Melatonin does not work for my kid: Advice?

Melatonin doesn’t really work for my 4 year old. Any other ideas???


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My son was diagnosed adhd and melatonin doesn’t seem to work with that diagnosis? Just a thought…


I’d make sure he has lots of fresh air during the day, only small amount of sugar including natural sugars and a regular bedtime routine with a bath and story time. If you give your children melatonin often it messes up their natural melatonin in their body.


I use melatonin bubble bath and I have a lavender essential oil defuser in his room, we also do the same bed time routine since he was little, I do bedtime stories and cuddles and we use a radio with calm quiet song CDs on repeat (kind of like what some daycares use at naptime)

Try a diffuser with lavender oil

My girls took melatonin but doctor also if it stopped working switch back and forth to benedryl

Have you tried the pillow spray or the bath melatonin?


I have adhd and melatonin dosnt work on me ether, try herbal remedies

Read to them. Stop drugging them

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Melatonin only works if your child is lacking it naturally and needs extra.

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How about talking to your Dr

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Sometimes melatonin has an adverse affect instead of helping them sleep it will keep them awake try giving it in afternoon or morning

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Melatonin is not suppose to keep anyone asleep…it helps fall asleep staying asleep is a different matter. A good consistant routine will help tons. Not only will it help to calm the child but it helps them be less anxious about what comes next…with a routine they know exactly what happens in what order its predictable and feels safe for children thus giving them the ability to calm down and feel the tired

Try a lower dosage. The more the mg may be the reason it’s not working. My kids started out on 1mg then 3 now they are both on 5mg at 11 and 16. Plus on another sleeping pill (no judgement) they both have ADHD and insomnia.

Do more during the day, have them exercise in the afternoon, have a half hour of dim lights and calmness like reading before bed, avoid electronics before bed, make sure they have a healthy filling snack before bed, maybe they need a later bedtime. Melatonin should be a last resort. If nothing else is working then talk to their doctor and they can give suggestions as well as see if there’s something causing it.