IUD poking through uterus

On Friday I went to the ER for an unrelated issue and the did a cat scan and found my IUD is poking through my uterus.Has anyone ever had their IUD poke though their uterus?


Yes my daughter in laws did, she had to have it removed

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They can be so dangerous. They can cause cysts too. My daughter had to have hers removed it was hurting her so bad. Then the cyst ruptured.

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I had an iud and my body “rejected” it and tried to expel it 4 months later. I went to my obgyn for constant pelvic pain and they found that it was stuck sideways in between my cervix halfway out. They had to remove it.


A very common side effect

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Mine did! I went to the ER because I was in so much pain. I had it removed.

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Prayers, mine only turned and i a terrible infection for 6 weeks of antibiotics, it was horrible it was like a flu that never left for 5 weeks

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I hear about this all the time. That’s why I don’t think I’ll ever get one. I’

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My niece just went through the same thing . They removed it

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Mine was inside my uterus for 2 years before it finally came back threw. It ended up in my back had to have surgery to get it out


Mine was implanted in my uterus wall.

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Stuck in my Fallopian tube. The surgery to remove it wasn’t fun, and my dr told me I may be high risk if I decide to have another baby- due to the damage done to my tube!


I had the mirena twice (replaced after 5 years, for a total of 10 years). I know a lot of people who had a horrible time with them, but my body had no issues with it. I had it removed last May and got pregnant in October (planned). Will probably get an IUD again after this baby until we decide on having another baby or tying my tubes. They can cause cysts, but so can a lot of other things such as naturally occuring. But like I said they are not for everyone.

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Yep! I refuse to get another

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My friends daughter ended up having to get hers surgically removed… I don’t hear great things about them.

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Very common side effect happened to my cousin

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I went in with symptoms mimicking appendicitis. I was in pre-op when the General Surgeon came in and said I had a healthy appendix and that my Mirena needed to be removed at another hospital where my OBGYN had authorizations to remove it. After that I did 6mos of physical therapy on my pelvic floor.

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Bernadette this is why I’m never getting an IUD. LOL I’m going to try the depo shot

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Birth control
Get to know your body educate know your cycle
Alternatives suck
Be healthy

My Mirena IUD embedded itself into my uterine wall. I had to have emergency removal surgery. I was 4 months pregnant with twins at the time as well.


Several have. IUDS will kill you!

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N theses are the reasons I’m scared to get the iud that n someone in got pregnant on it n found out at 26 weeks

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That is one of the biggest risks of having an IUD, uterine perforation…I wouldn’t recommend those to my worst enemy. Too many risks. I know everyone says they “love theirs” and “have had it sooooo many yrs with no problems” whatever bc when the problems DO occur… they are terrible