Long distance dating advice?

this past week I just found out that my boyfriend and I will be going long distance. the plan is for him not to be gone too long as we are trying to navigate finding a place for us here at home. long story short he has live with his mom for the time being and she got a new job 2.5 hrs away. I don’t think I’ve ever been SO sad in my life. the last year and a half I’ve been able to hop in my car when I’m sad etc and go see him and now I have to drive 2 hours away


Me and my husband had to do this for his job for 2 years!! It’s not fun but we made it , its work and you both have to work at it !!! If it’s true love you can do it ! We made weekend dates and called when we could ! Good luck to you

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It’s hard…. But that’s not to far away. My mom always told me, it just makes your heart grow fonder. (she was a military wife of a Navy guy, my dad)

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2 hours isn’t long distance

I did long distance when I was in sophomore year for 2 years we have now been together for about 12 years and have two kids. Communicate and trust is key. Fights happen and just need to love each other enough to over come them. 2hours is not far we lives 23 hours apart but made it work :purple_heart:

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2 hours is going to feel like nothin’ once you get on the go. Don’t stress!

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My partner and I lived in different continents when we met. It was an 8hr plane ride, that’s a long distance relationship. We survived the first year just fine, lots of phone calls, and visits every three months. After the first year, I moved to be with him. We’ve been living together for almost five years now🙂


my bf has lived an hour and a half from me for 3 years. we see each other every other weekend with a few random extra weekends in between.

it’s possible. 2.5 hours isn’t even that far truly.


Set up dates and meet half way

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Lol 2 hours is not long distance, some people have to travel that long to get to work each day, so I’m sure you’ll handle it!

In long distance relationships, communication is key. As long as you both have trust in eachother and your relationship it won’t be difficult. Make time for one another and talk through it all.


Thats not long distance lol
I’ve drove that far trying new swimming areas and restraunts
You can just make a day out of it


My husband and I have been doing this long distance relationship for 5 1/2 years now and it’s hard but we have to do it because it’s his job. He’s in California right now and I’m in Missouri we talk a lot on the phone, text and FaceTime. But sometimes we get into a rut and don’t talk much which led to problems in our relationship now we are working through it. You just have to have time for each other and make that a priority

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If your currently looking for a place to move in together why doesn’t he just move in with you until you find a new place


Is 2 hours what people are considering long distance? lol


2.5 hours is not bad at all. Depending on work schedule, you can alternate driving to one another on days off.


you’re fine. you can legit jump in the car after work and see him before bed. there’s no reason for this worry they make FaceTime for a reason and when something actually matters you can see him before bed no problem

2 hours isint long distance…sorry but it’s the truth. Hop in the car and drive 2 hours.

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Mine is gone 3 weeks and home 1 week. It’ll be fine. 2 hours is a hop in the car and go instead of 1000 so miles away lol

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2.5hrs isn’t long distance :rofl: Girl. You or him can drive that easily. Try 1,780 miles LONG DISTANCE and then we can talk :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


When I graduated high school, my husband and I had been dating for one year. I moved 2.5 hours away for college. It really wasn’t too bad. We saw each other every weekend for a year, until I could move off campus and get a place with him. 13 years later, we’re married with two boys. The distance sucks, but it isn’t impossible. If your relationship is strong, you will be fine! :heart:


2 hours isn’t long distance, y’all will still be able to easily spend time together. I suggest taking turns, he drives to you, next you drive to him, then him to you, etc. If one of you likes to game then y’all can do that together while on the phone, it’s an easy date idea even if yall aren’t in the same space. Just try not to get super worked up over the distance, y’all got this :muscle:t2:


2.5 hours? That’s not long distance. You can literally drive there and back for a day trip. I drove 7hrs. round-trip from work for a pastry. Surely, you can get 2.5 to see your boyfriend or him see you almost daily.


I don’t want to discourage you but I would think hard about a guy that lives with his Mother.! If you guys get together will he stay on the couch while you work ? A real grown man will want a job and have things They can still visit their mother but they want relationships. Good luck to you whatever you decide.

you do not say how old he is, but and adult male living with “Mom” makes my ears perk up. Do some real thinking and keep your eyes open


2.5 hours? You can still hop in your car to go see him :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Instead of him going to livr w his mom why not live with you or stay close and her a apartment

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Stop being so dramatic , 2 hours is absolutely NOT a long distance relationship :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


you’ll be fine, it may be harder to do that 2 hr drive but if that really breaks you, the bond wasn’t that strong anyway.

He can also follow same road to you. 2 and half hours is not far.

I don’t understand the mom is the one moving for a job sounds like maybe teenagers really need more information