Marriage plus inlaws,need advice

Please keep this anonymous and im horrible at punctuation so please forgive me for that part. My husband and I have been married sense 2016 and will have our first baby girl born in less than a month. every sense we’ve been together me and his mom has always gotten along always and 2 years ago she was in a car wreck and I took care of her for 3 or 4 monthes till she didn’t need it anymore. However 1 year ago she went through a divorce and we moved her in with us and my husband added her on his phone plan(were with different phone companies),and his mom is never home. She finds a guy online and meets them the first time and starts living with them for weeks at a time until they get into it than she comes home and finds someone else and does the same thing and she calls it “dating”,I understand it’s her like and she’s a adult and its her choice. However last Wednesday on our way to our baby app she has called us ans asked my husband if he’d have his part for the phone bill which he does and did and today she came home and asked her for her part because it was due and she held against us everytime she’s helped us and told us to never ask her for help again for the fact that we honestly couldn’t pay both parts and only ours. Well yesterday she had told us to not depend on her foodstamps as much anymore although she had gotten them because it was the only way she could help us by living here and she wont clean,she’ll say she will but never does and if we ever explain the difference between something and point her wrong than she thinks we’re upset or what not when we’re not. my husband and I isn’t sure what to do because she can’t afford her own place right now and she’s always meeting new guys and living with them and calls it dating and we tried explaining the difference and she said she’s done talking about it and what not. We can’t kick her out,she doesn’t clean,she doesn’t help pay for anything and barley can pay her part of the phone bill each time its due and my husband said he’s tired of begging her for help for anything at all and hes tired of her from living with guy to guy she meets for the first time and calls it dating,however were not sure what else to do. this is a messy and unorganized post but this includes everything going on and my husbands name is on our house and he pays the payments himself which isn’t but 294$ which includes house insurance and the only bill he ask help with is for her part on their phone bill. We dont know what to do as we can’t just kick her out but she hasn’t been like this sense the divorce and her bestfriend also said she’s never been like this and is a changed person and her son agrees with her bestfriend. Im sorry for making this so long but were serious and in dire emergency of advice because somethings gotta give before our baby is born.

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I am so sorry you are going through this. That is so crappy of her. I hate it when people hold stuff like that over your head. She needs to be more grateful that yall even took her in to begin with!

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Sorry you’re going through this right now! Honestly you all need to have a family meeting and explain to her in detail what your expectations are and what will happen if she doesn’t follow through. Best of luck to you!

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I’m sorry you are going through this, I definitely think you guys all need to have a talk with one another. She should be happy y’all took her in time and time again, but you also have to lay down some rules other wise she is just going to keep using you guys. And especially with a baby on the way you guys definitely don’t need the extra stress from her. Good luck!

I’m so sorry you guys are going through this. I feel you need to have a sit down chat about it where you tell her she has to talk about it because you guys feel the need to. Tell her exactly how you feel. I hope all goes well!