I’m almost 37 weeks and drank some raspberry leaf tea today! Couple hours later my stomach was tightening on and off and I felt pressure down below! Is this normal ?? It’s stopped since but comes and goes.All reactions:
Could’ve been related to the tea but also your body will have Braxton hicks contractions up until the real ones
The tea helps your body get ready for labor. It softens your cervix and for me it helped ease labor. Made it quicker.
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I had this happen and it was too painful I stopped doing it. It was either my body went into it’s own labor for a vbac or csection and I ended up having a csection bc my body just wasn’t ready I guess. I was also scared of uterine rupture bc it was just more intense than any Braxton hicks I’ve ever had and I was on my 9th baby (3rd csection and 7 living 2 stillborn) so I wasn’t about to lose another baby all because I wanted a vbac.
Yes it’s a uterine toning herb