Mamas, what age did you teach your daughters to shave thier legs?

Mamas, what age did you teach your daughters to shave thier legs? My 8 year old has super light blonde hair but she has thick blonde hair on her legs and is now refusing to wear the skirts and dresses she loves even at home because she is self conscious of it. I want her to be happy and comfortable with her natural body but I also want her mentally happy with her body as well. Also any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated"

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Mamas, what age did you teach your daughters to shave thier legs?

I was in 6th grade :woman_shrugging:

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my mom gave me nair when i started getting self concious and taught me to actually shave at 10 or 11

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I got an electric shaver for mine around that age. It’s painless and easy to use, just loud.


Js no one taught me and I started when kids at school started noticing. I had older siblings so I just started taking their razors. By the time my parents even noticed I was already in highschool and its cuz I asked for razors cuz my older siblings finally moved out

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I would say 8 is too young to shave and it’s ok she doesn’t want to wear dresses anymore. My 12 year old doesn’t shave and doesn’t wear dresses and hasn’t for years. I would say when puberty hits and under arm hair starts to grow, then may be the time to talk about shaving and options and her interest. It’s ok she wants to wear pants and is learning her body as it changes


My mum took me for leg and underarm waxing the first time I shaved x

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I think my daughter was 11 or 12, shortly after she hit puberty.

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My daughters where about 8 or 9 and I shave their legs for them.


you could try using NAIR first before she actually shaves.


Use Nair. Let her be comfortable in her own skin.

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It’s her body. If she would be more comfy in it shaved let her. Get an electric one and teach her.


Does she find a problem with her body hair? Has seen expressed any wants to shave? If no, leave her be :slight_smile:


I was gr 7 when my mom gave permission but my dad was so mad he wanted me to stay a little girl

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I started about 7/8 honestly…. I had dark long underarm and leg hair…. I also grew pubic hair extremely early

I have no hair on my legs but my daughter has thick dark hair. I let her shave in 4th grade. It made her feel better. Make sure she’s doing it right and changes the razor often

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14 is when I started

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If she’s asking for it, she’s old enough. I don’t know a single woman who regrets when she started to shave (some have since stopped) but I know many women who were devastated, embarrassed and uncomfortable because their moms wouldn’t let them. Maybe just let her know shaving or using Nair are options. There are more. A lot of teens and tweens I know are refusing to shave (or just not interested). Body autonomy is important. If her choice is not harmful, she’s not too young.


My daughter was in the 5th grade, so 10. She came and asked me and so I showed her. I think whenever they feel comfortable they should be able to shave their legs because it is their body.


In my opinion it just depends on the child. Some develope more quickly than others. I personally wouldn’t focus on her age so much as I would her mentality. Also how it is effecting her self esteem. You know her better than anyone being her Mom. I have no doubts you will make the right decision that is best for your daughter despite her age.


My daughter was a little older, but I let her use an electric one until I felt she was old enough to use a razor… also, she could wear tights underneath until you decide:)


If she isn’t comfortable and wants to I don’t see why not My daughters is thick black hair and she just turned 8 so I’m guessing summer she will Want to. She tried once and this past summer and cut her finger which scared her into no longer wanting to shave at this point.

But when she asks I will
Definitely show her.


I am a mother of four girls. They are all different. I can’t get my dang 16 year old to shave her legs. She doesn’t care. Now my 10 year old will not wear shorts without shaving. I personally feel it’s your to them and what makes them feel good about themselves.


I was nine the first time I tried but I wasn’t good at it so until I was about 11 my grandma would help me but only up to my knee and only for special occasions not an everyday thing. When I was 11 I was more comfortable with it and did it myself then. But I agree with some of the other posters. It’s hard to let go of the little girl and embrace the young woman but at the same time unless it’s causing issues for her I wouldn’t push it and cause issues where there are none.

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Teach them when they say they’re ready :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I was in the 6th grade (11 or 12) I figured it out myself without asking permission after I was made fun of during athletics for “being the only one who didn’t shave yet”. I was mortified because the older girls were so hateful about a few things.


My aunt got me an electric razor when i was young. good luck mama :blush:


Personally i feel at 8 she’s too young tho you could use hair removal cream.

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Personally, if she’s struggling with her body imagine because of it (not wanting to wear certain things in this case) I would ask her if she would like to shave since she is so young I would shave for her until she’s old enough to learn how to safely do it herself probably around 11 or so. I don’t think there is anything wrong it it if she is expressing that she is unhappy with it and it’s something that would boost her confidence I think it would be a good thing


My mom told me I could shave just past my knees. I was young, I would teach her how. Or give her a electric one, I would stay away from real sharp, razors, or chemical creams. Electric shavers are easy to use.


She’s 8 let her be a kid she shouldn’t even be aware or thinking of this.
Do an audit of why she is thinking like this
Tv ?
Remove any that are hyper body focused and no music clip- soft porn to boot.

Electronic shaver will be a good start

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Thankful I had 2 boys no explaining that time of the month and shaving

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I started with an electric razor I think I was 6th or 7th grade.

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It’s really up to you as her Mumma and her. my daughter was 9.5/10 when she started shaving her legs and under her arms as she is 1/2 Papua New Guinea and 1/2 indigenous and has very thick black hair. I went to the shop with her got a razor and shaving cream came home and showed her how to do it


My 9yr old just started.
Her legs were very hairy and she kept sneaking to do it.
I figured I’d rather teach her the correct way to do it, rather than her keep sneaking and hurt herself.

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My daughter was in 5th grade when she came home from school asking to shave her legs.
I thought she was too young so i told her no… then she said it wasn’t fair bcoz i shave my legs :woman_shrugging: fair call, so i stopped shaving for a while :joy:
Only to have her Aunty on her father’s side hand her a razor weeks later (without telling her to use soap or shaving cream) to spite me ofcourse!
But to answer your question i personally think high school is a good age

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My daughter started at 9/10 but I feel like any time your daughter starts feeling self conscious about it. My daughter has the gold plated electric shaver just because at the time for some reason we couldn’t find any other electric shaver. I’d definitely start out with an electric shaver and knees down or whatever really as her mother I think that’s your call. But I’d say it’s probably a good time to start especially if it’s keeping her from wearing certain things. Is she being made fun of ?

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nair hair remover maybe?

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My daughter started at 10 as she had thick black hair on her legs

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I started shaving in the 4th grade… I had blonde thick hair on my legs too. I hated it. Mom caved and got me “Daisy” blades and showed me how to do it. :smiling_face: Honestly. If she wants them to be shaved, allow her. :white_heart:

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I have one of these coming for my daughter she is 9


I was a freshman in high school. We had to dress out in PE and one of the things we had to have for gym was a razor. This was in 1978 and there was this safe razor. Sorry I’m no help

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Electric leg shaver. If shes insecure about it, let her change it. Def show her women who don’t shave their legs and how that can also be beautiful. But let her if that’s what she really wants.

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If she’s asking then it’s time. It’s not an age thing. You can’t be ‘too young’ to shave.


I was taught after my first period

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Man… this sucks because I remember being 9 and stealing a razor from mum cutting my leg in like 3 spots and then getting picked on because I didn’t know how by the older girls… not saying it will happen but if she is already self conscious about it then she is old enough to do what she wants to her body


I asked before 7th grade, I have light hair. My little sister has dark, and didn’t ask, starting in 2nd. If she is uncomfortable, then I would say the time is right.

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My now 10 year old has been shaving since 7.5 years old. Some lil boy said something to her about it and she cried for 2 days. So I have in and taught her how to do it properly. I wanted to reach her the right way instead of sneaking and end up injuring her self with a razor !

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My mom made me wait until 12 and I was made fun of a lot!! I started using nair on my oldest when she asked to. We did for about a year and then she stopped caring.

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So shave them you don’t want her self conscience at such a young age

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You just say “whatever makes you feel beautiful and empowered baby” then you pass on your wisdom and you let her know that NOBODY else gets to be in charge of her body.


I’d use the hair removal creams available less hair regrow than shaving :razor: getting prickles

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When my daughter felt self conscious about it. If it bothers her, teach her.


I used to stress about my daughter shaving and my mum put it in perspective for me when she said “it’s only hair”.
If it makes her feel more confident, and less self conscious I wouldn’t hesitate.


Just let her. It’s her body and it’s just hair.


My youngest daughter now 11 was around the same age she had really dark hair on her legs always has since newborn, there is no right answer here, your the mumma if you think it’s going to help her confidence then go for it! You could get a electronic one to start with, wouldn’t recommend cream that might burn her skin xx

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My eldest was probably about 12! My youngest had very hairy legs at about 8 & was self conscious so I helped her using a hair removal cream! Thankfully it didn’t grow back again till she was about 12 when we repeated it, eventually she moved to a razor!


I got my period at 9 years old and that’s when my mom started teaching me all the “girly” things. We hadn’t even had the period talk yet


If it’s making her self conscious, then it’s time.

My best tip is please tell her not to shave above her knees. My mom and sister did and now they have thick hair that goes down. Lucky me, being the youngest I was told not to shave my thighs so I didn’t. Now I’m almost 32 and still don’t have a single noticeable hair on my thighs.
Also due to being lazy? Or just young, I didn’t shave the back of my calves and they stayed hairless into my mid 20s when I started shaving my calves.

Note, I definitely do not come from a hairless family lol we all got hair and a lot of it :laughing: :rofl:

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Theres no right age IMO… When she feels shes ready/its affecting her daily life.


I’m waiting until after she gets her first period. I know she sometimes “sneaks” and does it but shes seen me so many times I’m not too too worried about it.

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My daughter started using hair removal cream at about 10. No cuts and easy to use.


Personally id teach her how to use removal creme, then when shes older get lazer or wax so much better than shaving


Just before her 12th bday


If its affecting her. Teach her.


Too young to shave. Sounds like someone is picking on her and pointing out her hairs making her feel this way. But if she insists on removing her hair I would go with Nair for sensitive skin for now.


I would let her. My 8yo isn’t at that stage yet but I remember being embarrassed about hair and not being allowed to shave


I have let my 9 year old with a electric razor she started with a guard, since I let her now she doesn’t worry as often.


My 8 year old hasn’t asked yet vut as soon as she wants to she can it’s her body, she can do what she likes with it


If she’s bothered by it, it’s time. Mine were around 9 when they expressed concern about shaving their legs. I taught them first with an electric razor.


Put leggings or tights on her far too young for shaving x

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My daughters aren’t ready at 8 & 9, but if they became self conscious of it the way your daughter is I’d 100% teach them. I had dark hair growing up because of being Italian so I had leg hair earlier than a lot of girls and it was noticeable. I hated it and we had swim class at school which I was super uncomfortable about and my mom refused to let me shave because she insisted I was too young. She made a big deal about once you start you can’t stop, and even though I said I didn’t care I just wanted it gone she still refused. I always said I’d never do that to my kids and make them suffer. The moment it’s bothering them, we’re doing it. I’ll be sure I ask them if they’re sure they want to start but if they’re set on it I’m teaching them.


My girls were Around 8 /9 years old . Approaching puberty is difficult enough without making her suffer the embarrassment of hairy legs :woman_shrugging:xx


My daughter has used hair removal cream since she was 7. I felt it was to young however she was getting bullied everytime she got changed for PE by the older girls in her class and her self confidence was suffering badly to the point she was trying to get the days she had PE of school.


I was allowed to shave my arms and legs and armpits at 8/9 because I have really dark hair growth but I wasn’t allowed to do my intimate areas, mum sat me down and explained about what would happen if I cut down there and how delicate the skin is so we gotta be comfortable. I was allowed to do my bikini line around 9/10 once I’d been practicing for a year and knew I wouldn’t cut myself, she supervised the first time to make sure I was good doing it but from the age of 11 I was shaving the same as I do now


Eight years old is so young.

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Get her an electric one first see how she dose then move up to the bladed ones. If she’s that self conscious then maybe time to teach her

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My daughter is 12 and she doesn’t shave. Doesn’t want too.

Teach your daughter that she is beautiful no matter what. It’s only society that makes us shave.

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If she’s not comfortable, give her the option to shave

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I was 12 but girls are brutal. Maybe just get some nair. But try to warn her that the more she does it the thicker it gets and you’d like for her to wait as long as she can.
In the long run she is pretty young but if it’s that big of a deal to her I think you should just let it be done. Gotta pick your battles right?

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I was 16 b4 my dad allowed me to shave…Let me tell you I was so embarrassed…cuz I had hairy legs and we had to dress out for PE…So if shes is asking teach her…

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i was like 9 , i had super dark & long hair on my legs (genetics) , & my mom went ahead & let me shave it off . she showed me how to do it , basically explained little things to me as far as “don’t have too fast” , “go in the direction your hair grows” , “don’t push down too hard or you’ll cut yourself “ , “never use a rusty razor” , “change out your razors regularly” … things like that & after the first time of her showing me , she allowed me to do it myself & at my own risk . i was super self conscious bc i had “boy legs” as many of my peers etc would say when i’d wear shorts . i say if she’s self conscious & isn’t happy with her leg appearance to let her go ahead & shave . do what your mama heart feels is right ! :heart:

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I think whatever age is fine, but that hair is finer n lighter right now than it will ever be. Just make sure she’s aware of what she’s starting…if she’s self conscious now, she should be prepared to shave at least once a week…

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I was 12, if you feel like she would feel more confident and happier tho just show her. She’ll realize quick she either doesn’t mind doing it or she’ll be sick of it so fast and realize meh not always worth it lol

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Use veet hair removal cream!

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I don’t even remember what age I was but my older cousin taught me cuz my mom wouldn’t and my armpit and legs were super hairy and I got teased about my armpits in school so I came crying to her… I wish my mom would have because my cousin was only a year older and we nicked the heck out of my legs the first time.

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At that age i feel like if you dont teach her or talk to her about it she may attempt to do it on her own. Buy some nair, or hair removal cream. Itll be easier :sparkling_heart:


My 12 year old almost 13 has been shaving for almost 2 years. I live with my parents and my mom kept saying shes too young. But my daughter came to me and was crying about how she hated it so I showed her. I told her she had to be careful not to cut herself and if she does its ok its normal. And it was up to her if she wanted me to help her the first couple times. I told her I only shave during the summer. I dont wear dresses so once I start wearing pants then I stop. Unless it gets too itchy. But if im gonna show my legs then I will shave. Its up to her its her body. Just legs and armpits. Im 38 and was never told about down there. So im gonna let her go until she starts talking about it.

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I wore knee socks till my mom let me shave mine at 12
It looked stupid, especially with sandals, but in my young mind, the socks were better than all the hair :person_shrugging:t3:

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If shes starting to be self conscious teach her now. Teach her how to properly and or get her an electronic razor to start off with. I did the electronic razor for both my girls at first. Often if u refuse to teach them they could start doing it on their own and could be scaring her self. If she’s that self conscious then she’s ready now.
She could Also be picked on and that’s why she’s acting like that. Advoid future bullying and let her do it. She’ll feel better about her self

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About 11/12 she was interested…matter of fact she she was interested and didn’t wait for me to show her😏 impatience

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I can’t remember what age I taught my daughter, but as soon as it was an issue for her. My mother didn’t allow me to until I was 14 or 15, I didn’t want her to go through what I did. I’d get your daughter an electric shaver for now.


If it’s messing with her self esteem, let her. It’s just leg hair :woman_shrugging:t3:


Around 8-9 they were dark haired and started getting made fun of when in school they did awesome on their own after I showed them how to do the first leg

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If shes self conscious I say let her shave. My 9 year old shaves


When they are clearly being bugged by it. Didn’t bug mine until 10yrs. But I made the choice when she was born to do it the age she needed it. Luckily her blonde hairs was then.

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My daughter bugged me from the age of 8 until 10 this year when i let her

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My daughter was the same way at 8 and surprised me when she shaved her legs. We talked about the reasoning, that it’ll now be a continual thing and I made sure she had the supplies.