My 1 year old is constipated...advice?

Need help with my 1 yr old son’s constipation! Hes been having trouble sleeping, gassy, struggling to pass his BMs, and so so SO angry and mean, which I think is from the pain. He only drinks about 8 oz of whole milk a day. Occasional cheese but not a ton. I’ve tried pedia-lax chewables but it didn’t seem to help at all, and I can’t imagine giving it to him every single day, I’d rather fix the root issue.


My daughter was getting constipated and it ended up being a milk sensitivity. Switched her to almond milk and never happened again. I’d take to Dr just to be sure it’s nothing serious. Pear juice helped some

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My son had this problem too. He is now thirty and we didn’t figure out the root cause until he was about twenty two. It was soy. Particularly soy lecithin. It’s in A LOT of stuff and now that he knows, he is able to avoid it and live a relatively pain-free life. We have also seen the same symptoms in his daughter when she was only three weeks old. Soy lecithin is in most formulas and that was the culprit. It’s amazing what is being put into our food that our bodies just don’t get along with!

Moee Water, limit bananas, give prune juice or the prune puree… when these didn’t work for my son when he was a baby, the Dr told us to use suppositories.

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As a momma who’s kiddo struggled with chronic constipation from toddler through teen years, I can tell you the few things that worked (and didn’t work) for my child. Apples have natural pectin in them, which may act as a firming agent in some kids - making the problem worse, rather than better. Infant glycerin suppositories can help. Have the doctor give your child the once over to ensure nothing serious is up - you can push for an X-ray. If it’s been going on for a long time, your child may be impacted (large mass of hard dry stool sitting in the colon) - liquid stool may leak out around it, giving the impression that the child has diarrhea rather than constipation. Myralax was a game changer for us. I can’t count the number of things we tried before being prescribed it.

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My babies were like this. Warm baths with a gentle belly massage in the water seemed to help. The Frida baby anti gas stick seemed like it hurt. The expensive anti gas belly rub is basically Vaseline lol. & zero cheese until it passes. Hope this helps!

When my son was little we used gripe water and gas drops.

Have you tried an ounce of cooled boiled water with a tablespoon of orange juice in ? Always worked for my kids /grandkids .

Miralax is the only thing that helped my daughter, I do not give it to her everyday just once a week with juice.

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Diluted orange or apple juice. Actual fruit juice type. Or give him fruit such as blueberries and oranges to snack on.


Yogurt, pear juice not prune! Prune creates cramping where pear juice will stimulate without the cramps.

Lil mineral oil in bottle of milk

Prune juice
Apple juice

Anything with fiber should help.

Fresh fruit and veggies

His now deliverd in Jesus mighty name :pray:

How about seeing a Dr? Need to make sure no obstruction.


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My 1yo had a ton of blueberries thismorning after being really constipated, within 2 hours, he’s back to himself. My daughter was really bad, I gave her almond milk instead of whole milk.

Kero syrup in his milk. It will make go to the bathroom.

For now stay away from apples, bananas, and rice (and anything with those as ingredients). For now add a little karo syrup to his milk. That’s what his pediatric GI Dr told us, then put my son on miralax. My son has chronic constipation due to being born with a perforated rectum and related surgeries. Hope you and your little one’s dr find the root and get it corrected.

I would start with doctor, and go from there stuff works fir one and not other . Sorry for the pain

I used apple prune juice for my kids worked everytime not sure if they still make it

1 oz pear juice, 1 oz prune juice, 1 oz water. Worked for my son when he was a baby

Apple juice or white grape juice