Miss diagnosed any one else experience this…?

Hello, so I had an ectopic pregnancy in October, and I had waited for 4 months to try again as advised by the doctors. I asked for an ultra sound to ease my mind to
Make sure everything was ok… well my doctor denied and refused and said “no everything is fine go ahead and try after Christmas” they are suppose to be medically educated. Well we thought ok, everything must be fine… so we did just that and tried again. Well little did I know my left tube was infected and I had major blood clotts surrounding my left tube :frowning: so they had to rush me in to emergency surgery to get my tube taken out. I still have my other one…. But I am so scared and so hurt… we were so close at starting our family and we finally thought we would have our rainbow baby…. I feel like my relationship is falling apart and go at each other because the pain of this truly hurts. I feel like I’m falling apart. I don’t want to wait again to start our family. If they would have told me in the beginning about my tube we wouldn’t have to go through this again, but now we’re back at the beginning. Anyone else go through this? Did you have trouble conceiving after going through tubal surgery ? How did you cope? I just have my heart and mind set on a family. And I got
Miss diagnosed and almost died because I trusted my doctor….