They have sippy cups that are similar to a bottle and every other week change the nipple to more like a sippy cup
My daughter got off of the bottle at 11 months.
How is it rotting teeth if you’re brushing them afterwards?
My son had just turned 1 when I got him off the bottle.
Definitely no judgement!You sound like your doing a great job mama!
He won’t go to kindergarten with a bottle. Go at his pace. Mine gave it up when day when they were ready. Things don’t have to be as stressful as doctors make them!
Quite honestly, if it’s only nap and sleep time leave him with his bottle
I used the doctor brown soft spout sippy cup
Mark the calendar . …no more bottle day…make it fun and celebrate. Good luck
Don’t force no rush. They will when they are ready.
You sound like an awesome mom to me.
Try a different kind of sippy cup. My daughter was breastfed and she will only drink out of the 360 cups.
I have two chilren.
When they were both 9/10 months old, I introduced sippy cups. They chose their favorite and at 11 months the only bottle given was morning and night time, the rest of the day was sippy cups. Both of mine started to walk at 9/10months and I wasn’t going to have them running around w/ bottles.
The night of their 1st birthdays, they had their last bottle and watched me throw away all bottles in house. Only option they had when they woke up a one year old, was sippy cups.
Just keep doing it with both.One day it will change.
They were never on one
Mine refused to take the bottle
I took her off the bottle at 1 year
Try a b box cup. Try giving him some milk in it during day to practice
Soft spot sippy are the best. My son broke himself on his own at 15 months
Don’t put any pressure on yourself, every kid is different & there’s no wrong answer! I remember my pedi telling me he wanted my daughter off them by 15-mos. I started panicking when it wasn’t working & she only would take the bottle. So, instead I started incorporating one type of sippy cup for just water for her to sip on during the day. Over time, she got that down then during nap/bedtime I would try every time with a different kind of sippy cup for milk. For a long time she wouldn’t take it & would have the bottle instead, but I always offered the cup first every time. Eventually one day, she grabbed the cup & has been off bottles ever since. It’ll happen!!
We did the Nuby for water & the Nuk for milk…& we still do & she is almost 20 mos! Good luck, Mama!
My daughter was on a bottle til a little over 2 but what i told her was that shes a big girl now and the small newborn babies need her bottles and we were going to use big girl cups! And she was actually really happy that she “got to help a baby”
these cups are lifesavers to transition!
2 years 7 months I do whats best me and my family. My son only had bottles in the car or at bed time. His doctor said he shouldn’t be on a bottle that old and I said “well when he’s ready, he’s ready” do what you feel is right
The doctor doesn’t know your little boy - you do.
Medical ‘professionals’ pressure us to conform but all it does is create emotional stress & long-term issues.
Stand firm in knowing & trusting that this will fall away naturally & with time. Both my girls were over the age of 2. It was their comfort & I let them as we too have our own bed-time rituals ~ I just slowly lessened the amount of milk to help them rely on it less
(I’ve found that the more confident & sure of yourself you are, the less others will try to make you bend to their opinions - doctors included!)
My son is 1yr 8 months & he gets a bottle for nap time & bed time. I do what’s best for him. It is his comfort for those times. I sometimes put water instead of milk in it if he’s had to much milk or is congested. Doctors don’t always know what’s best! They go by the organization and data they are told to present sometimes.
Mine were off by 1 because otherwise it messes with the shape of their mouth. Look up the page; Melanie potock, my munch bug, for strategies to try. My first was a lot easier than my second. You’re doing great!! You’ll get it!
Both my kids by 12mo. Moved to sippy cups and that was that. I know sounds easier said then done, but remember, you’re the mom, the boss, he’s the child, we do whats best. Believe me this is one of several times you’ll have to do whats right, not popular or what he and your emotions want.
You start slowly by reducing the liquid in the bottle. if you have milk or juice in that bottle start watering it down and make it weaker and eventually you will have no liquid and he will hopefully lose interest. my friend tried this method and it worked. Mine were off by 9 months and onto a sippy. They didn’t get a bottle in the crib they had a pacifier which was a lot easier to limit and get rid of. Just so you know if you have another baby, bottles in the crib with milk or juice in them promotes tooth rot from the sugar so if you wish to use a bottle in the crib make sure its only water. Good luck hope you get some good ideas to try. First time parenting is hard but your doing great.
My son is 16 months an he still has milk on a morning, I use half the bottle to make his porridge and he drinks the rest. Then he has a full 9oz bottle before bed which I don’t think is bad for his age. I know I shud probably take morning bottle away but I won’t take his nighttime one away until he doesn’t want it anymore like my eldest son did. Once he was in a private nursery (due to me being a single mum and working full time) my eldest just stopped wanting a bottle at bed bcoz he was so tired and full from his day at nursery so I’m hoping little one will do the same and if he’s still wanting it by the time he’s 2 then I will take it off him
I dropped the bottles at 13 months. Was tough for a couple nights.
I also don’t give him milk before bedtime anymore- he only gets milk during meals in his sippy cup.
Just drop the bottle and he will forget all about it in a couple days
The reason the DOCTOR is saying to stop using a bottle is because continuing to give a child a bottle with anything but water in it before bed can cause tooth decay, and using a bottle too long can screw up a babies mouth formation.
Just because your kid got lucky or you don’t care about those things don’t mean a medical professional doesn’t know what they are talking about.
Jesus, it amazes me how careless some parents are.
My 1st. 4months. My second. 2months, i just stopped. They were young enough to not care. I learned from my sisters mistakes with her first child. I was not dealing that a toddler still with a bottle hell na. Lol
Right as she turned 1 year. I switched her to the NUK trainer sippy cups because they’re very similar to a bottle and it worked. I started her at 11 months with water and juice to get her used to it and then right after her bday, I stopped bottles and stopped breast feeding and solely used that cup
I went from all day bottle to nap time and bed time to just bed time and eventually no bottle jus sippy it took my youngest about a week to quit throwing fits and realize the bottle was gone u jus have to work thru it and don’t give in
Luckily both my girls weren’t attached to the bottle. They both were off of it by one. BUT my younger daughter had her binky until she was two and my older daughter sucked her two fingers until she was 11. It was only at bed time. But still 11!!! Lol
As soon as he could hold a bottle, I took them and went to sippy cups
Just offer both bottle and sippy cup… they’ll transition when ready. Both of mine were off bottle and soft tip sippy cups by 12mo.
Tell the doctor bullshit!!
The day after mine turned 1 I took bottles away I had already made sure they could drink from a sippy cup. My older daughter was horrible with the change but in a few days she gave in. At the time the few days seemed like forever. It sucks if his dad isn’t going to work with you and be consistent. Hang in there this too shall pass you just have to be consistent. It’s just the beginning of them learning who’s in charge
Oddly, my son took himself off. He never really got attached to a bottle or pacifier. Some kids will just take themselves off.some don’t. Talk to his pediatrician and discuss your thoughts on when would be a good time.
I would just keep trying slowly, they are only babies for a short while and it is his comfort at night. He will get it! And yes you’re doing great!
Help him to learn to drink from a glass. Use a small glass. He will like it better than the sippy cup
I got some small cups and both of my kids liked that. I would praise them and say ‘big girl, good job, ect’
When giving him a bottle at this age, it should be water only.
The sugar’s in milk at night can start do decay the teeth. He could start to get want is called apple core decay.
And he may start to show you he doesn’t want it any more.
And once a sleep take it away.
You can also reduce the times when given it to him.
But you need dad on board to or you will never win.
Every child is different but with a little push from your side will definitely help, it is difficult at first. Get daddy to also be consistent from his side, its the only way. Telling them a story as to why the bottle needs to go works. Here in South Africa, we have monkey’s that come in the house every so often and steal whatever they can, so I told my daughter that the monkey’s came in and stole all her bottles. I struggled for 4 days, but she got the hang of the straw cup and I let her drink out of her straw cup or a normal cup before going to sleep and if she woke, I would get up and let her drink out the cup and put her back to sleep. Good luck mama, you are doing a great job<3
I tried the slow approach with my daughter and she wasn’t having it. Finally at about 18 months I packed up all the bottles and gave her a soft spout sippy. Took a day. She had no problem after the first day. When it was time to give up her soft spout for a hard spout about a year ago she went cold turkey from milk. Wont drink it at all now. But I never allowed her to sleep with a bottle/sippy. I transitioned from a bottle before bed while I rocked her to a bottle after dinner instead and we had family time for 30 minutes before bed time routine.
At 18 months old he’s old enough to understand you when you talk to him. Explain to him that the garbage man is really poor and his kids need bottles really badly. And would it be ok if we give your bottles to garbage man’s kids? I did this with my son and he felt so bad for the garbage man’s kids that he helped me wash all of them and put them in a box then we put them next to the trash cans on trash day. He was so proud of himself and never asked for a bottle again
Do a bottle sippy cup first one that will transition to a sippy cup nipple. It takes some time but works wonders we just did this with my son. Gave him the bottle nipple sippy for a few days then changed it over. He had no problem at all. It Is harder though if you both are hot consistent and one keeps giving in. Don’t ever feel like a horrible mom because your kid takes a little longer to do things. My son is 14 months and some mom’s judge me because he won’t walk on his own yet. Kids are stubborn and will do things when they are ready, just breath mama❤️
My kids used the NUK bottles so the “bottle” part didn’t change but we changed from a nipple to a sippy spout like the toddler cups have. Made it a little easier cause it wasn’t a complete cup change. They would put up a little fit but after a few days they’ll give up and accept the sippy top. It’s just those couple days. And you have to tell the dad that listen, this is what needs to be done, this is what his doctor is saying and he can call the doc if he wants.
It’s hard when you have another person giving in and giving them a bottle. My oldest would only drink milk in a bottle until he was almost two. Everything else he wanted a cup and my daughter had no trouble giving it up. Each child is different but I’d say just take the bottle away and the baby will get used to it. I wish you the best!
When my daughter turned one she had already been drinking out of a sippy most the time and I just only put water in her bottle for like day or 2 then just took it away completely she honestly didn’t really notice
I gradually watered the bottles down until it was just water. Then gave a sippy cup of water and threw out the bottles. A couple nights of screaming and you feel awful because they are upset which sucks I know but they adjust pretty quickly and it’s doing what’s best for them. Remember that!!! Hang in there Mama and good luck. Would be very helpful if both parents could be on the same page for the benefit of the child.
The night before my kids turned one I got rid of all bottles, I had introduced sippy cups already, so they weren’t foreign, on their birthday, no bottles were available. It wasn’t easy, but I refused to continue with bottles. My oldest was a little different bc I found out my mom was still giving her a bottle at her house, when I found out I gave her a piece of my mind and took what bottles she had. Just have to stick with it and not cave, make new routines. No juice/milk at bedtime, water only if they “have” to sleep with a drink. Babies/children need routine, as long as you stick with it they will adapt
My daughter was 13 months when we cut it out at night. She stopped by a year during day. She’d take a cup no problem but at night, she’d scream for her “ba”. Got her Nuk transition cup and it worked! Sippy cup top but tall like a bottle. It was the shape, not even the contents she was particular about. I gave her water one night bc we were out of milk and there were no issues.
We dropped bottles at 11 months. We use a weighted straw cup. Its the only cup my son will take. I drank from a straw infront of him and once he understood what to do he was good. I stopped rocking and feeding to sleep at 3 or 4 months. I wasnt sure by your post if you meant that you feed to sleep or not. If so id stop that. And id try not to rock to sleep. Or even til drowsy. Put in bed awake.
I had same problem. I used a Binky then after a while in a week I wonder her of that. Not sure if that is helpful but it worked for me
I threw all bottles away, my kid cried, I played with them or rocked them.Eventually they fell asleep.It took about a week.
At 3 year just threw the bottle away he cried a few day and then forgot about it
I just threw them away when oldest 2 kids turned a year old, the baby didn’t care for a bottle so she was 6 months when I tossed it.
You throw them away and never buy another again. You deal with the screaming best you can. That’s literally all. You get rid of them. He’ll catch on and so will you!! There is a reason it should be done at 12 months, they forget it faster!!
My last child didnt like cows milks so as soon as we out something different in it, he gave it up himself. Try something he doesnt like in the bottle?
I start around 6 months switching between soft tip sippy cups and bottles and 1st birthday no bottle ever again I was very adamant about not having a 5 year old with a bobo and a bottle so far have succeeded with all 3 kids
When my daughter was that age and I was at a loss I always turned to Supernanny! She has some amazing tips and tricks to help!
This has been a hard one for me. My oldest who is now 8 was on a bottle for WAY to long. She was 3 at least when she got off of it. My youngest is 19 months and has bottle at nap and bed. Today I decided to not give her a bottle and only put her milk in a sippy. It has gone well so far but we haven’t hit bedtime yet so we will see how it goes tonight.
Both at 1 year. My 3rd us 5 months and already uses soppy cup sometimes. Plan on 1 as well with this one.
Got my oldest off at 12 months (once she transitioned to cows milk ) by using the munchkin weighted straw cups. She could still use it at nap and bed time. So it worked for us.
I took my two year old off his bottle 4 nights a go but he still have a Dummy at night
I transitioned bottle to the soft tipped sippys. Now shes just under 2 and on a 360 cup
I got both my girls off the bottle at a year old.
12 months, I used the munchkin sippy cups with the weighted straw to get him off the bottle.
11 months my daughter was off a bottle. Get the sippy cups that have a soft nipple at first . Then transition to a hard cup !
My son at 1 and my daughter is still on it
Throw them away and get him a sippy cup to drink out of.
Don’t worry mom your doing a great job!!!
All 4 of my girls were off the bottle by a year old. I just stopped giving it to them.
I feel your pain. I’ve always been a single Mother to My Daughter and she never had a dummy (pacifier) and used her bottle as a comfort. She was 2 by the time I got it off of her because she was extremely stubborn and would literally scream for it from bed time til like 5am when I would break and give in. She didn’t care if it had water in or was empty she wanted the bottle at bed time. Then one night she was poorly and kept throwing up. One of these 24 hour bugs where everything that goes down comes back up. She realised every time she drank from it she threw up and I told her it was cos she was too big for a bottle so it was making her sick. She was 4 at the beginning of June and hasn’t asked for one since x
My 3rd is 18 months, she still takes the bottle at nap & bed. Our 14 year old daughter did the same till she was 2 years old, the trick is, ask every day, in morning and after nap, are you ready for baba (whatever you call it). To go now? If you have more than 1 bottle, throw one out and show them sippy cup, than say big girl or boy bedtime cup. That worked for our eldest at 2. Now our youngest, she is stubborn lol been trying to get her off the pacifier. She is hiding it as soon as she wakes up, I usually take it and hide it from her. She has caught on to my tricks. She only has one bottle now and slowly transitioning to sippy cups at night. Remember, each child is different, just keep trying, it is hard & frustrating at times, eventually they will adjust. Keep patience & consistency with it Momma
by the time both of my boys were 1 they were off the bottle, just throw out bottles and give sippy cup, they will take it sooner or later,only little babies have bottles not a big boy or girl,same goes for diapers
My daughter will not use a sippy cup at all we have to get her cups with straws. It’s going to be a struggle to find a cup he likes just try a few different ones until you find the one. They want them off bottles by 18 months bc iy can rot teeth and it causes ear infections past 18 months (just had this conversation with our doctor yesterday) try just giving water not milk at bedtime to avoid the milk sitting on the teeth and giving what they call bottle mouth! Take your time with the transition to cups though!
give him the bottle, but empty, have the sippy cup close. you both win, he has the bottle for comfort and security, but not to drink from, when he specifies that he’s thirsty, pass him the sippy cup for a sip, then put it away. It’ll be graduale, but eventually, the bottle becomes useless or at most a toy to your baby.
We just cut it cold turkey at 13 months and went with it. We also ended up switching our daughter to a toddler bed at 14 months bc her crib was recalled and we weren’t going to buy another one for an over one year old. There’s definitely about a week of fussiness and crying during the time of getting used to no bottle. But she caught on to the sippy cup really quick once she realized bottles were gone.
I 79 yrs old. I was told this by my friend. Her father told it to her when it was time to wienne her baby’s so I did it with my son, grandchildren etc. you need a calendar that shows the moon phases. Fine when the NEW. MO0N phase starts. Get rid of the bottles 3 days before new moon, should have any problem. Read him a story put him in bed and tell him good night. Take the changing table away from the crib to dangerous to leave it thete
They actually told us at her 1 year appointment to get our daughter off the bottle. She is 13 months now and doesn’t use bottle but I really think it is different ages for different kids. As long as they don’t get too old and are still on a bottle
Try putting less n less in bottle so maybe then he won’t want it n only put water in it. I DID NOT do this, just thought of it. When mine put a hole, bit the nipple, I didn’t buy new ones.
I start the transition at 10 months and my kids were completely off the bottle at 1.
I told my oldest she was about 16 months that the dog ate her bottle ,and it worked🤣
Cut the bottle nipples so that too much comes out and tell him oh no the bottle broke we have to use the other cup and thats how we did it with bottles and pacifiers
First son was three, second son is now 2 and still has a bottle for bedtime
I dint… My kids are 7 years, 6 years and 1.8 years… All on bottles
When they start bite the top off on the nipple
I have 3, and I threw every bottle away at their 1st birthday parties. No bottle in the cupboard means no bottle to give. Tough it out for a few days and all should be fine… except you have different circumstances with shared custody. I hope you all figure it out soon. It’s a tough transition but it is possible
He is one and he will eat and drink, throw them away and give him the cup or just sit it where he can see it. As a parent you have to decide that certain things are not negotiable. He will adjust but the discussion also needs to be with his dad specifically about the fact that a child crying or upset is not the end of the world and him losing sleep a little may be necessary to break a habit. He may as well get use to being a parent which is saying no a lot for the child’s benefit. If he doesn’t change then have him attend the doctor’s appointment alone with your son and have the doctor discuss it with him. Also, saying a child will not sleep without it is not at all true. Have him run around and play all day doing fun activities and don’t give a nap. When bed time comes do your bath and put him to bed. It’s just habit at this point, and a child doesn’t have to have milk before bed or at nap time. I may seem harsh but it’s not being mean it’s being a parent. I don’t make a big deal about certain issues-what I decide just happens because it is best. Just take it away-no discussion, just gone. I promise you’ll be happy you did it now before your child is older.
At one year old (pretty much to the day) I got my daughter the transition cups which we only used for bedtime she had the regular sippy cups otherwise and threw all the bottles away. She never skipped a beat and hasn’t had a bottle since.
So bad for their teeth get cavities
I switched my little girl to a soft tipped handles sippy cup at only 7 months she loved it and never wanted a bottle after that