Medicaid in Florida

Ohio does! I think most states do because they dont feel they should pay for things when the father isn’t

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My son got dropped from medical assistance in Maryland because I didn’t have an active child support case.

They asked me for his info when I was signing up for Medicaid for my son but since I already had a child support order in place in court I didn’t have to fill it out. This was in NJ.

Talk to him first… Convince him to sign over his rights so he won’t have to pay child support… In Ohio you can opt out of doing that

Yes you do. However, child support and visitation are two different things. Also check the laws where you live. Here if the parents are not married the mother automatically gets full custody and while the father is has to pay child support he has no legal rights to the child until he goes to court and legitimizes the child.

Medicaid tried to get me to file but I wouldn’t and my kids still didn’t loose there benefits you can if u don’t but I didn’t when I lived in Fl

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With my 1st the father wanted nothing to do with my child so i wasnt bout to force him to b there by going after for child support… i told dhs i had no idea who the father was and they left me alone n gave me benefits…

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Just tell them you don’t know :woman_shrugging:t4:

Yes it does. If the father has insurance they will have him use his for the baby. If they can avoid putting child on Medicaid they will.

No I live in Florida and didn’t put him on child support right away and was still able to get assistance

Here in Wisconsin I rejected child support but if my spouse n I were to break up he had to pay the minimum 25 bucks a week if we break up n if I’m on state still

If you want benefits for yourself, yes you’ll have to go for child support. If you just want Medicaid for your little, you can refuse and explain the situation to them.

Yes. I just got back from court because of that exact reason. BUT he doesn’t have to pay child support to you. He can just pay the child’s medical. Mine has to pay $60 for just medical.