My 1-year-old only wants grandpa

This is how my 2 year old is with my sister’s! It’ll be ok. He still loves you! Just be thankful he has lots of love in his life. That’s what the kids need!

My kids are 25, 23 and 15, their Papaw has always been and still is their absolute favorite person in the world. I raised mine as a single parent, they never had a father in their lives, but I’m so thankful they have their papaw as a positive male role model. I’m thankful they have a man in their lives that they can love and trust with everything. That relationship is so special, please don’t ruin it over jealously. Your baby still loves you , trusts you and wants you, but that papaw relationship is so special. They need it.

I wouldn’t worry about it.
You’re child will always love you more than anyone in this world nothing compares to a mother’s love :heart:

Not to worry. Your his MOM and always will be. As time goes on, you will be glad he had papaw as a father figure.

There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s normal. Enjoy it.

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My son still wants his grandpa all the time and he’s 10. I also live with my parents. It’s not a big deal to me as me and my son have always been close. I personally think it’s great for your child to have a male role model. Plus you also get time to yourself. It will get better as your child gets older. Hang in there mama.

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All babies seem to favor one person over another my son did the same he preferred my Dad over me or his own father still 18 years later would rather be around his grandfather than anyone else doesn’t mean he doesn’t love me it’s a soul connection I think I feel Blessed that he is able to have that bond with a true example of a good man in his life to teach him.:woman_shrugging:

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My son was like that too. He’s now 18 and him and my dad are still best friends


That’s wonderful. Consider yourself lucky to have a dad that cares so much. Some grandparents don’t even want their grandchildren around or care for them. Your child will always remember the precious time with his grandpa


Normal they change who they get attached too, don’t take it personally

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It’s a phase. My kiddo went from screaming each time she saw my grandpa’s face,to clinging to him not wanting to leave when we visit. It will pass, mama. I understand,tho as that would sting.


Absolutely it’s just a stage.

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Gratitude goes a long way. Be grateful your child has so many who love him. It’s a phase, he’ll change who his favorites are as he gets older. Try not to take it personal and if you are you should self respect on that. It shows unhealed parts of your soul. Good luck mama❤

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It could also be a stress thing if you are always stressed they sense that and avoid you.

l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $22158 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Don’t worry about it, he is still little and knows you are mom, he just has a big bond with grandpa and that’s okay. My son was like this with my dad and I loved it, every time Papa came to visit they were attached but as time passes my son has moved on and although he loves Papa he now rather play with cousins and explore. Kids go through phases. It is normal.


My sisters kids did this when they were at my parents house. It’ll be okay, they get attached to people in their lives. Don’t let it get you down.

l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19986 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

My second daughter Loved her GreatGrandfather,would stay with him all day,she gradually grew out of it and started playing with other kids

My son has also been really attached to my dad ever since he was a baby. His papa is still his favorite person and he is 12

I live across the world from my family and when we visited them my daughter was 18 months old (ish) and literally only wanted my sister whom she hadn’t seen (in person) since she was 5 months old. The entire visit she ONLY wanted my sister to a point that I couldnt even get her to sleep without my sister being there in the bed with us until she fell asleep.

My sister is just her favorite person and even though, like you, it hurt my feelings… she eventually came around.

My grandkids lived with us till they were 3 and 5 while our daughter and her husband could save for a house. The kids clung to me and papa as well. We were the ones home with them while mom and dad went to work. It bothered our kids as well. I was the same way with my grandparents when I was little. The grandparents just have more time and little kids will cling to that. When our kids moved out the grandkids had a difficult time adjusting, but they did. Patience and time works everything out. Now when I have the kids after school they cry for mom and dad. Let things work themselves out and enjoy the relationship your child is building. Having grandparents around that care isn’t something everyone is blessed to have


Dont panic. Its wonderful. Enjoy while you can.

I understand what your going thru. I have been a single parent since my daughter was 3 weeks old, moved in with my father when she was 4 weeks old. My daughter was the same way at that age, but she has grown more out of it. She still likes to have her grandpa for certain things, but it’s not what it use to be. Just give him some time and never feel like a bad mom or your not doing your best. He has a great relationship with his grandpa, but your still Mom and that won’t change for him.

Courtney Leanne Trefney

Don’t worry about it. Embrace it. Mine always asks for her Mimi and pawpaw. I’m for it. Life is short.

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Don’t take it personally. They have formed a bond. That will never take your place in his heart. It is a phase, but he will always want his grandpa, but, boys want there mums too !!

Not to worry. He’s at the age where they pick a certain person, besides mom, to bond with. He knows your mom. It is great he has a good person to bond with as well as mom. Don’t take it too personally. Good luck :heart:

No your not doing anything wrong and it very well could be a phase hanging there momma just breathe