Must haves for new baby?

What are some must haves for a new baby, or anything you felt like was super helpful? It’s been almost 5 years since I had my daughter so we literally have nothing except a pack and play. I’m due in March and I can not for the life of me remember some of those baby items that I felt like were a godsend with her


A bouncy seat was my life saver! I could get stuff done while my babies hung out in their seat. We had the one that played music and vibrated.


Bouncy seat and swing were my life savers! My youngest had bad reflux and those were the only ways I could put her down for a few minutes. Try googling and reading reviews on some of the products you’re interested in as well. Always helps

Bottle brush,Bottle drying rack

My mom sent me this and said I wouldn’t sleep with out it. My baby does love it.

The halo Velcro swaddles!

Gas drops, tylenol, swaddle, bassinet, sleepers, baby nail scissors, definitely a swing, a bounce seat that is easy to carry, extra bottles.

Stroller, glider/rocker , diaper genie, bottle brush if using bottles.

Ditch the gripe water. Mylicon drops are amazing. And you can’t OD etc

A bouncer for sure and for new newborn’s a bassinet at least for me cause I had really bad anxiety about having my baby in the other room and it was just a lot easier to have baby right next to my bed to be able to roll over and just have her right there and knowing the baby was ok. Swadlers too In the avent baby bottles Can I help if you have a collicky baby. And a baby swing those are life savers as well

Pacifier, burping cloths or extra receiving blankets, gas drops, earache drops, rubbing alcohol for umbelica cord, Desitin oint for diaper change, for diaper rash. If you are breastfeeding: breast pump, pads for bra, bottles for holding breast milk or water. Dk Karo in case baby gets constipated, you add sm amt to milk.

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Cloth diapers on shoulder for burping
Stroller car seat in 1
Great bottles
Baby shampoo
Baby lotion Lavender
Infant seat high chair
Brush and comb
Baby oil for cradle cap
Bumper guards cloth that tie
Crib sheets LOTS
Ivory Snow was clothes separate from yours

Burp rags/swaddles, all the medicine (tylenol, gripe water, infant chest rub), nose Frida, white noise machine, sensitive soap for baby, mittens, a good carrier that supports your back, wipe warmer (I only say that because my son would lose it if a cold wipe touched him), nail clippers. If breastfeeding then pump, nipple balm, pads, storage bags

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Grooming kit. Shampoo and body wash. Bath tub. Burp clothes. Receiving blankets. Thermometer. Diapers. Wipes. Diaper bag. Meds. Bottles or breast pads, storage bags and nipple cream. Bottle brush. Pacifier. Bassinet or crib sheets. Stroller. Car seat. Socks. Mittens. Onesies. Books. Bouncer. Baby carrier. Swing. Tummy time mat. Diaper rash cream. Nose sucker. Clothes and sleepers.

A bouncy seat can help a lot .
Diapers / wipes
A bag for putting everything you need when you take the baby out
Burping cloths
A car seat
Baby skin products
Diaper rash cream

Do get yourself a cradle swing. Will free up your hands for whatever. Decide if baby will have own room or co sleep to pick your baby bed. Get a portable changing pad, you really don’t need a changing table, the pad lets you change anywhere. You’ll need scratch mittens all babies get touchy feely with their faces and those baby nail clippers and a nose sucker thng but those usually come in a baby care set. Decide if breast feeding or bottle and what your needs will be. They make plenty of things for babies, but if you remember right, you never needed most of it. Oh and congratulations!

A recliner/rocker was my bff lol