Yes he is a narcissist
Uhm. That’s the most narcissistic thing I’ve ever heard. If he wants to act single, then girl, make him single.
Run. Far away.
He seems like a moron. Lol
Leave him! You deserve better then that.
Deflecting for sure. If you are not cheating, not even giving a reason to assume you’re cheating, but you’re being accused of it… 9 times out of 10 they’re cheating but want to keep the attention off them so they don’t get caught.
it indicates he’s cheating—he’s gaslighting
He doesn’t even deserve the title bf run for the hills
It’s a waste of yours time. You know it, you just want validation. Bounce.
He sounds like a pos. Boy, bye.
A man will do what you allow them. He wouldn’t be my fiance
When does you BF graduate high school? leave his immature ass
What in the gaslightin hell…
You mean ex boyfriend
Yes and gaslighting. Run!
He’s already cheating
If I were you I’d pack and go,today.stay with family if you have to. This man has shown you who he is.
What?! Teach his a** a lesson n leave him! Wow, total narcissistic jerk!
That’s gaslighting. It will only get worse. He’s already cheating and trying to make you feel bad.
Yes - tell him to kiss your ass and move on. This is crap.
… you mean your ex boyfriend right?
“Then go ahead because you are single anyway” Literally throw the whole man away!
The nearest dumpstation should be utilized.
Girl runnnnn and run really really fast!
as fast as you can
Bye felicia don’t let my foot be up your ass on the way out…
I’d show his butt straight out the door along with all his things. Boy bye
Bye boy. He does not need or want you. You can do better.
This should say my ex bf…
I hope you break up with him and never speak to him again cuz wow
Emphasis on BOY in boyfriend
Guilty he is very guilty
And trying to turn it onto you say bye
Hes toxic. Just leave, why even waste your time with someone like that?
No that’ an asshole that you deal with. You have zero respect for yourself dealing with a piece of shit like this
Oh HELL no. Girl leave his ass
Do u mean ex boyfriend? I think I misread that!! Heck naw, leave before you get something ajax can’t clear up!
Tell him when he sleeps you will sew him up in the sheet and beat him cause he’s a dumbass
May Aphrodite curse this bag of flesh with the urge to fuck a blender
Dump him ASAP!!!
Run. Hes cheating and is telling you straight up that he’s going to do it whether you like it or not.
This is time to leave
Um, yeah you should just leave him. You even questioning the manipulative narcissistic behavior sorta shows it’s working. Who cares what he thinks, he clearly is actually doing it and telling you to get over it. I’m sure there are a million other red flags than this quote. But I think you should absolutely get over the whole relationship and move on. You don’t need to deal with that kind of crap!
Why is this even a question?
Your bf is a tw@t
Wow. Your bf needs to be an ex. Get rid of him. You deserve better.
Sympathy and sadness for any woman whose self-esteem is so battered that she accepts this a normal behavior.
Maybe not, but do you really want to be with someone like that?
Correction: “ex boyfriend”
A red ass flag you shouldn’t ignore.
My ex did the same shit. Actually. He went a step further. He would go cheat then come home and tell me. That is absolutely narcissistic behavior. Leave him now and never look back.
I’d say super, I definitely will get over it and to go ahead because I am out. Adiós.
He literally just told you he’s cheating. Girl you deserve better.
now its time to sleep with his BROTHER:face_with_hand_over_mouth: clear out his bank account and say out lil weenie boy!
Not narcissistic but just plain asshole.
Girl leave now! He’s a player and he’s definitely cheating! Why do woman stay with men like this???
X boyfriend now I hope
Tell him good bye for all of us
He is SAYING that YOU cheated on him ONLY to give himself reason to cheat on you.
I wouldn’t be with him still.
I hope you left him already …
And you’re still in the relationship because???
How is he still your boyfriend after that comment.!!! He would be single and have a little road rash on his face from me booting his ass to the curb:facepunch:
I think you forgot to include the “ex”…
My question is why is he still your boyfriend?
It’s paranode he’s thinking crazy and that’s mental illness. Unless you are running around
Leave him and find better
You answered your question
I hope you left this trash