Due in 3 weeks & we still haven’t decided on a name I’ve managed to get down to 3…
Tahlia May
Laycee May
Eliah May (pronounced E-lie-ah)
What do you like better or any suggestions?
If you name her the last one everyone is going to call her uh-lee-uh. All the time.
Love laycee may. But try the wsy we spell may. Mae
Laycee Mae
Eliah love unique names
My daughter’s name is layla-may just a thought
How about May for a first name? That seems to be a sure bet for middle name so maybe change to a first name
Tahleigha May pronounced tah-leigha
I waited to meet my daughter. I had 2 names. Deciding factor was if she had hair or not
Laycee-mae. My little girl is lacey-mae x
My daughter is due in two weeks and I’m naming her Layla mae
Maddie Mae
Maggie Mae
We have a Bella Mae
Laycee May is my choice
Lacy Mae Keep it simple
Mary may if born in may
Laycee May… It reminds me of my Lynlee Mae
Laycee Mae. I’m Katie Mae
Love tahlia or laycee
Laycee is the only one I could pronounce and read, so I’d say that one
I like to first two. I have an Ellie and in her PreK class there is an Ellie, Lilian and Lily-Ray and her teacher gets tongue tied trying to call them.
Tahlia may is beautiful!!!
Tahlia Laycee that way you don’t have to choose.
Laycee May, beautiful name… Let us know which one you picked. Congratulations
Tahlia May is super pretty:)
Tahlia or Laycee. The last one will be constantly mispronounced. I made that mistake with my daughter’s name, Genna but pronounced Jenna
Eliah or laycee but you could wait til she is here and you see her to see which fits her better
Eliah May is pretty!!!
Tahlia May is such a pretty name!!!
The 3rd seems very different and unique i like that best
My nieces are Dixie Mae and Gracelynn Mae. My daughter is Kambree Aurora Mae My sister is Kalli Mae and My best friend was Amanda Mae
I love Eliah but I would probably spell it Elyah. Very pretty name
Tahlia! It’s a name you don’t hear often at all
Get frustrated and yell out each name and say stop doing that right behind each name… the one that comes out more fluid and feels right is her name
Olive! You could always do Olive May or tinsdley or anisley
Lovely names, but you spend most of your time telling folk how to spell or pronounce unusual names!!!
I wanted Laycee soooo bad! Even spelt that way! But hubby was sooo against it!