Lactose intolerance in kids?

Is anyones kids lactose intolerant? What were the symptoms? My son has been complaining of stomach pain every time he eats and I am lactose intolerant so I am wondering if he is as well

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Stomach pain, belly feels funny-like waves , diarrhoea, vomiting , headache,
I’m lactose intolerant & 2 of my boys were lactose intolerant aswell up to 1yrs old.

So usually lactose intolerance symptoms will start about 1-2 hours after a meal. So just pay attention when you give him any dairy if soon after he starts with being extra gassy, stomach cramps, loose stools and going #2 excessively. Tbh majority of people are lactose intolerant it really is more prevalent.

I’m lactose intolerant and my symptoms were sore stomach feeling sick really gassy throat burning being sick my 2 year old luckily isn’t lactose intolerant considering I had no dairy whilst pregnant as I’m now on about 4 years dairy free

Stomach pain, gassy, fussy, diarrhea, etc my son is lactose intolerant and gets all of the above.

Have you took him to the dr? It could constipation, appendix, etc. Is it every time he eats or only when he eats dairy? And does he get gassy afterwards or vomit or get diarrhea? Id get him to a dr so they can do a thorough exam incase its something else going on.