Do you pronounce that like “oink-z”
Does Onyx have too be the first name? Try name rhythms… a 2 syllable name goes best when matched with a 1 or 3 syllable name.
Also, make sure its easy to yell lol
You can call him Ox for short
Gotta catch em all Pokemon
Onyx Kensington Liam
I’d say Damien, but I think you should consider the last name also. Because the whole name has to be in harmony.
January stone is Garnet…Onyx Garnet Liam?
Onyx gray is what came to mind.
But my theory is when choosing a middle name you have to say the whole name sternly. Because let’s be honest your middle name usually only gets used when your up to no good
Onyx greyson sounds pretty good.
why do people do this to there kids, do they not realise they have to live the rest of there lives with these names!!
Give your a kid a normal middle name. Seriously lol it’s your kid, but I’m SO thankful my parents gave me a nice middle name and it’s all I’ve ever used because kids were merciless
David, James,Kane , Leo
Kids who have to spell their name for someone every.stinkin’.time. will hate you at some point. Trust me. Don’t give them weird names.
Do you have any family names you like from either side? We did unusual/ historic names for ours and then used family names from both side for the middle.
Onyx sounds more like a girls name. I agree with you Dan some people get far to carried away. Grow up Hollyann
I once read the best sounding names will all have different syllables in each name (first, middle last).
In my family all of our middle names or someone in the family made it easier. Mines my grandmother which I hate “Bernice” sounds so old
Why don’t you just do Onyx Alisdair?
I would go with single syllable if you can to help it flow more naturally.
Why not Onyx Alasdair? That sounds good together and everyone is happy.
Might as well buy him Shirts that say kick my ass everyday,WTF is wrong with you people now days.!!! A weird freaking name is doing nothing but setting up a future Bullying Target !!!
Not true. Emerald & Jasper name is NOT for a girl😉
My granddaughter is naming her new son, due in Oct, Onyx Joseph