Is this too much or a healthy discussion?

I dont understand why your trying to rush them


Stop pushing sex toys on them. That’s fucked up. Leave them alone.

No that’s not a good idea they probably already know about that stuff

Personally, speaking to them and teaching them about sexual health and wellness is absolutely fine. I also think that it is too personal to buy them yourself. It could come off as pushy are TOO involved in their sex lifes. I’m sure at their age they are aware of these kind of items and let them explore them themselves just be there if they have any questions and let them discover their sexualities at their own pace.

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If you want to go there go ahead they’re your kids… but for HEAVENS SAKE PLEASE talk to them about birth control!! If they don’t control their fertility they don’t control their lives!!


I agree with the comments above that any approach is going to be better than letting them learn on their own and possibly make those mistakes. But I also think there may be a better way, becauze telling them to get a vibratory may be pushy a bit.
Im sorry for the people that says this is ridiculous and disgusting, becauze you have to do whats best for you and your family.

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This is not weird or disgusting. I would talk to them and explain your worries to them and let them have a chance to open up to you. Based on the conversation and their responses, go from there. If they seem open and knowledgeable, ask them how they feel about the vibrator suggestion. You may learn that they know more than you think! Or possibly less than you think and the vibrator conversation will have to wait until later :wink:

Holy cow, Lady. Leave the kids alone. They will become aware without your encouragement and they will be much better for it.


Leave them alone to discover that stuff themselves it is not yr place to do that!!
how embarrassing would that have been for myself ??
do however make them very informed on birth control condom use etc to keep them safe then walk away!


At least you’re wanting to be open and honest with them. Better then a lot of parents.


As the mother of 3 grown woman yes its weird and no you should not do that. You should of had the talk with them before their period and the birds and the bees. Sex is not a bad thing and its a natural thing. And let them know that. But let them do anything of that nature on their own. If ever they want to go and they ask they of course take them. But it has to be them to approach you. Don’t be that mom.


Be honest a good, healthy conversation is good for all’s sake. I just asked my own 15 year old daughter, how she would feel if I approached her with this situation, and she answered me honestly and said, no, that would be creepy, and it would make her extremely uncomfortable. You may want to rethink doing that.


Just have open communication with them. Discus birth control and being safe. Explain to them sex is a personal decision but that you are there for them if they have questions. I also encouraged mine to get to know them selves and there bodies before engaging in sex. And you should also remind them that sex changes their body and they can’t take it back.

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I would be more concerned at making them get a license…so they wont be relying on someone for that.


I would bet money you wear one of those pink :scream_cat: hats too.

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How disgusting! What is wrong with people today?!


Wait, if you believe they’re virgins, why the hell would you buy them a vibrater? Ok, this is weird. Js. I have 3 grown daughters and they would have died if I did this.


Just tell them about it but and say when ever you feel comfortable with who you are is ok with me - just tell them that they are loved and they can talk to you(their mom) about anything and don’t rush things - i was rushed and kicked out of the house at 16 - I had to get a job and live in my car till I found an apartment - it was hell

My children were able to talk with me well before they began dating and it made it easier for them to ask my questions after they began dating. As for vibrator not all women want or need them, and it’s better to allow them to decide if and when it’s right

Well this is different. I guess ask them, see what they want.

Soon as my daughter had her period, we had the “basic talk”. I also let her know that when she had ANY questions, to come to me first and we would discuss. She did this regularly and eventually we got around to talking about toys. She said she was interested and wanted my input. So I showed her mine, explained what each did, let her feel them in her hand (texture, movement, etc., and yes they were clean). She then asked if I would go with her to pick one out as she was nervous. We made a date out of it (coffee, lunch, ice cream). Great mother/daughter bonding experience.

That was when she was 17. She’s now 21 and still shows me new toys she just bought.

Not everyone will have this experience. I would suggest you sit them down individually or together and let them know you are available for a Q&A session. Also let them know you support them and you would rather they have correct info from you instead of incorrect from their peers who may be applying pressure to them.


Nope, don’t push it. They’ll figure it out.

I had actually considered doing something similar for my daughter. I’m just not sure how to approach her about it with our embarrassing her.

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They haven’t even started dating and thats what you want to get them? Ummm, you’re going to freak them out.


Talking and being open about it I do agree with. But I wouldn’t give them a gift card to pick out a vibrator on Amazon to be honest.

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Come on mom! Unless they live off the grid and don’t attend school, those girls know more than you think! Leave them alone - they’ll come to you when they’re ready.


If they want toys, they’ll buy their own


tell them to wait before having sex. don’t be pressured into it just because the boy wants to or their friends do. Skip the vibrator. they are young ladies. why rush into anything?


I would give them a gift card and not tell them to use it for a vibrator. I would write them each a heart felt letter to go with the gift card and tell them to read it on their own in private.
In the letter I would tell them that you dont want them to have the same repression you felt. I would tell them that your intended use for this gift card was for them to find something with which they could safely explore themselves and what makes them feel good, but that as it is a gift it is up to them to decide what they would like to purchase. I would also tell them that they can talk to you about anything and that their secrets are safe with you.

You never know, they may not want a vibe. They may want some lingerie to feel sexy, some sexy underwear, a dildo, a butt plug, you just never know. Suggesting just a vibe may be pushing something they dont feel or are uncomfortable with the idea of.

Dont push it. Then it gets weird. Leave the options for them, you never know. They may be asexual! You wont know until they figure it out themselves


Just stop… Let them grow on their own

What the actual F**K! Why is dating at their age a priority for you??? Yes, please be open to their questions about sex, but introducing them to vibrators… WTF. I don’t usually get to opinionated on this page, but I think you need to go talk to someone about your concerns and really ask yourself why those things are a concern.


Creepy .way over the top

A gift card to pick out a vibrator? Seriously? An open and honest discussion on sex is what’s needed, including masturbation if you feel it necessary. As long as they approach their sexuality in a consenting and safe way, they’ll figure out what pleases themselves on their own. By sitting them down and suggesting these things may discourage them from talking to you about sex completely. Better to encourage an anything goes policy if they want to talk to you.

I would be so freaked the hell out if my mother pulled this with me as a teenager.

This is the last thing I expected to read in my feed today.


As a young girl who lost her virginity at 13 because no one ever spoke to me about anything sexual.

Any approach, whether goofy, weird, or straight on, is going to be more useful than letting them learn everything alone. My mother never wanted to speak to me about sex until I got pregnant at 16 and all she did was shame me. I think you’re trying your best and that’s what matters


I think that would be good for them. Tell them you don’t know when or what they buy if they choose to. Unless they are open about that stuff

Just leave them be. Do NOT tell them to buy a vibrator…DISGUSTING!

You know, she just asked a question. You all don’t have to be so rude about it. At least she is trying to be a concerned mother; would you her rather be someone who doesn’t care at all? And also, did some of you forget that your profiles are public on here? The rudeness and cussing on some of your comments could be reported to the school districts you work for… js… :upside_down_face:


You act like conservatives don’t know about these things. We do. We’ve just been taught about self control. They have their entire adult lives to learn about these things. Why would you want to rush them if they aren’t ready?


I would of loved for me mother to be this way with me honestly all yoh ladies should be ashamed for being such asses. I think maybe have a talk and talk about everything a woman experiences. I wish I would of have done that so I knew instead of learning the way I did. I want to be open with my boy and hope he’ll appreciate it instead of think its awkward


What the actual fuck? If they’re not dating or driving , why do you think they would want a vibratory? You didn’t say how old they are but when they are ready for any of that I hope they do it on their own and not with mommy looking over their shoulder. Just my opinion


Well and I am all for sex love it and know it’s 100% natural but teens don’t need vibrators and i would of definitely felt uncomfortable if my mom brought one up to me lol there is nothing wrong with just talking to them about though, letting them know they can come to you freely with any questions or concerns they might have when they are ready to go down that road

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you just need to talk to them to find out where their heads are at; good luck

I have so many questions. But wow. :flushed::eyes:


You definitely should dont need to be going and getting them gift cards to buy vibrators… for all you know they already have them… I know I did.
This is definitely a conversation you need to have with them, do not assume either one of them are ready for sex. Seriously, imagine your mom pressuring you into getting laid or masturbating. If you are as open as you say then I am sure they would be comfortable enough to come to you when they are ready to start having sex.
The encouraging a teenager to go buy a vibrator when they haven’t mentioned it to you tho is a bit strange for me

You’ll see a bunch of different opinions and discussions but at the end of the day you know your girls best and know how they’ll react. Could bring it up and see if the Amazon card is even necessary? :slight_smile:
My two cents.

I think having a conversation with them, will help them understand it’s not something to be ashamed of and could potentially build trust to talk about things like that… i would ask them what they want though, I wouldn’t just push a vibrator on them… i would also make sure they know about safe sex before anything


Just here for the comments :popcorn:


Thats just really awkward. Having a discussion with them about safe sex and yada yada is one thing but this is a bit much​:flushed::flushed:


Are you nuts! Or just trying to get a rise out of people.


Leave them alone! It’s their life.

Why are you concerned about them not being sexual? How old are they in the first place? Being independent and driving and being sexual are two completely different things here! Why would you give them a gift card strictly to buy a dildo?! In a way that’s very perverted of you! I hope this post is a dam joke and you’re not serious?!


Talking about masturbation might be crossing the line, imo. Let them finger it out in their own time.

I think this is weird. Sorry. Speak to them about sex rather if they want to don’t go buying them dildos :see_no_evil:


No no.
No no no no no.

You need to let THEM take initiative on their sex life. Not everyone’s starts when they start dating, not to mention the pressure they will likely already feel. Please, let them find themselves mentally before you promote them to get off.
Have the safe sex talk, have the relationship respect talk, but more importantly, have the “at your own pace” talk - reminding them that they can come to you about anything WHEN THEY ARE READY.

Body positivity is not just getting off. Sex is more than just getting off. Teach them about connecting before giving it up. Teach them about other things that provide mental stimulation and satisfaction. Let them explore their bodies on their own.

That would definitely be too much. The most you should do as a parent is keep the conversation door open.


WTF did I just read. NO do NOT buy them a dildo or vibrator! That is so fucking weird and if you do that you will be closing the door to open honest conversation. And thats ALL you have to do, TALK to them. Ask why they don’t want to drive, and delve deep into their heads. Have the sex talk with them about safe sex etc ask them if they are interested in birth control and inform them of the benefits of birth control other than prevention of pregnancy like helping with heavy periods and the cons of it.


I would be mortified if my mother brought that up or bought that for me when I was a teenager. Never crossed my mind with my daughter. Everyone has their opinion, but in my family that would be a no.


Lol well done. At some point you will need to rip the bandaid off and have a chat tho when you are ready too and probably better to teach them soon to help navigate the vibrators as there are a lot out there :sweat_smile:

Wow. So, okay, having an open discussion is fine I think. I probably wouldn’t force them into buying vibrators…Maybe just get them a gift card where you can’t see what they purchase…
Also, check your motives. Do you just want them to get boyfriends to drive them around so you can have more free time…or?


Wtf did I just read Amy Minns


This is the oddest post ive ever read. :flushed:


My mom was super open with me and helped me that way. It’s only weird if you make it so. People need to grow up and stop acting like sex and nudity are such serious subjects.


If they ask for one… sure. But otherwise let it be


If they show not interest in driving and getting their license or even dating . I dont think they’d be interested in a vibrator either.


You have lost your ever loving mind.


Let them get them selves a job and buy their own vibrators. I’m not sure it’s really appropriate to get your daughters a giftcard for Christmas to buy theirselves a vibrator. Talking to them about sex and what concerns you may have great but you don’t buy your kids vibrators.


Eww, weird! Please don’t do that. Just have THE TALK and leave it at that. I am my mothers daughter and I would be mortified if she bought be a vibrator!!!


You have the talk. Leave a box of condoms. If they decide to take it. It will be their choice.

But to encourage them to please them self is not a motherly thing to do.

Leave that to their girl(friends).


No. Just no. Just no. No.


That would be their desion.

I think you need to let them come to you. I’d be freaked out if my mom came to me as a teen to buy me a vibrator. Let them enjoy their innocence.


Ask them what THEY want.


Definitely too weird. You remind me of my own mom here. It was way too much and although I’m sure your intentions are good, to me it almost felt forced. I felt like my mom was pushing things on me that I wasn’t ready for. Show support and stay open with them, yes but you need to have boundaries as their mom. Being over the top (such as buying them vibrators) can also push them away from talking to you openly… and be really embarrassing. Both my sister and I eventually stopped talking to my mom about anything sex or relationship related. It is super weird.


You stated teenage daughters most people are having the sex and birth control issues not viberater people on here can say grow up all you want incouragin a teen to have sex in any form is awful


If you give someone a vibrator aren’t you basically telling them to go fxxx themselves?

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i think this is toeing the line between being supportive of their sexuality and pressuring them to be ready for sex. i don’t think they need a spontaneous talk even. just wait until one of them seems to be starting to date and then get into that subject.

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NOOOO omg how mortifying. Talk to them but don’t push them to buy sex toys JFC how terribly off base

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Personally, I’d be quite disgusted if my parents did what you are trying to do. I am conservative. While we will be teaching our children to be responsible in dating and sex (I hope that they won’t have sex before they’re married but times are changing), there are just some things you don’t do.


Absolutely too much. They will discover their body in their own time, as I’m sure they have. Giving them this wouldn’t change a thing. You’d likely make them super awkward and uncomfortable. What’s the rush. Mind your own body.

Very weird and why would you want your daughters to loose their virginity to a vibrator. Try encouraging loving relationships and let the sex part work itself out cause it will when they are ready


Nope this is crossing the line like way to weird. If my mother had done that to me as a teenager I’d of been mortified and would no way accept anything like that from her. If they’re not ready they’re not ready don’t push them into something they don’t want to do. They will learn that on there own. And schools now cover sex Ed. Don’t embarrass or shame your girls. You may not mean to shame them but that may well be how they see it you being too pushy.


Honestly I would think its pushing it too much if you buy them that. What if you pushed them to something that they’re not interested in yet or not ready for? I’d just have an open discussion with them, if they want. Let them come to you. If they’re not interested in talking about it or not interested in dating right now, then there’s the line. Don’t push it. Just please don’t buy them sex toys. That’ll just scare them off.


Nope. Weird. One thing is talking to them if THEY bring it up that it’s normal to explore yourself, but to help them and buy them a toy…too far imo. Just no! This is the strangest shit I’ve seen on here.

So my mom and I have always had a very open relationship and she always made it a point to let me know if I wanted to know about sex toys to simply ask but never pushed the issue or offered to buy them… I would start with a normal sex talk before you start buying vibrators. Some girls simply aren’t comfortable with them. And if your girls are a little late to the sex game it might scare them more than anything.

Having healthy talks about sex and normalizing it with your children is wonderful. Giving them money to buy a vibrator that they haven’t even asked for is another. Sorry, that’s just weird. You said they aren’t even driving.

I’d stick to the discussion. Let them know people masturbate, and it’s a normal thing to do, they don’t need to be ashamed, but giving your child vibrator money as some sort of right of passage is a bit out there for me, and I would think for quite a lot of people.

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Cierrah Lewis please don’t do this with Everly

Is this a joke? Whoever you are, leave your kids alone! What world do you live in that thinks CHILDREN should be pushed into sexuality? Just because you consider yourself a progressive feminist doesn’t mean your children have to be and they need to be old enough to understand what all of that really means.

Wow… I didn’t get my first vibrator until I was a grown ass adult. 25. And my mommy didn’t buy it for me.

Let them be innocent. And pray to God they don’t turn out like you.

For real? You actually want to teach your girls to masturbate and encourage them to be sexually active why??? Are you ignorant? You may as well tell them it’s okay to be a slut and catch stds and get pregnant. Your an idiot

So, you want them to own sex toys that no actual man can ever replicate and then expect them to find sexual satisfaction later with those men?

I was also raised in a very conservative family regarding sex and discussions. However, I’m not sure giving your teenage daughters money to go buy a vibrator is a rather risqué idea. If they aren’t ready to date/have those discussions…no need to push them. Just be there for them when then are ready.

So mom wants to buy them a vibrator? Awkward. Are you pushing your teenage daughters to have go out and have sex because that’s exactly what that will lead up to. They will want the real thing when the toy gets boring or why not because mom wants the kids to have fun so why not with other boys/men? Omg. Whatever happened to talking and listening to kids when they are ready to talk. Ask open ended questions. These teens don’t talk about driving but ready for sexual experience. Wow.

Why not worry about other aspects of their lives with the same thought and passion you’ve obviously put into their sexuality? Lol what in the royal hell. I totally get the concern. Legitimately. But being 16, i think they’re understanding of a healthy relationship and expectations etc should be more of a priority. Not a mom to teens so I’m just spitballing but please don’t offer to buy them vibrators. Whatever answer you land on- just don’t do that :smile:

Getting their learners should not be optional. All it is, is a computer test. Then after that they can do their restricted if they want to go places that aren’t school related. You aren’t their taxi.

As for the vibrators, a conversation is fine. But no, don’t offer to buy them, no one wants to Jack off using something their mum paid for…

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just so wrong and weird

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