes. They have to check your babies private area to make sure everything is going okay and push on their belly to make sure it feels okay.
Normal for weight- they usually do a well check at the 2 4 6 9 and 12 mo. They are visually checking for abnormalities and such.
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They’ve always had me strip my kids down. Diaper off for weight, back on till the doctor looks them over. Doctor literally just opens the diaper and looks really quick and closes it.
Yes. They say once you get to the room but I don’t till they are actually in the room. And I bring a blanket since it’s cold when you are butt naked in the office lol
Every time. For accurate weight.
I work with children who have cancer and terminal illnesses. It is the pediatricians job to look for early signs of medical issues.
Some signs are going to be swelling in lymph nodes or skin disorders. It’s not like the doc is just bored. Accuracy should be priority and “hands on the patient” is a way of medicine
All of mine had to be stripped down to nothing everytime when they were infants.
Here in Canada, where I am, they do it too. All 4 of my children, when under the age of 3, went thru this. It’s just to get accurate weight
Yes they look for hernias swelling in the belly or any type of abnormalities in a babys skin or pigmentation. If they don’t do that i wouldn’t trust them.
3 kids & every appointment I’ve had to undress them & put a clean diaper on them. They want to get the most accurate weight. In babies the few ounces clothing & diapers weigh can make a difference in charting & tracking growth.
Every appointment they have asked me to undress my kid and she is now 2.5
Yes completely normal. They make you undress them to weigh them so they have the most accurate weight for your baby. Then they’ll get you to out a nappy on them and check their hips and everything else first with movements etc and then checking for any visual differences.
My oldest is 11 and my youngest is 5 months. All of my babies had to be stripped down to nothing while being weighed. Then put a diaper on during the appt.
At my office we get down to diaper then nude for weight until 9 mo old… then only dry diapers for weight check no clothes. Once over 12 months old a small tiger gown is given to wear
Until they are old enough to fit in a bigger gown. The doctor needs to see the body to properly care for and inspect for abnormalities. A fully clothed infant/child can have many missed diagnosis.
I’d definitely get another office if I were you.
Safety of your baby is first.
Every time for accurate weighing.