Looking for unique older names



Honestly take it as a sign that you might be having a boy

Estella Lorraine (My grandmother’s name
b. 1905)

Gretchen or Gertrude

Lola Lorraine
Esme Lorraine
Crystal Lorraine
Macee Lorraine

They’re not really older names but sound nice🥰

My sister is Tracey Lorraine

Lilith Lorraine-then you can call her Lily !

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Hazel Lorraine
Claire Lorraine
Lydia Lorraine
Nora Lorraine
Cora Lorraine

Lavinia elizabeth megan Patricia moira veronica francis ivy may Gertrude Sophia martha

My daughters name is Charlotte. It’s becoming more popular again but I’ve always gotten comments about it being an “old” name



Delilah, Wren, Harper, Sophia, Eleanor

Valarie. Ari for short

Pick a family name from yours or your husband’s line. Then it will always be meaningful to you both. All my daughters middle names start with M bc that was my nickname growing up. They are also named after family. Margaret for my mother in law, Michelle after my cousin, Marie after my sister in law, Morgan after my husband’s grandmother, Marjorie after my mother. No matter what you pick, make it mean something. Not just a hat pick. Happy choosing!


My daughters middle name is Beatrice and people r rude enough to make comments!! She is named after my Mom who passed the year before she was born…quiets them real quick!!


I named my 1st born Mahayla after my great, great, great grandmother, Mahala Hatfield. I just changed up the spelling.
Another grandmother’s name was Pauline and her mother was Ella

Well I dont know that my name is older but my name is Kirsten Lorraine. My daughters name is older I would say. Her name is Lydia

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June, Maura ( my daughter’s name), Maureen all older unique names that go with Lorraine! Good luck picking names can be so hard!

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When I was pregnant with my last child we were going to name it Ruby if it was a girl. But we ended up with a boy and named him Jasper. I also love the name Hazel.

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My daughter who passed after birth was named elizabeth lorraine. After a couple of different grandmothers.


Almeida Kansas was my husband’s g-grandmother’s name…Maryn, Maple, Opal have always been favs of mine…Jo Ann was my gmother’s name…I have all boys :boy:


Katherine Lorraine was my grandma name. I think she went by Lorraine. Or Rainy. That’s what my mom said. She passed away when I was like 3.


I have an Audrey Loraine in my preschool class. She is one of my favorite kids. Strong name and strong personality lol


My granddaughters name is a unusual twist on Bella it is Arabella it goes good as Arabella Lorraine

Collette is one of my favorite names right now I love the nick name co co😍 and Delilah is cute too


I always liked Iris for a girl. Old name and unusual. Iris and Ira…
Ivy would be nice too. Lily

I named my daughter Annie LaRain my great grandmother was Lorraine so gave my daughter her name just spelled different

How old is old? Because if you want OLD old, then try Artemis Lorraine or Persephone Lorraine. Both are old Greek names that are from way, way, WAY back. And both names hold power but also elegance.

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I named my two daughters Honey and Kandie. Both beautiful, unique names in my opinion. Ive never heard of another Kandie.

We used the last names of certain family members as middle names for our kids just to keep the names alive.

My name is Eleanor, can’t get much older or unique :woman_shrugging:t2:. Everyone who learns my name either has a grandmother or an aunt.

Eleanor Lorraine sounds nice :grinning:


Not for a middle name but my favorite aunt’s name was Lillian. She was born in 1916. Lillian Lorraine has a nice ring to it.


My.daughter is named Cordelia. Lorraine sounds nice with that. I always get comments on how pretty and uncommon the name is.


I like the name Cora. I ended up having all boys but I think Cora Lorraine sounds good together.


My Mom’s name is Cleone, pronounced Klee-own. It’s greek and means beautiful and gracious. She is definitely both of these. Also, Oleana, pronounced Olee-auna, is another old family name. Congratulations on your baby.

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My Grandmothers name was Lorraine June and I have a cousin whos name is Connstance Lorraine and another cousin name is Shelby Lorraine I absolutely love the name Lorraine im sure what ever you decide will be perfect

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Elida is nice if you enjoy saying it twice every time you say it and also enjoy people saying it wrong, would go perfect with Lorraine

My daughter’s name is Marin and is still a little uncommon in the US
Marin Lorraine could be pretty


My friends mother’s name is Dalaine is unusual … although her name would rhyme…

My mother’s name was Velva. Velva Lorraine doesn’t sound bad. Congratulations on your new little one.

I named my daughter Astrid and i have been complimented more often then not on her name

My daughter is called Constance Connie for short


My mom is Dolores Lorraine. My daughter is Gabriella Lorraine. I think a great old bane could be Elizabeth Lorraine.

My mum’s name is Lorraine and her middle name is Violet … I named my youngest daughter Violet

My daughter’s name is Aurora Lorene. She’s 2

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Jewel, Hazel, Emily, Claire, Evelyn, Ruby, Pearl, Grace…it’s your baby so do what you and your husband like. Congratulations on your newest addition (coming soon) and who cares what anyone else thinks.

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Our girls where Sadie and Harper

My daughter is bethany chosen by my husband but I love Ethel Enid and aggatha x

My 3rd daughter is Marilynn. Its an older name and would go with Lorraine

Opal is one of my favorites!

MABEL- “Mother’s-Always-Bring-Extra-Love”

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Iona or Ruby are old family names of mine.

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I’ve some uncommon in my family but none I’d curse a baby with

I have 4 girls and 1 boy the girls are called Grace, Lily, Ivy and Ethel. We havnt heard another Ethel yet


My grandmother’s name was Marian, that sounds pretty with Lorraine.

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My name is Berneta Lorraine I was named after family member of years past its pronounced. Burr. Neat ah

My mom’s name is Lucinda Lorraine… she gets called Cindy or Lucy

And why is someone mad about this?


My daughters name is sydney you can spell it 6 different ways

Dineen Lorraine
Not sure if your Irish but Dineen was going to be my daughters name except I had a boy :heart:

Maryann Lorraine no one uses Maryann anymore not since 1960’s.

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I like the name Iona Lorraine Iona was my mother’s middle name and I just love it

My grandmother was Francis Lorraine mother is Aimee Lorraine and I’m Jessica Lorraine

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My Mother is Beverly Lorraine. Margaret, Elizabeth,

Not sure if u are saying Lorraine is the middle or u want a middle so

Matilda Lorraine
Jacqueline Lorraine
Anastasia Lorraine

Ugh the aine on Lorraine is a good ending for a middle. Can’t seem to come up with anything that could come after Lorraine.

Lorraine Cordelia
Lorraine Annabel.
Lorraine Adele
Lorraine Eloise

Virginia is very old fashioned also Esther Rose Phyllis Rebecca

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Jennifer or Stephanie both sound good with Lorraine IMO.

My oldest is Gillian (said like Jillian). Gillian Lorraine could work.

My sisters was Lorraine Alice.

Was my grandmothers name
I was never blessed with a daughter and I never got to pass it on :pleading_face:


How about Alma?
It just goes nicely with Lorraine! Xx


I’m being silly. I love Elizabeth Lorraine.


Audrey Lorraine sounds nice and old. My mother’s name was Audrey.


How about Vivian or Estelle sound old to me.

Opal Lorraine is very pretty for a girl

My mother is Janice Lorraine,my mil is Valda Lorraine and I am Michelle Lorraine if they help,all older names.

Priscilla Lorraine, Inez Lorraine, Idella Lorraine, Eunice Lorraine, Genevieve Lorraine, Estelle/Estella Lorraine, Lydia Lorraine, Lucille/Lucy Lorraine, Madeline Lorraine, luella Lorraine, Jocelyn Lorraine, Alice Lorraine. These are some of the most popular names in the US in the early 1900’s

Opal, Ophelia, Catherine dahlia, Athena, Faye, Veronica, Victoria

My niece is named Kylena. Her daughter’s name is Beautiful.

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My name is Anna Lorraine which I love but Eadie Lorraine would be lovely x

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My mom was Ruby Lorena


I love Eleanor and Evelyn


My middle name is Lorraine. Jeanne Lorraine. Not Jean but pronounced Jeannnee

My daughter’s name is Eleanor. After her great great grandmother


Everlee, nora, olive, opal, rosie, ruby, evelyn, lillian, Joan, joni, grace, graciela, naomi, sophia


Or Lorraine Chevelle

My grandmothers middle name was
Alvina .That is truly old school. Congratulations on your baby :baby:

my name is priscilla have always hated it no one can spell it or pronounce it go by nickname of pil!

Look in your own family tree
At least that’s a better story then we got your name from a fb article. You also have plenty of time

Susan Lorraine, Beverly Lorraine, Sophie Lorraine, Anna Lorraine, Pamela Lorraine, Ruby Lorraine, Madeline Lorraine, Gracie Lorraine,

Eleanor Lorraine
Kaydel Lorraine
Abigail Lorraine
Opal Lorraine
Audrey Lorraine

I used to hate my name when I was younger, I thought it sounded like an old lady.

I love it now.

Lisabeth lorraine sounds great

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My daughters name is Georgia Pearl. I love old names. My boys are old fashioned names as well.

My moms name was Lorraine Francis

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Callie was my great great grandmothers name as well as my grandmas. I like Callie Loraine

Haley. You can spell it many different ways too. Hallie, Haylee, etc

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We named our daughter Addylin ( Adeline)