My two year old son is pushing me beyond what’s left of my sanity. He throws things when he’s mad, he’s the pickiest eater, climbs all over me, throws the biggest fits over the tiniest things, and he’s picking up bad habits from his sister. My daughter is five and is one of the drama queens. She will throw herself onto the ground because I won’t let her have a grape drink when I’ve already poured the milk that she asked for. Things are definitely getting harder every single day. And daddy isn’t much of a helper. He cooks and fixes things around the house, but that’s all he will do—the rearing of the children, laundry, house cleaning, and bedtime.
Spank em. Or put them in time out. They dont take you serious.
Typical terrible 2s. But the daddy needs to be firm with him too.
I personally say a tap on the butt or hand will fix that! I have 4 boys and no i never beat or hit them but if I had to smack a hand or a cuffed hand over the butt to make it seem louder it def made them knock it off fast! Terrible twos turn into terrible thirtys try time out also. Trust me their feelings will be more hurt from a spank than they are hurting your feelings.
My daughter at one point started knocking things over when she turned 2 so when she did that we said we don’t do that and go to your room to calm down then after she was calm she could join us again.
You need a vacation that is normal for 2yr olds. Walk away from the fits.
It’s normal to a degree. The 5 year old needs discipline, boundries and consequences as well as the 2 year old. YOU are the parent! Stay firm and consistent.
Whoop her ass and put her on the naughty step
Sounds like terrible 2s to me and your daughter sounds like a typical dramatic little girl lol. My daughter is 3 and she’s the most dramatic thing in the world.
As they say, the days are long but the years are short. Especially when you have a two year old. We’ve all survived on a last nerve many a days. You can make it mama.
Your son is frustrated because he doesn’t know how to express what he feels he needs in the moment. If you teach him by getting down at his level, speaking kindly and acknowledge how he feels you can then help he to understand what he really wants and how to get it. This will teach him to be able to regulate his own emotions. Please don’t spank him. That just teaches him his feelings are not valid and that the one person who he should be able to trust will physically hurt him at the exact time he needs her support, understanding and assistance. It is a challenging process but the end results are worth it. Same with your daughter, acknowledge her feelings, calmly set the boundaries and then allow her to chose her next step. This process teaches children how to regulate and how to make good decisions rather than just telling them what the decision will be. As for daddy, time for an honest conversation. Remember we teach others how to treat us by accepting their behaviours.
Consistency is key. Stand firm on the rules. No, you cannot climb on me. This is supper, if you don’t like it, don’t eat (kids will not starve themselves. They refuse to eat it because they know you will give in) Don’t throw in the house. Set firm consequences for these actions and do not deviate. Not even once.
Punish them and stick with it. The second you give in they will run all over you.
They need discipline!!! Not time out or a reward system…
Welcome to the world of a toddler my daughter is 3 and behaves this way daily with no influence from noone but myself he will outgrow it hopefully well I’m hopin my daughter does lool…good luck
Here is a novel idea. This is how I raised mine. SPANK THAT BUTT. My oldest had one temper tantrum in her whole life. My grand kids don’t have them. They are just not allowed.
Who is the parent? Kids don’t forgive parents who fail at disciplining them. Take that job seriously. It is not a joke.
Yessh . Wait til hes 6 it does not get better.
But discipline should be enforced, definitely. And you need a break.
Leave kids with dad and go for a drive.
Bust his ass, I am not saying to beat him, but sounds like a good spanking is in order!!!
You got this just remember you are doing the best you can do and you are amazing for it and when they are teenagers you get to ruin their life just for being a parent that what helps me through ill call it parental payback lol
My third boy was like this, my other 2 weren’t like this at all. Hes 5 now and has diagnosed SPD (getting an evaluation for high-functioning autism), ADHD, and ODD. He was soooo difficult from day one, I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong and everyone kept telling me just ‘discipline him’ and ‘dont let him walk all over you’ which is so fuckin hurtful bc turns out he had neurological issues. Hes gotten better with age, medication, and therapy
My son is the same way. He literally screams and cries all day everyday from the time he gets up till he goes to bed. He doesn’t do it at daycare though. He is so well behaved for his daycare teacher, and I just don’t get it. I dont know what to do. He started it when he couldn’t talk very well and that was his way of communicating what he wanted, but he talks fine now and still does it. Im losing it.
Daddy is a douche bag, he should be helping with the discipline of his children
Maybe then you wouldn’t be so stressed out and you both could discipline more effectively
Just sayin…
Maybe the problem is that you ask him for help, or him doing anything child or house related is helping you. No no no! You and your spouse have a partnership. Business partnerships would not survive if one partner was doing the lions share of the work for the same benefits and pay. When he does anything he isn’t " helping you" he is being a good partner. If he isn’t pulling his weight, you need to tell him so.
I would take the children in to the doctor just to make sure it is not a medical problem.
No violence. When she asked for milk and thru a fit for juice take milk away and walk away.
All time out does is give them time to come up with the next thing they’re going to do. If they are bad it has to cost them something important to them. I was taking my son’s to the zoo and they were supposed to meet their friends but they kept fighting in the backseat. I told them to stop and I had told them twice but of course they didn’t. I pulled over on the side of the road and began reading a book. They asked what I was doing and I replied, reading of course. They both said, but we’ll be late, I replied, probably this is a very good book and I’m only on chapter 3. But MOM, I said, you fight, I read. That took care of that !
If they are throwing a tantrum put them to there room for a time out or if out that them from that situation. This is what is working for my stroppy toddler
Following!! My oldest is two and I’m at my wits end
Wth! Ppl these days act like they scared of their kids. You got to show them you the boss not them. Spank their butts, Im not saying beat them but let them know you mean business. Don’t be scared
Time to set ground rules and a schedule put them on a picture board so kids see them also start talking about feelings. And use timeouts. Please dont give in stick to what you say and reward the good behavior by using a sticker chart and at rhe end of the week if they can fill up the sticker chart thwy can choose something fun to do like movie night, or pizza night ect…
Sounds like a parenting problem. Take a class.
Same. Same same…my almost two year old has VERY strong feelings the last month or so… Things have gotten thrown, broken and taken away or hidden. I am a constant jungle gym and my hair is her favorite toy. We can do this. We can do this. It will pass. It will pass
My very wise and very experienced mother told me, “Well, they weren’t like that when you got them.”. That thought got me through many rough moments over the years.
When my oldest son went through the throwing stage anything he threw went on top of the refrigerator until the next morning. When my father-in-law would stop in to visit after work, he would always check the top of the fridge to gauge my mood for teasing. The “kid” is 45 now and still a drama type guy.
Kids are definitely hard to raise momma!! You got this! I won’t offer advice since you didn’t ask!
Sorry but if they had there little butts whipped once in awhile trust me they won’t be acting like that
Just stay strong and it will pass, but if you start giving in, it will linger longer. 3 girls later I learned the hard way🤦♀️
I’m currently going through the same thing with my one and only Daughter, who is 2 years and 7 months. Some days, I go to my bedroom and cry, it’s hard. I’ve realized though, when she gets her full 12 hour bedtime sleep, and her 2 hour afternoon nap, she’s not as rough. I feel you, sending you hugs Mama
Sounds normal.
All normal behaviour for their ages. They grow up. They do other annoying things when they are teens and even when they are adults.
Fasten your seatbelt.
Welcome to parenthood .
Aren’t you lucky that he cooks and fixes things.
You need to start now with some rules. You have already set an example by letting your daughter become a drama queen.90 % of a young child’s behavior is set by not having consequences for their actions. The main thing is if you set a rule and it’s broken there is a consequence and it has to be followed. Example, child throws something the rule is time out or can’t watch 15 minutes of favorite show or no video time. Just follow thru. On same theory keep a “good chart” so many hours to begin with get a reward, then move to days. Al9t depends on child’s age. Children are way smarter than most parents want to believe and are very manipulative. Be strong set rules, follow thru! You are the parent!!! Otherwise your struggles have just begun. Take control and take care!
Hang in there Mama!! It will pass… eventually. My 3 year old just went through a phase like this and I didn’t think I would survive. I did, and we are through it and it’s better. Hang tough!
5 kids here. You need to talk to dad he has got to do the rearing. Especially with the son. Just my opinion. Kids listen to dad wayyyy better
About sure your text 10 years from now will make this seem minor! Hang in there mama.
I feel this entirely. I’m a single mama to a very independent, sassy, strong willed little girl. Lord help me merry Christmas mamas
Hang in there, there are not any answers, but will pray for you! Just keep swimming!
Use some TLC, it works
Being a mommy is such hard work but so rewarding. I hope you catch a break and some mommy time. Hang in there
He learns from what he sees. Control the 5 year old and you will see a big change.
Read the whole brain child and all the books written by the author.
It gives examples and why on how to handle all things kids 12 and under.
It was a wonderful tool for me and I was able to see immediate results
Kids will only do what they are allowed todo
Daddy needs to step up.
So I know right now is tough because of covid. I have a 2 year old so I as many know what you are going through. If she asks for milk and then wants juice. And throws a fit I just set it on the table or floor and I just say we’ll you asked for milk thats all we have and then calmly walk away, Sit down and don’t show them that it bothered you. With your son what ever he throws pick it up and say its mine now thank you for the new toy. You may at the end of the day have all of his toys but he will learn. I do both of those with my daughter. Where its cold here in Kentucky she can’t go out to run her energy off and with covid she can’t go play with other kids so I think that’s the problem with most kids. If she throws a fit over nothing Nd trust me I know this is hard but I just let her. I give her time to figure it out for herself most of the time she calms down on her own. I choose my battles alot to me its not worth getting up set because she decides to wear her pjs all day. Just be patient. I agree with the person to get them checked out to make sure it’s not medical. But I do believe that staying home and not being able to do alot is a big part in this. Good luck
Start being the Parent and Stop trying to be their friends. You’ll get that time when they become adults, but for now, you Need to be the “Parent”!!!
Jamie Justice finally some good sound advice. Jamie you have reaffirmed my faith that there is still good common sense Parenting out there in this world. I was getting worried with the way the country was heading and I truly believe it’s because of parents that had absolutely no idea on how to be parents and were more concerned about being their BFF
Thank you
Walk away, pay no attention. They’ll stop. A little attitude adjustment wouldn’t hurt either.
Look up and read up on Love and Logic. It’s like magic. Best parenting advice ever.
Change you ; you are the problem you cannot negotiate with terrorists . you have no boundaries watch super nanny and be loving discipline and be consistent not lazy and do not try to buy your kids and control them they are humans & they need guidance and kids are a direct product of there environment . you use direct commands when speaking to children and few words do this now sit on the naughty chair 3 min and walk away have a ridged schedule . and kids will eat when there Hungary & if you didn’t give in to there screaming fits then they wouldn’t be having them . don’t buy any more junk food never bring it in your house . if your kids are fat and unhealthy that’s the mother’s fault you bring home the food you prepare it you it’s all you & you can do this mom . your kids will love you more for loving yourself enough to say no . no amount of guilt will make your kids have dads or you be rich kids need loving guidance they need to know right from wrong teach them boundaries . I know all this because i was a bad mom i wanted my son to never be hurt or disappointed & i taught him to be a jerk and manipulation and i taught him every bad behavior in the world & i taught myself hate i hated him and i hated myself because I genuinely hated him & i blamed him and i had no idea i was his only problem . and i hurt him i cussed him was mean was judgemental and degrading to him and i thought he was stupid and i told him that without even speaking the words & i took him to drs they say adhd but he wasn’t he had the worlds worst mom ever because his mom “me” was raised beaten and tortured by a narcissist mother & I tried to over correct my childhood raising . since then I have taken 10 parenting classes there free by the way & asking for help and using the tools learned until you find the thing that works for your family just never give up . it takes 30 days to create a new healthy habit & if you do not change yourself now your kids are doomed to keep repeating the cycle of abuse & “people pleasing” is the worst abuse you can do to children people pleasing leads to narcissistic rage this is child abuse and gas lighting . no means no you don’t have to explain yourself to children you are the adult . if they act a fool in public then leave shopping cart take them home and put them in naughty chair be consistent .
Time to open a can of whoop ass
They continue it because it’s allowed and not taken seriously or it wasn’t nipped in the bud early on.
You have to show you’re the parent
Why is it acceptable to not have husbands help? I told my husband he could either help with the house and our child or he can move out while I handle it. Stop allowing your partner to not pull their weight. It’s 2020, domestic roles are not what works anymore.
Whoop their asses. Your welcome
My husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn’t even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Durojiaye can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again… All thanks to Dr Durojiaye . If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his E-mail: