It burns to pee...advice?

I am 34 weeks pregnant. Well it has been burning to pee. Today I noticed blood on the toilet paper when I wiped. I went to ER they tested me for uti and BV. And they were negative. They discharged me with pain medicine to help the burning. Well I got home and peed and started noticing blood in the toilet. Idk if I should go back and have more tests done or what. I’m kind of freaking out. Any other moms ever experience this? Or any advice?


Could be possible kidney stone in the bladder

definitely go back or better yet call your lead maternity provider/OB


That definitely sounds like an UTI

Call the after hours provider line at your OBs office.


Don’t go to er call labor and delivery tell them they will tell u what they want you to do


I would get a second opinion. Just to rule out UTI because that’s definitely what it sounds like.


When I experienced this with my last pregnancy I had a kidney stone and passed it a few days later! I would definitely call your provider.

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I had this happen with my last pregnancy, I was hospitalized for a uti infection that had spread into my kidneys, I had blood in my urine


You may have a yeast infection that can cause burning and you can bleed with that as well good luck mama go back to definitely have it checked out

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I’d go somewhere else. Also, alert labor and delivery. An infection can be dangerous and OBGYN’s seem to take these issues more serious.

Get checked for Uti, ureaplasma, mycoplasma annd your kidneys.

Water infection you need to go back

Go back. Have more tests done and an ultrasound. Bleeding while pregnant isn’t a sign that everything is fine…