Looking for nicknames for the baby name Addison!

Nicknames for the girl name Addison?!

My 11 week old is called Addison and my mum calls her Addie

My friend has an Addison & we call her Addie

Addie or addy, or which ever way you choose to spell it lol

Addie or addy
Adda or add

my daughter has had plenty of friends at school that have been Addie, Addy, Addi, etc. They’re all short for different names (Addison, Adalyn, Adalia). You can spell it just about anyway you want to. Of course if you’re worried there will be lots of Addies, you could always have your child go by their middle name (later in school) as well. :blush:

Addi or Addy is what Derek Shepherd called Addison :person_shrugging::rofl:

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Add or Addi? My daughters name is Addilynn and we call her Add or Addi

My daughters middle name is Addison and I call her Addie sometimes.

My granddaughters nickname is Sash as this is what her initials spell.