I have a newborn that’s almost two months, and I’ve called to make an appointment for him, and the on-call nurse told me to try colic drops, which I gave him a small dose, and about 30 minutes later, he got really calm which I am not use to because he does fuss a lot sometimes holding him a soothing don’t help but if you know anyone who has given their child this I’m just wondering is this normal after giving the drops?
He may be fussy because of gas and got calm because the drops are helping his little belly feel better
Completely normal that’s what the drops are for. My daughter was the same way we switched to every formula and nothing except these drops would help
Just hold your baby. You will miss this stage
My second son had colic and the drops calmed him
I had to give my son drops before every bottle because he had bad colic totally normal
He may be fussing cause jes suffering from colic and the drops have really helped…
yes that is normal that is what the drops are intended to do
Yes normal it’s what the drops are suppose to do
Some of those colic drops have phenobarbital in them…or at least they used to when my son had colic!
I’m not sure which ones you are using just watch the recommended dose. Gripe water can be harmful if given too much. We used gas relief drops with gentle ease formula and a slow flow nipple. If the baby is crying and you can feel yourself getting tense n stressed don’t be afraid to put baby safe in its crib shut the door and walk away for 5 minutes. Suck on a piece of candy, walk around your house outside, play your favorite song but try to do something to calm your body back down. Babies feed off our energy. Best of luck momma!
Colic drops. Or catnip & fennel from a health food store works wonders.
Won’t hurt the baby!!!
Have used them with all 3 of my kids even my 5 month old its what they are for
My daughter had colic dr had us use gas drops and night time gripe water it worked great
Gripe water is amazing my grandkids were colic and it was a life savet
Yes I always thought they had a very calming effect on the babies! I owned an infant center an I swear by Highlanders teething tablets too!
He most likely calmed down because the drops helped relieve the gas bubbles that were causing his upset.
Not sure what colic drops you used, but if it was Gripe water or if it had something like chamomile in it, your baby will definitely calm down!! Especially if he was having tummy trouble, and the drops helped. My son was borderline colic and had tons of gas troubles. We used Gripe Water PM (has chamomile) and it helped A LOT. We also introduce Gerber Probiotic Soothe drops and those seemed to help with all of his fussy issues!
It’s working! Congratulations!
My son used to get really gassy and fussy when he was a nb, I used gripe water every day and within about 20 minutes he was calm and happy! And I burped him a lot…some babies just have belly issues, doesn’t mean anything! Believe me, my son is a year old and weights 34 pounds
A newborn MUST be fully burped during and after each feeding…to avoid colic. I raised three children, breast fed each, burped each fully during and after every feeding and NONE of them ever had colic.
My son had colic so bad they put him on the drops and an antacid
Yes, that means it helped him! I’ve EBF’d two babies now and have used gas drops for both as needed. Calms them pretty quick.
Yes, they are supposed to calm him.
I’ve used it. It’s perfectly normal.
Yes, my son used it on my grandson it worked great and yes that’s normal
Yes it’s normal, i used to give my kids colic drops when they where babies.
I had 4, breastfed 2, (2 I couldn’t) drops were needed for 1 of each…even with full burps…if you are using formula it could also be that making it worse, ask your doctor if you can try a different one. 1 of mine was allergic to the milk based
Yes because the drops help with the pain (ie gas , cramps and tummy troubles) colic causes. If the drops work the baby is therefore pain free and calmer. I used a charcoal based colic drop on my son who had colic to the hills and severe Gerd. Worked awesome.
Yes it’s normal. I also had a dr tell me to put a damp towel in dryer turn it on and strap baby in car seat and sit him on dryer. It works. The moist heat helped
I feel for you, its hard. my eldest had it for months and it killed me seeing her in pain. Colic drops worked wonders for me for about a week then had no effect. I switched to something called dentinox, which is a simular thing. Highly recommend to help your little one through the pain and upset tummy.
Yes the colic relief and baby probiotics were a God send with my first biological child he had a milk formula intolerant and the soy caused constipation so we had a rough few months
Yes. It completely helped my daughter who was colic
We call them liquid gold because they helped tummy problems so well
Yes they help so much!!
Yes it helps very much. Don’t be afraid to help baby be pain free
Yes it’s supposed to soothe their tummies!!
Yes absolutely normal
Yes, my children did the same thing as infants and the gripe water we used was very quick acting
I swear by Gripe water! My son was horribly colicy and had GERD. This stuff was a life saver!
Try Gripe Water it worked for me!
Yes, they make a huge difference