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"Me and my SO have a long-distance relationship and has me blocked on fb. Never posts us or anything. Says he likes to stay private. We have a child together he blocked me right before our child was born. How would you bring it up?"
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"Give him what he wants. His loss. Give him privacy and block him back. Stop reaching out to him and move on. He doesn’t deserve an explanation either. Just cut off all communication. This man has another woman and/or family. He’s trying to live two separate lives. He needs a taste of his own medicine. If you must know the truth, then investigate him further. The internet is a beautiful source. Look him up on public records, find out if he has other children he is paying child support for, and pay attention to the girls who like & comment on his posts. Or start reaching out to his “girl friends” on social media and introduce yourself to them. You could also hire a private investigator. I might sound crazy, but I ALWAYS search public records before I date or trust anybody."
"I don’t think you two are a couple…"
"My ex was cheating through fakebook… never posted about us."
"Go to his house and introduce your baby to his wife…"
"He’s cheating… I would just move on."
"Sounds like he is not who you think he is… Definitely not Father material"
"He got a wife sis… you just the side that accidentally got pregnant… move on to someone who to shows you off and show you the attention you deserve and need."
"He blocked you for a reason and it’s not a good one. My ex-husband never even told people he worked with about me. He would go out for drinks with them and everything. He used to tell me that he doesn’t like people to know his business. I wasn’t very strong when I was with him. It’s bullshit to be kept hidden. If he’s so private then why is he on Facebook? It should NOT be ok that he has you blocked. Flat out ask him why you are blocked especially if you are a couple and have a child. And when he gives you the bullshit answers, or if he gets mad at you for questioning him, he’s up to no good."
"Definitely has a main piece. Move on and find someone you deserve. Fuck all that."
"If it’s long-distance sounds like you may have been his side chick which is why you’re blocked on his Facebook never posts about you cause his SO is on his fbook account. Of course, he’ll lie to you tho I guarantee it. He doesn’t want other people to know about this child whatsoever."
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