Advice: I am a single mother of 3 children and a bipolar schizophrenic with PTSD (from trauma in my life from past relationships and from my own family members) I have become estranged from my siblings and their kids and significant others because of situations that put me in. My ‘brothers’ lied to try and have my kids put in foster care (for example). I have asked my mother repeatedly not to share my kids and my life with her other children, as they are not part of OUR family. I have asked repeatedly for her to not share pictures of my kids on her Facebook page. She doesn’t care about my mental health enough to even research what a bipolar schizophrenic is. Doesn’t care about any of my requests as their mother. Argues nonstop about my wishes both for myself and my kids. I get flashbacks, not in a good way, when she just mentions their name to me.
You should seek some serious professional help before you make any major decisions.
Stop sending them photos and if they taking them offline then make your page private and photos private as well. If they can’t respect your wishes then they shouldn’t b in your life. Just my Opinion
If your mother argues with you nonstop and doesn’t care about your mental health, then why do you expose your children to her?
I think you need help
Leave ur mother be as well if she is not doing right by u period
You definitely need help, before something serious happens. You need support
First and foremost you need to go get counseling. Second, if your mother treats you this way then don’t have her around your children. It’s obviously not healthy for them. But like I said, first step is to get some real and serious help for yourself.
Cutting family out of your life is acceptable especially if it hinders your mental health… Stop sending or giving your mother any information/pictures that would cause you distress… You health comes first…
Are you on meds? My mother is a schizophrenic and made my life hell. The only time she was some what ok was when she was on meds. It is sad that your family isn’t supportive but I have to wonder why you are estranged from your family.
For starters quit giving her pictures if she isn’t going to respect your wishes. Secondly i had someone who use to do that to me and you can report them to Facebook for posting pictures of your children. I did and Facebook removed the pictures. If she’s getting the pics from your Facebook change your privacy settings. There are ways to stop her. Don’t let the fact that she’s your mom deter you cause a mom is supposed to respect her grown children’s wishes not disrespect you tbe way she is.
You really really need to find a good psychiatrist and find help for your issues before you pass them on to your own children. And as far as your mother goes … strict rules for being around them if not abided by then no contact but if hurts the kids more than helps them then that’s not good either. But if you dont get the help you need and are diagnosed you could be putting you and your children in danger especially being schizophrenic. I’ve seen it happen in my own family.
Are you friends with her or other family members/mutual friends on Facebook?! If so, block them all. (Or at least block the ones who share the pictures) Secondly, report any pictures she has shared to FB and tell them she does not have permission to share them. Lastly, how is she obtaining pictures?!? Is she taking them?! Best wishes to you momma.
It sounds like that you need a lot more help and your children do need to go to a safer place
Well I applaud you. Everybody is telling you to get help, not realizing for you to admit you have schizophrenia means you already are getting help and most likely are on medication. Stop judging mom’s with mental health problems. It’s most of us. Almost every mother I know has at least anxiety, which is a mental health and emotional health problem. As for your question, you can block your mom from sharing pics of your children by making sure she can’t see them on your page. Also don’t let her take pics of them. Make sure you’re present if she sees your kids. If she keeps disrespecting your, it’s not wrong to cut toxic family members out of your life
A toxic family is just as bad if not worse than a toxic relationship
I finally stopped talking to most of my family in order to care for my mental health…
It sucks but lifes more peaceful
First- here is a hug!! Second- gosh,just let all that be…Why worry about stuff you can NOT control…I know - “easier said than done.” Let your Mom be what ever she is…Take care of your kids and just go about YOUR day…Third- maybe counseling…Just for your peace of mind…Maybe include the kids…….Fourth- LOVE YOURSELF…We are here to help…keep talking and telling what is on your mind…Some day you will have some peace…Bless you and find that smile that you have…
Block your mom. From Facebook AND your life.
I would make a complaint to Facebook admin to have her Facebook banned. She did not receive your permission to post those pictures.
Cut her off and gets some therapy
If they are posting from pix you’ve posted, change your privacy settings and exclude them from seeing your post. If theyre sharing pix you send them, it sucks but stop sending them any. Maybe then they will get the message to stop.
Simply stop giving her pictures.
Sounds like you should block her too…if your wishes cant be respected then she doesnt get the pictures either. Just block her from seeing any posts having to do with the kids
If she is stealing them from your page, you can make the posts to where she can’t see them. And specifically here.
Cut your mother out completely if she doesn’t care about your wishes, and do not send her anymore pictures of your kids. You have every right to want things the way that you do, if she doesn’t respect you enough to follow your requests, you don’t need her in your life.
Don’t allow pictures to be taken of your children Period!!! I don’t post my grandbabies on FB just because of all the pedophile s and people will steal pics and post "bet this girl with DS won’t even get a like. This is BS. This is not your child. Your child your rules.
Stop using your mental health as an excuse to be extra. Get meds/help. If you don’t your kid(s) WILL be taken from you. Period. Feel how you want, but that just the trurth. Get help or lose your kid(s).
1st of all they are your children and if she cant respect your wishes to not post pictures don’t allow her around your kids and don’t send her pictures. Just because someone is family doesn’t mean they cant be toxic asf!
2ed maybe getting some better help will be more effective for you because you DON’T deserve to live in so much fear nobody should ever have to live that way. So please seek more resources maybe even support groups! Best wishes to ya momma! Your up and active with your children and actively trying to get better I’m proud of you for that!!
Sounds like your mother doesn’t care about your mental health at all. She is selfish and doing what SHE wants. You have every right to tell to bug off and stop communications with her. She is one of the reasons you have mental problems I’m sure. She should have protected her daughter better but she didn’t and she still doesn’t. It’s time to walk away or better yet block her.
Cut your family out. If their toxic and making you feel worse you don’t need them, find a good psychologist or therapist xox goodluck
Simple. Don’t want momma to share? Then quit sharing with Momma.
At the end of the day, as much as you struggle with your diagnoses, this isn’t about that. It is about your mom not respecting your boundaries. I suggest a firm conversation where you tell her if it continues, she will be blocked. Then the ball is in her court. She can choose to respect you, or be blocked.
MOMS AND GRANDMAS ARE PROUD. Have ONE photo a year done for sharing. Don’t share on FB other pics and both problems are solved.
You can set stuff so that no one except who you want can see them . Don’t tag her or put her name on them . You can put your settings so that Other people are not allowed to share your post .
The woman needs to go to a reputable mental health professional & get a proper diagnosis so she can develop a treatment plan to improve & recover her mental/behavioral health. Her mental health is her priority, because you can’t be there for anyone else as well as you could be if you are neglecting your own well-being
No reputable mental health professional will diagnose someone as a “Bipolar Schizophrenic”, that is not a dsm 5 diagnosis. Period. End of story.
Do you ask this person for help? God forbid someone wanna show off and be proud of those kid’s. I guess don’t let anyone see them… Hide em away… Cause pics are the end of the world right…
Maybe it time you re-evaluate your relationship with your mother because at the end of the day it about your health mental emotional and physical and your children’s as well
This page is turning into a crybaby dumping ground ffs
I’d tell them I’m not comfortable w them sharing about my kids. And if they continue they will be blocked and won’t even be able to see anything their selves
Then cut them off? Are you medicated? It sounds like you need some help.
I’d cut the cord.
If she can’t follow your rules then she has no room in her life.
Stop asking and start telling.
Stop giving her access to your children and their photos
Honestly, doesn’t sound like it’s worth the battle. Focus on your own mental health and stay away from these people and their social media if it triggers you.
There’s nothing you can do about it.
If you know its hurting you. Cease all contact. My mother and I have a rough relationship. Sometimes just taking a break from the negativity helps.
I’d stop allowing anyone in my life if they can’t abide by my rules. I would also seek mental health help if you are not. I’m bi polar and it has really helped me to see someone and get meds.
I would be happy that she post pictures that means she loves them and wants to show them off. Why would pictures upset you so much unless you do t want a certain person to see them
What would happen if she post pics of your kids… Nothing.
Don’t allow her to take pictures or have access to your photos of your kids. If she can’t abide by your wishes she’s part of the problem and should be cut off! Very simple, just because she’s your mother doesn’t mean she’s not toxic to you.
PS if you shut her out for a while she may realize your serious about this and modify her behavior.
It’s not good to post pics of children on FB not with all the children being taken for their body parts, sex slaves and just to be raped and murdered. I have grand children but you won’t find there pics on FB!!
As someone whose mother passed away from paranoid schizophrenia, I can empathize with you. I myself have depression and am slightly bi-polar. My mother had a hard time with her extended family as well as they didnt treat her the way they should have. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I agree with a lot of the comments here…get rid of the negativity in your life. If your mom doesnt want to respect your wishes, remove her off FB and block her. Do the same with your other family members. No one is worth you and your kids being unhappy in life.
Block them! Don’t share pics don’t share relationships nothing!!
Move away and block them all. I had to do it
Hmmm single mother of “3” with a shed load of ( let’s try to be kind here ) “ issues and you have problems with other people. Who could have guessed
You can report the pics as your property. I do it
Report her photos. Block her on Facebook. Stop sending her photos and letting her see your kids to take her own photos. My kids are my whole world but you wouldn’t know they existed looking at my social media. I have only a couple photos of them online and nobody else is allowed to post. It’s been hard and caused some arguments but it comes down to them being MY kids and you can follow MY rules or not see my kids.
Don’t allow people in your life who undermine you. Period. Regardless of the title they hole. Respect is respect is respect & honey sounds like she doesn’t have any for you as an adult or mother.
Block them change ur phone number. Peace of mind.
If she can’t respect yout wishes ,Quit giving her opportunity to take pictures of your children. Problem solved , no pics to share.
Dont have your kids around her for them to take photos then. Delete/block them from social media so they can’t get your photos.
Who cares people get so up in arms about this issue. Mental health struggling single mom here as well. Cutting family off over pictures lord.
Do not give her the opportunity to take pictures of your children. She must respect your wishes or do without pictures of her grandchildren.
Sorry not sorry but I’d cut it all off if they cant accept what you are asking
it the poster has pictures of her children on Facebook then I cant really understand why she is freaked out over grandma posting pictures… but if the mom doesn’t post pictures then I could see her point…
but really it’s just pictures… the people aren’t around you or your children therefore it shouldn’t matter … all she is going to end up doing is keeping g her children isolated and alienated from everyone
You can actually report the photos to Zuckerbitch and his goons bc you’re the legal guardian and haven’t given your mom permission to use the images. I’ve done that with success. They’re only going to remove those particular images and won’t impact her account.
If she doesn’t respect your wishes don’t give her anything to post don’t share anything with her and cut her out of the picture too
Just curious… How are they getting pictures of your kids?
Block on FB - as a rule don’t post anything you don’t want out there on FB… You have a right to your privacy… Tighten the privacy settings on your FB to only you & close friends can see stuff… If your own mother cannot respect your wishes - then you block them on FB…
Oh boy, I can see some people lack a bit of understanding and compassion. Y’all have MISSED the point, entirely!
With all them mental issues and possible future safety of them babies I hope she or the children at least stay in contact with someone they know and trust. Mental illness is real, people have break downs or can snap and medications don’t always work 100%.
I am compassionate to your situation, but I also wonder if your aversion to your siblings means that your children shouldn’t get to know their family/uncles? Cousins? ETA, if they’re sharing photos you posted, unfortunately when you put them on the social media/internet they become public domain… If grandparents are posting their own photos of their own times with the grandkids, I feel like they deserve that opportunity to share their love and joy…
I seems that your mother is also toxic and needs to be cut out of your life as well.
Report the pics to fb as not authorized pics of your minor child. Then create healthy distance, until she understands and respects your boundaries.
Suck it up n get over it. Im not feeling like your kids are safe with you. Especially if THIS is such a huge issue for you…
Don’t share pics or info about you or your children with her until she stops
I WISH my mom was alive. She could 100% post anything with and for my kids at all times, always… Even though I have issues and don’t get along with my siblings sometimes
Don’t share with her. Report the pictures. And if she keeps doing it then cut her out of your life as well. You don’t need that in your life
CUT HER OFF! I have had to make the same requests because of my “family”. People just do not seem to get it.
If you can’t respect my boundaries then you don’t get to be involved in mine and my children’s life because it is MY DUTY to protect them however I see fit. Either get with the program or get lost, the choice is up to you!
Maybe we should refrain from judgement because we are only hearing from one side. I’m refraining because I’ve taken abuse from a family members with schizophrenia. If she’s not medicated we are hearing her side only. No judgement just caution is advised.
If it was accidental I’d understand but because this has happened more than once it seems I would tell her either stop ignoring my rules or dont be apart of my life or my children’s. For example I let all my family including my bd family know that I didnt want photos of my child online till I was ready I wanted to enjoy my time with my baby without a flood of people trying to come over only the handful I allowed to know who I knew wouldn’t overwhelm me. I had one family member with memory problems accidentally post which I was fine with cause it was obvious he didnt remember and was excited the other well he did it out of spite and against my wishes which led to alot of phone calls and people texting me asking to come over. I ended up having a conversation stating if he didnt stop there would be consequences and needless to say he stopped. Sometimes u have to put the foot solidly down or people will walk all over u
How does she get the pictures? If she causing this problems for you why are you still involving yourself with her/ them? Block everyone on Facebook and stop all communication…
Problem solved
If she cant respect you she doesn’t need to have a relationship with you or your kids. Fuck her.
Report her/the photos to facebook - they will put her in fb jail and take down your pics.
Don’t give her any more pictures of your kids. Don’t allow her to take any pictures of your kids. Block her on social media so she can’t share pictures.
Mamas Uncut shes on this one and few more.
First of all I’d like you to know I understand schizophrenia. I have a brother with this illness. I’m not clear on bipolar schizophrenia but I assume that you’ve had some tough times…and I’m sorry for that. Since you’re raising 3 children I also assume you take excellent care of your health. Good for you!
My only advice would be to stay away from (including on social media) anyone who causes you stress. Your mental health and your children are most important. If you need to, remove your mom from friends list. Or go to privacy settings on FB and review what other people can share. That being said…anyone can show their FB to anyone else. If the issue is causing you too much pain just delete your mom. And if she doesn’t understand that’s just too bad for her.
I wish you all the best on your journey through life. Love your children, don’t stress about what others are doing, and take care of your own well being. Good Luck! Oh and don’t keep to yourself too much…always talk to someone if life is getting heavy!! Seek help asap when/if you need to.
Don’t share pictures with your mom. Plain and simple. If she can’t respect your wishes, then she doesn’t need to receive pictures. If she takes pictures of your kids and put them online without your permission then don’t let her alone with your kids.
Dont send her pics and block her from social media.
If she can respect your wishes give her a warning and say if this happens again you won’t receive any pictures/spend time with the kids.
You have every right to establish boundaries with every type of relationship you have. If that person will not respect or abide by them, you are in your right to cut them off. Family can be toxic too. My therapist taught me that.
What happened to this being a supportive site? We are all MOTHERS and are we not trying to teach our children that BULLYING IS WRONG? To accept, love and help each other?
I don’t agree with anything the poster is saying however I am not slamming her or calling her out on her mental health issues…When did all these Moms turn into such hateful people, I hope to heavens you can all see this is not what we’re supposed to be wasting our precious energy on!
I would keep that side of the family in your life as minimal as possible. & I would do the same with your mother until she can take the time to sit down with you and try to understand your feelings and wishes not only as a mother but as a daughter too. That’s what I’d do anyway. Don’t ask to see your mom or family unless they check in & ask to see you and your kids & go from there. Best of luck mama!
You have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type. And I have depressive type… Let your mom enjoy her grandbabies!
if she cant respect your illness and your rights to privacy then cut her off… no pictures … if she runs her mouth about you and your kids… cut her out and move on… or keep it to the phone or internet and keep the chats simple without info that you dont wish to have spread…
I’m going to have to go out on a limb here and say that Andrea, considering you have been answering EVERYONE, are you familiar with this person and/or situation???
Suck it up buttercup, shouldn’t you be talking to a psychiatrist or therapist, nobody on is is one.
Dont let her take pix of your kids and don’t put pix of them on fb.