Is vomiting in late pregnancy sign of labour?

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YESS I drove myself to the hospital in labor and I had to keep pulling over to throw up.


It can be a sign of lots of things. Baby pushing on your stomach right after you ate. Something smelling weird. Gag reflex being over exaggerated. Flu or food poisoning. Iā€™ve thrown up in my last trimesters for all of the above. But if thereā€™s no obvious cause then for sure contact your doctor. It can also cause dehydration OR even trigger labor, so be alert to your body.


It might be or it could signal something is wrong. I donā€™t mean to scare you i was induce 2 days later after I vomited but I also had contractors every 5 minutes and didnā€™t feel movement

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It can be so many things. Hormone surge, not enough water, something you ate, hunger, blood pressure, pre-labor, labor, allergies/drainage, etc.
Best advice, when in doubt, contact your OB or L&D.

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Vomiting during labor is a sign youā€™re in the last of three stages of labor.


Mine was appendicitisā€¦ emergency c section and took my appendix out. If you donā€™t feel right get checked out!

My nausea from the first tri always returned when I was in labor with all my kids. I have read that nausea and vomiting are a sign of labor to come, along with other symptoms. So it might be a good sign.

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I was apparently in labor with my son for two days and I didnā€™t notice. Only thing that tipped me off was I had to poop and couldnā€™t :rofl: I told my mom ā€œMom it feels like I have to poop but SOMETHING is blocking itā€ and my mom was like areee you sure thatā€™s not labor pressure? :joy: and then I felt the pain and threw up on the way to the hospitalā€¦ Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not helping at all lol

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Honestly, they did tell me that when I puked while trying to convince them I wasnā€™t in labor yet. I was.

But thereā€™s so many other things.

I was sick through my pregnancies, in my opinion it varies. But seeing as some moms already deal with nausea it couldnā€™t be a symptom unless I was in labor all nine months

Whoever laughed at this girlā€™s post all I have to say is grow up !!! Lowest women ever are the ones who laugh at a serious question about motherhood !!! Sorry but you struck a nerve hun


Sometimes if you are in labor the vomiting makes the labor profess faster


If your worried go get checked out. Better safe than sorry in situations like this.

I vomited from the time I got pregnant with my son until about 10 minutes before he made his early appearance

Oh 5 kids never had that happen Iā€™m sorry I bet thatā€™s so tough. I would make sure itā€™s not food poisoning or something bad u ate to be safe

Vomiting is a typical sign your transitioning to active labor. If you have no other symptoms and are not contracting its likely just nausea, something you ate or the babys position.

Yes nausea is a labor symptom. The pain made me so sick . They gave me something for nausea.

I wasnā€™t sick my whole pregnancy with either of my children but as soon as my migraine hit with both of them and I got sick they were born the following morning!

I was sick the entire 9 months with my first, and Iā€™m 9 months pregnant with my 2nd and still throw up. So I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s sign of labor with all

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I am 21 weeks pregant and been vomiting the last 3 days againā€¦ went to gyni and it is due to a bladder infection

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I had severe nausea throughout both of my entire pregnancies and even for a while after I gave birth.

Yes I was throwing up horribly 3 hours later my water broke

I am due tomorrow and have been so nauseous all day today. I kinda hope it is but im not getting my hopes up :joy:

I would call the doctor. I vomited throughout my pregnancy. It could be though contractions are the biggest sign and youā€™ll know when you have one.

37 weeks and going on 3rd week of nausea, doctors are watching closely Yes see doctor if more than 48 hrs

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I threw up everyday, all day for the entire 9 months. Every pregnancy is different.

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Nausea is a sign of late pregnancyā€¦ very common

I vomited while in labor and was scared but the nurse said thatā€™s common ,when the baby enters the birth canal

Eat little and often to keep blood sugar levels up.

No, with my 3 rd I was sick the whole 9 months

Not necessarily. I jad morning sickness the entire pregnancy with both of my kids.

I was about to deliver when I started vomiting the last day.

Yes I had that with my first child and I was in labor

Can be. I do typically right before my final surge of hormones and water breaking

I vomited from conception to delivery on my first and then I did not vomit with my 2nd until delivery but he was on my siatic nerve

With my first pregnancy, I was constantly throwing up. Except for my fifth month.

Probably just running out of room for food eat smaller meals

I only got sick in my last trimester. Got told it was heart burn

It can be anything, I am in my 3rd pregnancy and havenā€™t thrown up one time in any of them.

It was for me. But in all fairness I did eat my weight in spaghetti and banana splits 2 hrs earlier.

Threw up for 9 months, and on the delivery table

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For me it was my kid playing kick ball with my stomach after eating.

I threw up everyday in my last pregnancy !

I threw up 24 hours before I had my kids. I had 9

Soooo, you asked ā€œDearly Momsā€ instead of messaging your doctor? Yikesā€¦


Please get to the Dr or hospital and out.

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Definitely hun! Call your doctor ASAP!

Following. 35 weeks and nauseous every day lately

Iā€™ve been sick my hole pregnancy defo not. Sign of labour

For some it is. I didnā€™t have nausea until the 3rd trimester with 2 of mine. But it stopped a few days before labor & didnā€™t have it during labor.

Yep. But not just labor. It could be plenty of things.

I had a stomach bug.

Odd questionā€¦what does your doctor say?


Bottom line, check with your Dr.

Yes when I went into labour with both of my children I was puking badly :face_vomiting:

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It could be. I just had a baby and heā€™s my 3rd. My first two I was fine. This time, I was insanely nauseated the day before my water broke.

I think so. Please check with your obstetrician or midwife though

Check your blood pressure !

I wouldnā€™t say its labour

Speak to a medical professional.


It was for me :woman_facepalming:t3: didnā€™t even know and got to hospital just in time

Please call your midwife

I know a few people that vomited ALOT hours before water breaking but I also know a few that vomited and went number two a lot in the weeks leading up to labor. So could be a sign of labor could be your body just pushing everything out

I was sick my entire pregnancy including when I was in labor had nothing to do with being in labor just the way the pregnancy went


Have you consulted with a doctor or do you always seek medical advice from strangers on the internet.

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I threw up with all three of my kids when I was in transition

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I vomited the whole 9 months if I smelled pizza or ate something the baby didnā€™t agree with.

No. I puked my entire pregnancy.

for sure, go get checked out

for me, i just lost my appetite

I got really nauseous and was throwing up throughout my labor. Normally right before I was moving from 5-6 or transitioning l. Then right before it was time to push.

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I stopped vomiting at 16 weeks and started again at 35 weeks. I wouldnā€™t stress about it, it happens. But if youā€™re worried call your GP.

If you have not been puking and it is new, then it might be a problem and you should ask your doctor or call the triage nurse line at your hospital.

I had what we lovingly call ā€œfire saleā€ labor. Letā€™s just say that everything had to go! Lol


Iā€™ll be 39 weeks Tuesday and last few days Iā€™ve felt nauseous. I stopped having morning sickness by 20 weeks. I also had spotting and been cramping since friday. Could be a sign or labor or not


It can be a sign of low amniotic fluids. Might get checked just to be safe. It isnā€™t uncommon to have sickness in third trimester but can also be a sign that something is up. Not am emergemcy, just something to check. It happened to me with my first.


call your doctorā€¦ this is not a ? for FB diagnosis ā€¦ keep your precious baby safe


Please ask your doctor, everyone is different, so you cannot rely on answers here. Hope youā€™re feeling better.


I vomited in both labors but it was just before pushing.

I had hyperemesis so I threw up everyday till my baby was born. All time of the day.

Didnt throw up in either of my pregnancies. Everyoneā€™s different :two_hearts:

I was sick 39week and then again at 39+4 for a couple of hours then realized I was actually in labour first baby so didnā€™t know what to expect and gave birth 39+5 at 10.52 am x x

I vomited when in labor both times. Just the smell of food put me over the edge. Best of luck and congratulations to you!

It could be but it could also be from a number of other things. Stay well hydrated and when in doubt call your Dr.

My mom vomited throughout her pregnancies.

Hyperemesis gravidarum. Contact midwife x

The only time I threw up in labor was because I started labor while sleeping. I didnā€™t think much of it. While in full labor at hospital. That is why they tell you before any procedure to not eat after midnight.

My daughter had bad nausea , ask for a blood test , we nearly lost mum and baby to preeclampsia,

I vomited all five times during my labor but it was when I was transitioning from 5 centimeters to 10 centimeters.

Noooo! Iā€™ve still got morning sickness at 32 weeksā€¦ on and off but I throw up maybe once or twice in the evenings too! Normal xx

Threw up during labor with 1st pregnancyā€¦ said it was normal.

Possibly, but there could be other causes like pressure from the baby on the stomach

I just felt gross and tired. I choked down half a baked potato for dinner and went into labor at bedtime.

Thatā€™s a new one on meā€¦ maybe?!

Had 4 kids and never experienced thisā€¦

Call your doctor. Better to be safe than sorry.

Yes , I did in the beginning of labor

I was sick the whole 9 months morning til night with all 3 xšŸ˜¢

Do you not have a doctor