Looking for opinions or past experiences. My son is 17 months, he’s still on formula and I got the ok to switch him to whole or 2% milk. The thing is, he does not like the taste of that kind of milk. I’ve tried chocolate and strawberry syrups, someone mentioned honey, someone mentioned a bit of sugar and he still refuses to drink it. Any kind of suggestions would be helpful.
I’d try coconut milk still has some healthy fats in it
My daughter was like this i just kept trying to give it to her and eventually she started drinking it
My son was the same when he was younger. I use to buy toddler formula ( vanilla ) and mixed it with whole milk. His pediatrician said whole milk till age 2. He loved it like that
He doesnt need milk at all if he has calcium from another source
Give him apple juice and stuff. My 2 and a half yr old doesn’t drink milk. He never did like it. we switched from formula to juice at a year(watered down of course, it’s STILL watered down) doctor said it was fine, make sure they eat yogurt and stuff to get their dairy was all he said.
Goats milk. My youngest was the same. I slowly reduced the formula and after a few days she was fine to guzzle pure goats milk! She was having 9oz so in the beginning I did 7oz formula and 2 milk and so on to reduce xx
Toddler milk with a small amount of whole milk and slowly add more milk over the formula
Milk isn’t necessary if you’re making sure he’s getting calcium and vitamin d from other sources. You could also try him on lactaid… its sweeter but has calcium and vitamin d.
I’m not sure if it would work with formula? But i would pump BM and mix it with milk, each time adding less BM until he was just drinking regular milk.
You can mix it slowly over time… 3/4 formula, 1/4 milk, so forth
Mix half formula and half whole milk and slowly add more milk until it’s just whole milk.
My first was like that. I noticed that formula has a vanilla scent to it. So I would put in a couple drops of vanilla in his milk and warm it and he would drink it… we did that for a month or so and then he went to normal milk.
They make toddler formulas for up to 36 months, which are more suitable for their nutritional needs than infant formula. You could also try pediasure
I did half an half at first with my daughter half formula half milk an just slowly started putting more milk in it till it was al milk
As long as he is getting a balanced diet he won’t need milk. My son can’t have it due to a protein allergy and he really doesn’t like any of the substitutes at all so my doctor said to just make it up in the other things he eats
Don’t add all that sugar ! Also cows milk is for baby cows! It inflames your body ! I refuse to drink cows milk as well,
Start by adding a little to his formula then increase as you go till it all milk
Exact same boat except mine is 2.5 and will only take formula… He was keep on formula per pediatrician and GI until he turned 2 and now he will not make the switch… I’m not really concerned because he eats great and he still gets great stuff out of the formula that no milk can give him…
Try almond milk…I’ve never heard of a 17 month old still on formula…that’s strange…
Try Goats or almond milk,
Try vanilla almond milk
Try almond or silk milk. My son is 21 months and still on formula and we started getting him off of it and these are the only milks i have found that he will take. The almond sells sweetened and unsweeted and vanilla thats sweetened or unsweetened. My son will only drink the sweetened vanilla ones
Try almond milk. They make vanilla flavored
I’m agreeing with mixing it little by little. Please know that adding sugar or syrups are not ideal for any child. Children as young as 9 yrs old are already being diagnosed with fatty liver from processing too much sugar. If you want to know about fatty liver disease you can Google it.
He doesn’t need milk if he’s eating properly. Otherwise try Ripple, Pediasure, or toddler formula. Silk is garbage. Nut/soy milk has zero nutritional value.
Poor eating an empty can of formula and let him see you pouring it out and he’ll think it’s the formula
He doesn’t actually need milk now. My 4th child didn’t want to give up the formula at a year, so I buy toddler formula for awhile. But she loves her milk. Especially warmed with a little sugar. But I’ve been told they don’t actually need it when it came to my 5th who hates milk. I was just told to make sure she eats healthy. Thankfully she is the healthiest eater I have.
Pour the milk in an empty can of formula
My daughter never liked milk. She ate cheese and ice cream, though, and grew up fine.
They have formula for toddlers.
Mix half formula and half milk
He may just not like milk. My 2 1/2 year old doesn’t like any kind of milk. None. I have tried every kind. Not exaggerating. Her doctor said it’s fine just make sure she’s getting plenty of other milk based products like cheeses and yogurt! She’s not deficient in her calcium or anything and is healthy. Not everybody likes milk. And that’s ok. It’s not a necessity to make them drink.
Girl my kids hate milk only time they drink it is in cereal.
I added milk to the formula and slowly lessened the amount of formula. Eventually it’ll be just milk. If that doesn’t work I would just stop with the formula and make sure the nutritional food is there with the right amount of dairy intake in other ways.
He shouldn’t need formula or milk now really. He should be fully on solids and be drinking water and diluted juice. Maybe one bottle of milk a day. Too much formula can cause health problems x
He’ll get there I ended up breastfeeding my lo til he was 2 n he hated the taste of milk just be patient always offer it
I didn’t drink milk from nine months on. Never have liked it. I always ate really well though.
Try to slowly transition him to regular milk to get him used to it. Start off with 2 oz reg milk & the rest formula, then increase the reg. milk & decrease the formula until it is all milk.
I really hope you’re not talking about baby formula …
Milk itself is not needed the same as formula.
Milk is terrible for you! Find something else.
I wouldn’t drink something I didn’t like, so why make a child? There is no need for milk in a human diet once the child has been weaned.
It’s not needed since the child should be getting all that is needed from regular foods now. My son had maybe 1 vmcuo of milk a day amd that was unsweetened almond milk.
They don’t HAVE to have milk
Offer it but supplement other dairy products for his daily nutritional needs if he still refuses. Just make sure he still gets the nutrients he needs and it’s just the start of the picky stage
I had to slowly transition from formula to milk. I would mix them. I started with say, 2 oz of whole milk and then 6 oz of formula and slowly changed it. It took about 3-4 weeks but now he has no issues.
They do NOT need to have milk of any kind after 1yr of age
When I was changing my 2 year old from formula too milk, I started out with half water and half milk
Almond milk is a pretty good substitute
Water it down then start decreasing the water in it that’s what I did with mine, and she has a bottle of milk for bed every night.
But in saying that i start mine at 6 months on cows milk.
Slowly introduce milk one ounce with six ounces of formula for a few days. Then two ounces of milk with five ounces of formula for a few days. Then four ounces of milk with four ounces of formula for a few days. Continue increasing milk and lessening formula until you are using all milk. Worked for three of my children. Good luck!
Mix it with his formula and let him get used to it slowly, every few days make it a little more milk and a little less formula till it’s all milk
Try almond milk my kids loved it and still do
I would never mix syrups with the milk. Milk isn’t really needed. Vitamin D and Calcium are and can be found in other sources.
Why is he still on formula??
I use milo or ovaltine
Milk is ok for a 17 month old. If you want to do milk, do whole. Whole is always recommended until age of 3 by pediatricians. There is also something called Toddler Transitions by Enfamil. It’s got a vanilla kind of flavor to it. Of course, run it by your pediatrician first. But the enfamil Toddler Transitions is similar to the formula with all of the nutrients a growing baby needs. It is completely safe to transition to. I gave it to my child and she liked it
Maybe mix it with the formula hes on now? That’s what I did. Then slowly added more milk
Mix it with the formula and slowly start decreasing the formula until it’s all milk. That’s what I did with mine
Oh no. Mix the mom
Lk with the formula.add an ounce of milk about every 4 days . That’s what I did with my son.
American milk is full of hormones, antibiotics & pesticides. A Dr. told me, “Milk is the perfect food…for baby cows who put on 300 lbs. in their first year.” We drink a ton of milk because the Dairy Industrial complex wants it that way. If you must feed him milk, at least get organic.
Try heating it up a little I had to do that with mine and eventually they drink it cold
ANYWAYS all I meant is don’t stress about the milk. Some kids just don’t like it. He’s old enough for Juice or water. I used the Gerber juice and still watered it down from the baby isle. At this point, it’s just for him to drink not his main source of food anymore like formula was.
Mix the formula with regular milk and increase it until he drinks regular.
He will get used to it. Save money, give him whole milk. You’re the adult. He will eat whatever u give him PERIOD
Don’t use honey it’s dangerous for babies under the age of 2
Why is he still on formula? He should have been transitioned before turning one. I would start by mixing them together and then transition him to milk.
Milk is gross. Make sure he is eating a bite of cheese or a dairy product that is safe for him that has a flavor
They dont need milk it’s ok if they dont drink milk… Get some good vitamins
There are a lot of people who either can’t drink milk or just plain don’t like it… And they survive just fine. You don’t NEED cow’s milk - not a calf
Try vanilla almond milk . It has some flavor that he might like versus regular milk
Did you try almond milk its all my granddaughters drink
My son was like that. He was on formula till 15 months then we found milk that worked. We mixed formula and milk till he was 19 months my son is now on soy milk and is 21 months and doing good. We went through 8 different formulas before we got a good one and 4 different milk before we got the right match. Takes time
Almond milk has no nutritional value. If he doesn’t like milk, just make sure he gets calcium from other sources like cheese and yogurt.
Maybe whole milk ? My son hates anything that’s not whole milk
My son refused milk after taking the bottle away around 1. Hes three now and still wont drink milk. I just make sure to include other dairy products in his diet… yogurt, string cheese etc. He will have it in his cereal.
My kids didnt like milk at the beginning but after the first week they were good. Just have to keep offering it.
SMDH…The questions that some mothers ask…If only WE could regulate who could reproduce.
You could try almond milk.
Organic oat milk tastes really good he might like that. Or maybe macadamia milk or Almond. If he doesnt like it that much its okay. If he wants to just drink water with a little juice that’s ok too. He can get his protein from other sources.
We went straight from formula to water/juice he didn’t agree with milk
try doing half and half then gradually switching to a full glass its hard to get use to as first for them so they wont take it. also heat the bottle up if thats what u normally do
When we switched, we did it graduallu. First we did mostly formula with some milk. From there, we would decrease the amount of formula and increase the amount of milk. And continue until finally it’s just the milk.
Soy or almond, they also have rice milk
Would it really hurt to keep him on the formula a little while longer besides who’s going to know only you
I definitely wouldn’t be adding syrups or sugar… he doesn’t need milk. The only time my son would drink milk is if it was warmed up
Don’t give straight milk…mix with formula…if he takes 8 oz bottle start with half ounce of whole milk…kids need fat for their brain development…it will take some time but then they get used to it
Should’ve done that awhile ago. My littlest refused to drink it cold when I switched. Had to warm it up a little bit. She’s just bout a year n 9 months now n will finally take it cold
just try goat’s milk what’s the healthiest next to breast milk