Just had my first ultrasound

Just had my first ultrasound and i thought i was 7 weeks but the ultrasound tech was very quick and didn’t see a fetal pole. She saw a gestational sac and said my dates must be wrong and to follow up with my doctor. Should i be concerned or has this happen to others and their pregnancy went okay?

I had one last week, I thought I was 8 weeks, I was only 4+6… I miscarried yesterday morning. Not saying that’ll happen to you, sheesh but yeah that’s what’s happened to me

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Could be a blighted ovum… had my second 2 weeks ago :pensive: went in thinking is was 8 weeks, was measuring 5 weeks and only the sac. Fingers crossed you have better results

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My second, third and fourth babies never had the right dates. All born healthy, apparently I ovulated late

Can I ask did they do an internal ultrasound also to confirm or just outside of the belly ultrasound ?

I was 7 weeks when I had my first ultrasound with my current pregnancy. No heartbeat at the time but showed a small sac(looked like a small lima bean). They used the internal wand.
I am currently 8 months now and baby is healthy.


There’s just no way to know this early. It could be that your just early in pregnancy or it could be a miscarriage. Blood test are more reliable than an ultrasound at this stage. Your HCg levels should be (at least) doubling every 48 hours. Request blood work.