"So I have four kids under 7 years old. Lately, for the past month, I’ve needed a nap every day.
If I don’t take a nap, my face feels tingly, and I go through a moment where I feel like my throat is closing up, also my thoughts race.
I do get enough sleep at night; I homeschool, my kids sleep through the night. I did get these feelings before, but it would happen once in a GREAT while.
But lately, it has been happening every day for the past month. I did go through a ‘slump’ 2 weeks ago, but I’m ok now. Anyone experience this?"
RELATED QUESTION: What is nap time like for your 1-year-old?
“Yes. Anxiety makes me have these symptoms! Could also maybe be your thyroid.”
“Taking a nap is a good way to unload after a sensory overload. Which is what it sounds like. Maybe try meditation or a quiet place for a few mins to let go of the extra feelings.”
“I suffer from anxiety and find what you’re describing happens to me when I’m too stressed/burnt out and that starts up panic attacks. Do what you need to do to feel better hun even if it is a nap and I also suggest talking to your doctor.”
“Sounds like anxiety/depression, also sounds like your overwhelmed and doing too much. My advice would be to slow down and find time to relax away from everything even if it’s just 5 minutes. When I get overwhelmed usually down time makes a huge difference for me.”
“I’d say it sounds like anxiety. I’d try to maybe figure out medication that may help. Wish you the best!”
“Talk to your doctor. Could be a lot of things causing this such as anxiety or depression, anemia, low b12, thyroid, etc.”
“I feel like I need a nap if I have a day off and I’m taking care of my daughter all day. The nap kinda helps me ‘reset’ and get through the second half of my day.”
“Get your B12 levels checked. I was like this too. Extremely fatigued. I was having tingling in my face also. Felt like my lips were numb and my nose. Just a suggestion. They don’t normally check B12 on regular blood work.”
“I also feel like if I don’t nap I can’t function. I have previously tested positive for hypothyroidism and wasn’t able to be prescribed meds as I was pregnant at the time. I haven’t gone back yet but I really think that’s what it is. Maybe go get some blood work done?”
“Life at this moment is difficult for everyone. It’s totally normal to need a nap. Especially taking care of small children. They can suck every ounce of energy you have. Also, you are playing many different roles (mom, teacher, etc) Enjoy your nap, and thank goodness that you have the opportunity to rest. I take a nap every chance I get.”
“A medical check-up never hurts and blood tests will calm your mind. This is new territory we are living in now. Stressors are all around us now more than ever. If a nap helps, by all means, take a nap! I love to read and there are times when I open my book, my body needs to shut down for a bit. I call them power naps.”
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