Matching mommy and me outfits

Girl moms, where do you get your matching mama & me outfits from?

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I’am making over $115 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 17967 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>

After leaving my previous job 12 months ago, i’ve had some good luck to learn about this website which was a life-saver for me… They offer jobs for which people can work online from their house. My latest paycheck after working for them for 4 months was for $14368… Amazing thing about is that the only thing required is simple typing skills and access to internet…

Read all about it here…

There’s a co-op that I’m part of called Bubba & The Bean Buy In that runs mommy and me dresses often

Ooooohhhh man ok so Marshall’s has a few dresses that match patterns with toddler clothes at target, I notices the exact same fabric and design on a dress there and shorts at target, probably within same fabric supplier so mix and match, I’ll buy the dress and post a picture of the side by side. It was so weird but I was like yeah my baby and I are about to be awesome :ok_hand:

patpat are great for that

The Children’s Place