Is vomiting in late pregnancy sign of labour?

Ask your Dr or call a nurse !

Itā€™s not unusual for morning sickness to return in the third trimester

Keep hydrated water water watet

Any late onset vomiting should be reported to your doctor.

Could be normal, could be something else. In my case, it was abnormal twice.


Not in my experience, I vomited the entire time all 3 times and went late for all 3 and never showed as a sign of labor

I vomited the whole time I was in active labor at the hospital. They said it was pretty common.

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So not really. Yes people vomit in labor, but it doesnā€™t mean you are in labor. It could just mean you are sick, have acid reflux, food poisoning, nerves, whatever. Could mean you food didnā€™t settle right. Lots of reasons for vomiting. When in doubt, see a doc.

I vomited multiple times a day my entire pregnancy pretty much. It finally stopped three weeks before I delivered my little lady. Iā€™d literally be at work, go to the bathroom and throw up, then go back to work like nothing even happened. It was a part of my daily routine haha. Good luck, momma!

Yup, it sure is. I threw up while in labor with my first child :heart::blush:

No. Some of us just have a hard time being pregnant.

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With my youngest(7yo) I threw up more in the 3 trimester than I did in the first. So if itā€™s something new and you havent been throwing up normally, its possible!! Good luck,Mama!!:heart::heart::heart:

Following! Iā€™m close to the end and just woke up with back pain and vomiting. Iā€™m still nauseous

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I vomited for roughly six hours prior to going into active labor. So for me it was right at the end.

I vomit for weeks leading up to my labours

Yes! I was on the toilet and jus couldnā€™t sleep. Super sick and uncomfortable, then I knew it was time bc I couldnā€™t stand it. I threw up all the way to the hospital and all the way to the maternity unit (it was 5am), so with that said HAPPY MOTHERS DAY :sob::smiling_face_with_tear:

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I vomited the whole last trimester

Yes, I threw up in labor.

I vomited my entire pregnancy

I vomited at 37 weeks but I also had preeclampsia. Induced 1.5 days later.

Iā€™m 38 weeks and have thrown up everyday since the beginning :woman_shrugging:

I mean even if its not, pay attention. Could lead to dehydration.


3 days before i went into labor i woke up vomiting :woman_shrugging:t3:

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It could be, but Iā€™d rely more on consistent contractions as a sign of labor since vomiting could be from many other things.

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It was for me, I was induced the next day

I was sick during labour right before my waters broke

I got really nauseous during labor and threw up a couple of times

Was for meā€¦I started 24hrs before labour and was sick during labour as well. Very common more when pregnant with girls

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I threw up after being in labor for 2 hours, had my child an hour later

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Just becareful and stay hydrated. I got sick during the 3rd trimester and ended up with contractions due to dehydration. I had to IV of fluids for 2 days and the contractions stopped

The only time I got sick with Johnnie Munsey. Was the night I went into labor.

Yeah itā€™s like the final clear out :rofl: good luck

Yes I threw up a couple times while giving birth

No but it can cause labor

I had 3 days of back labor prior to me being in active labor w my daughter. & I vomited on & off due to the pain was so severe coming from my back

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No I donā€™t think so Iā€™m at the shop have to ask a specialist never happened to me so I really donā€™t know

I vomited through all three of my labours. The contractions started before the vomiting though.

I threw up throughout pregnancy amd labor

I vomited all through labor

My first pregnancy I was sick from day 1 all the way through delivery

In my case I had my babies the next day

I vomited when i got to the hospital, vomited after epidural and directly after giving birth lol .

I had vomiting fits all throughout my pregnancy and threw up after giving birth bc I didnā€™t eat for a day an a half basically

I threw up several times during active labour

I had morning sickness every day of my pregnancy. It was my bowels that started to empty before i went into labor.

No.More than likely itā€™s just your hormones rising up